Wednesday, 31 August 2016

NBA Relay Prayers for 4th September - Norton BC (Stockton-on-Tees)

Praise for:

  • the opportunity to purchase land from the Council on which to build a church;
  • an ever growing toddler/baby ministry and an active 'Young at Heart' group for senior folk;
  • all those who faithfully serve in the church to enable all our ministries to thrive.


Please pray for:

  • the Council to finalise the land sale particulars and for us to raise the necessary finance for the project;
  • growth in the 20-40's age group range particularly;
  • the many people we are in relationship with through our midweek ministries to come to faith.


Please also pray that we may know the clear guidance of the Lord as we embark on this major building project, whilst continuing and developing our ministries in the community.

Minister: Rev Ian S Fulcher


Wednesday, 24 August 2016

NBA Relay Prayers for week from 28th August - Glendale Crossing Places (Wooler)

"The Greatest Show on Earth", the Rio Olympics, has, as always, given us some fantastic insights into what human beings are capable of. And they symbolise some of the tasks facing Crossing Places, a small but significant rural missional initiative in beautiful Glendale.  This is an area which is struggling economically, socially and spiritually, but has a strong sense of community in which relationships matter greatly.


So, please pray for us as we seek to fulfil our three aims of sowing the gospel (humanity), forming community (discipleship) and serving the Kingdom of God (in the local community).

Community Minister: Rev Bill Eugster

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

NBA Relay Prayers for week from 21st August - Winton United LEP (Cumbria)

Give thanks for:

The recent marriage of one of the oldest members of our fellowship.

The speedy recovery of our Baptist lay minister, Donald, following his recent hip replacement.

The growing willingness of more members of the fellowship to take a more active role within the church.


Pray for:

Our superintendent Methodist minister, Phil, as he steps down from the role this month.

The plans to renovate and remodel our chapel building, with a view to using it more for outreach and to benefit the local community.

Several members of our fellowship who are currently dealing with illness and dementia in family members.

Superintendent Minister: Rev Phil Dew (Methodist)

Baptist Lay Minister: Mr Donald Marston

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

NBA Prayers for 14th August - Baptist Union of Lithuania

The Baptist Union of Lithuania congregations prayer requests:


Ylakiai congregation

So many need prayer, but among our concerns:

1. "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few". We ask the Lord to call more workers.

2. We thank God for a few awake souls, who are preparing for baptism. For this matter we ask God's leading.

3. We pray for a small group who are approaching and questioning, only visitors at the moment, but who seem to have stopped halfway.

4. We have considerable financial-household concern. It is necessary to repair the church's building's roof, which has served us since 1931. We should do the repairs next year. Certainly, it will not be easy with finances for a small congregation, but we pray God to help find a solution.

5. On 7th August we celebrated 111 years of ministry. Give thanks to God for that witness.

6. For pastor Albertas Latužis (he has cancer) and his surgery later this month.


Visaginas congregation

1. Little boy Slavik, son of our brother from the church, has has got ill with diabetes. He is only 1 year old. Illness proved to be inborn, but it was exposed only now. His parents Večeslav and Liudmila are together with the boy stayed in hospital in Kaunas. They will be trained to do insulin injections and care for the child. We ask for prayer for Slavik's health, and that God would give strength, patience and comfort for the parents.

2. For our pastor Vladimir Stasenko; he has leukemia.


Vilnius congregation

1. For the school in our congregation's building and its leaders and teachers. The school needs more pupils. Pray for increased number and for the wisdom to teach in a Christian way.

2. For the children's day centre settled in our building.

3. For pastor Irmantas Pinkoraitis (he has cancer – Non-Hodgkin lymphona, stage 4); also peace for him and his family.


The Baptist Union of Lithuania

For unity of the Union and for it's growth.



And thank God that there are believers who appreciate the ministry of prayer.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

NBA Prayers for 7th August - Tryon Evergreen Baptist Association (Texas)

Give thanks for the mission partnership which we have enjoyed with TEBA in Texas over the past few years, especially for the mission teams who have visited NBA churches and boosted our own mission and ministry.

Please pray:

1   For the future of this relationship, as things have gone somewhat quiet over the past couple of years. For wisdom on both our parts as to whether it is worth pursuing this relationship

2   For Roger Yancey, Executive Director of TEBA, as he brings vision and resources to the Association.

3   For the USA at this time of political change with a forthcoming Presidential election.
