Wednesday, 25 March 2015

NBA Prayers for 29th March - West View BC (Hartlepool)

Continue to pray for the church, following the death of Marjorie Wheatley last year, our church secretary. She is greatly missed.

Give thanks for the relatively large number of children and young people who are part of our Sunday congregation. Pray we will continue to help them to grow in their faith.

Give thanks for new faces, new members and for an increasingly diverse congregation. Pray we would be a community that welcomes all.

Pray for the church in the coming months as we experience some disruption and embark on some refurbishment of the building

Minister: Rev Tim Hyde

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

NBA Prayers for 22nd March - South Hylton IMC (Sunderland)

Praise for:

·                     Two regular attenders now received into membership

·                     Extra people coming to the fortnightly morning Bible study

·                     More visits to the church by the local Primary School and the monthly assemblies in the school.

Prayer for:

·                     God's vision and guidance in all our activities

·                     More people coming to know the Lord

·                     Help with the work among children and young people.

·                     Some older church members with serious health problems

·                     New younger families to join the fellowship

Minister: Mrs Anne Chisholm


Wednesday, 11 March 2015

NBA Prayers for 15th March - Berwick Baptist Church

Give thanks to God for the growth that we are seeing spiritually and numerically; and for the sense of God's Spirit moving within the church in a new way.


Pray for this to continue, especially that God would bring musicians to develop a band, young families and the development of Sunday school and youth ministries.


Pray for God to give us wisdom as we build links with the local travelling community, as we are seeing a number of families coming regularly to our meetings.

Lastly, that God would raise leaders up within our church to join the leadership as our church begins to grow.

Pastor: Rev John Hodgkins

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

NBA Prayers on 8th March for Norton BC (Stockton-on-Tees)

Praise and thanksgiving for the last 25 years as the church celebrates its silver jubilee this Easter. During this time the church has always rented premises. Prayer and praise that Stockton Council have just agreed to negotiate with us the sale of a plot of land to us on the Norton Education Site once it closes. Pray for successful negotiations and the resources to purchase the land and build a church.


Praise for God's blessing on two recent mission trips by church folk from the church to Tanzania and India. Pray for God's continuing anointing on our five NBC missionaries serving overseas: Peta – Tanzania; Tony & Judith – Kenya/South Sudan; Kamil & Kathy – Turkey.


Pray for our ongoing children's work as our staff Children's worker, Hannah, finishes at the end of March and gets married and moves away. Pray for sufficient volunteers to serve in these ministries and for wisdom as we decide future church staffing needs.

Minister: Rev Ian Fulcher
