Wednesday, 27 May 2015

NBA Prayers for 31st May (Trinity Sunday) - "The Tab"

THANK YOU for your prayers for our evening service - numbers are up, due in part to the excellent preaching series right through the book of Revelation by David Taylor-Black. As this series draws to a close on 31st May, please pray that we'd meet the Lord by his Spirit through his word in our next series.

Please continue to pray for more musicians to step forward.

In August we are sending a team of teenagers to do youth and children's work in rural Uganda. In October we're sending an adult team to do gospel preaching and development work in schools and prisons. Please pray for the finances, and then for safety and fruitfulness... and for anxious relatives back home.

Give thanks for the continued level of unity among several central churches in Stockton, Baptist and others. We have jointly given out 4,000 TryPraying booklets - please pray that unchurched folks would learn to pray and give their hearts to the Lord to whom they're praying!
Thanks very much!

Senior Pastor: Rev Andrew Waugh


Wednesday, 20 May 2015

NBA Prayers for 24th May (Pentecost)

Give Thanks:


For the gift of the Spirit whose presence assures, comforts, strengthens and equips us. Rejoice that the Spirit who was there at creation and through whom Christ was risen is at work in our lives.


Our mission partnerships with Texas and Lithuania; our involvement in world-wide mission through BMS World Mission and links which our churches have with many other mission initiatives around the world. Here in the North East we are helping to change the wider world.


We thank God for the privilege of learning and that education is free for our children and young people.


Pray for:


A greater openness to grow in the Spirit, that his presence within and amongst us may be clearly evident, and that all churches would lovingly and powerfully move forward with the Spirit's enabling.


The strengthening of our mission partnerships, especially for wisdom regarding our Texas partnership, with the initial five year covenant now having come to an end. Also ask God to deepen and develop our partnerships for mission with one another across the NBA. Pray for the proposed mission week in Bishop Auckland from July 20th - 26th - for this project to be the starting point of a greater movement of internal mission teams serving one another across our region.


All our young people who are sitting exams over the next few months that they may be able to think clearly, work diligently and handle with all the tensions and anxiety of this time.

NBA Website:

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

NBA Prayers for 17th May - Marsden Roads Baptist Tabernacle (South Shields)

Please pray:

for Graham White, who is retiring at the end of June, and for the Church as they seek God's guidance in the weeks and months ahead. 
for the deacons as they shoulder a lot more responsibility in the coming months.

for our Wednesday Afternoon Meeting of elderly ladies, called The Friendly Circle. Having gone through a change of leadership in the last year, they are doing well.


Give thanks for the deacons, especially the two who have been elected for the first time at our recent AGM.

Praise God for the work among the young people of the church on Sunday Morning, and during the week with our Uniformed Organisations (Brownies, Guides and three sections of the Boys Brigade).

Minister: Rev Graham White


Wednesday, 6 May 2015

NBA Prayers for 10th May - Winton United LEP (Eden Valley, Cumbria)



Please pray for:

1) various members of our congregation who are suffering from health issues and / or recovering from injuries.

2) the church as we seek to develop new ways of worship and outreach.

3) wisdom and guidance within the wider circuit as we come to a decision about future ministry in the circuit.




Please give thanks for:

1) the increasing contribution of junior church members to the life of the church.

2) the influx of new - and enthusiastic - members in recent years.

3) the variety of local preachers who offer a range of approaches and ideas.

Methodist Minister: Rev Phil Drew