Wednesday, 29 October 2014

NBA Prayers for 2nd November - Portrack Baptist Church (Stockton-on-Tees)


  • For Linda's appointment and good working relationships
  • For opportunities to work with the local school at Harvest and Remembrance Day
  • For 'Love Stockton'- joint churches prayer and mission in the town


  • That Jim, Linda and the eldership will build on a positive new start and be renewed in vision together with the church to hear and do what God is saying in this new season
  • That a new prayer initiative will bring blessing to the Portrack and Tilery housing estates
  • That plans for ministry over Christmas will come together and be a blessing to the church family and the local community
Ministers: Rev Jim Wright and Rev Linda Donaldson

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

NBA Prayers for 26th October - New Life Baptist Church, Northallerton


·         We thank God for His faithfulness and provision, particularly thanking Him for Glen Cormack and Greg Condon, now in post for nearly a year as Senior Pastor and Youth Leader.

·         As we enter the new season after the summer break, we thank the Lord for the momentum and the sense of anticipation evident in the church, as we see the Lord at work in people's lives.

·         We thank God for the 7 people who have been baptised this year, all with very different and exciting stories of God's faithfulness and call. 


Please pray for

·         The 30 or so people attending our Alpha course this autumn.

·         The church leadership, as they work through developing the church's vision in partnership with Lead Academy.

·         Our current teaching series "Getting to know the Holy Spirit", that as a church we will not simply learn about him, but will get to know him better.

·         Our Home Groups as we focus on prayer. We will be praying for our friends and family, and also studying the Lord's Prayer, following the Prayer Course.

·         Our Youth Cell Groups who are meeting in newly structured groups on different nights from before. Pray that our young people will put down roots in their faith and be faithful witnesses to their friends.

Senior Pastor: Rev Glen Cormack

NBA Prayers for 19th October - Grange Road BC (Jarrow)



  • God's continuing grace and faithfulness, as we celebrate 150 years of Baptist witness in Jarrow.
  • Well attended Harvest Festival and Thank Offering / Anniversary Weekends
  • Ongoing worship services and mid-week meetings and activities



  • that God will raise up people able to undertake positions of responsibility within the Church
  • that our outreach activities will lead people to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ
  • opportunities to minister to young people
Minister: Rev Roy Merrin

Monday, 6 October 2014

NBA Prayers for 12th October - East Cleveland BC

Thanks for:

a new set of leaders for our youth and children's work

3 new babies born into our congregation this year

that Foodbank and CAP have brought us into contact with a lot of people from the community.


Pray for:

some of our recent converts to come through to baptism

the 20 or so unchurched young people who come to our youth clubs

our Leadership Team, most of whom are under pressure from health, family and time issues

Minister: Rev Phil Dixon

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

NBA Prayers for 5th October - Westoe Road Baptist Church, South Shields

Prayer requests


Our ongoing children's work within the Church through Whizz Kids, Baby Vine, Mini Maestros, Brownies and Boys Brigade. Please pray that we continue to develop relationships with the many children and families we see each day and that we take every opportunity to share our Faith with them.


Our Pastor, Julie Price, as she continues in here effective leadership of this Church. Please pray for her as she continues her training.


Our links into the Community through our work with schools and our local Care Home. Please pray that these links continue so that we are a visible presence in the Community which will encourage others to come to know Christ through our work.

Pastor: Julie Price
