THANK YOU for your prayers for our evening service - numbers are up, due in part to the excellent preaching series right through the book of Revelation by David Taylor-Black. As this series draws to a close on 31st May, please pray that we'd meet the Lord by his Spirit through his word in our next series.
Please continue to pray for more musicians to step forward.
In August we are sending a team of teenagers to do youth and children's work in rural Uganda. In October we're sending an adult team to do gospel preaching and development work in schools and prisons. Please pray for the finances, and then for safety and fruitfulness... and for anxious relatives back home.
Give thanks for the continued level of unity among several central churches in Stockton, Baptist and others. We have jointly given out 4,000 TryPraying booklets - please pray that unchurched folks would learn to pray and give their hearts to the Lord to whom they're praying!
Thanks very much!
Senior Pastor: Rev Andrew Waugh