1 For spiritual and physical refreshment during the summer break in readiness to continue the autumn programme of events and activities. Pray for the visitors who will lead worship and preach during the Pastor's holiday in August.
2 For guidance, discernment and compassion in dealing with challenging situations that continue to have an impact on many members of the church fellowship and may effect relationships and witness.
3 As with so many others, we can identify areas for ministry and we can see opportunities but need wisdom in order to undertake those things in accordance with the resources we have available. Please pray for leadership and willing workers with a desire for Mission.
1 For the Food Bank collection point that is now established at the church building and serves the local area on Thursday afternoons.
2 For the faithful members of the church fellowship who are willing servants and demonstrate such great commitment to the Lord and His church.
3 For the Parent and Toddler group that draws many from the local area with most having no other church connection.
4 For the long standing relationships with local schools that have been established over many years.
Pastor: Rev Alan Reed