Wednesday, 22 February 2017

NBA Prayers for 26th February - Beacon Lough BC (Gateshead)

Give thanks for:

All the regular weekly activities that continue to grow and all the dedicated helpers and leaders.

Prayer for Gateshead initiative with other local churches working well.

Small signs of growth in the Sunday morning congregation.


Pray for:

God's leading and direction as we continue to connect with our local community.

God's blessing on our plans for Easter and other outreach activities.

Continued good health and well-being for our more senior members, while covering with prayer those known to the church family with long term health issues.

Pastor: Rev Bob Adams (and FB and Twitter)

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

NBA Prayers for 19th February - Hetton Independent Methodist Church

·         Good numbers of Young People attending Sunday School and Church Services
·         Contact with the local community

·         Gill Tweddle accepting the call into the Ministry


·         The numerous instances of ill health in the church
·         For the conversion of our Young People and the impact they could have on their families and our community
·         For Gill Tweddle as she is commissioned as a Minister and the calling that God has in store for her.

Church President: Shaun Newton

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

NBA Prayers for 12th February - Coulby Newham BC (Middlesbrough)

Giving thanks for

·         We have recently found out that we have been awarded a large grant of £55,000 to refurb and transform our run down community building into an amazing space for all our projects to run from and giving loads of new scope for starting new projects in the future. There will be massive changes happening including a café area and moving walls (very fancy). So we are crazy excited and now busy getting quotes and finalising plans.

·         We are about to welcome in 9 new members this month and they are all wonderful and we are really excited about them joining God's mission with us at CNBC and taking on our family values. We also have two new believers who are doing Baptism prep with us. 

·         Growing financial stability. A couple of years ago we were looking at some serious financial problems, but now with some amazing support from Home Mission and a whole bunch of plans and visions coming together, we are now in a much more solid position. Can't tell you how thankful we are for this.



·         Please pray for us as we meet with and book contractors for the building work; we really want the right person to work with on these plans, as we only have 1 shot at getting it right. Grants like this don't come around very often.

·         Please pray for the Church and Stephen as 2017 will be Stephen's 7th year at Coulby and he is due a sabbatical at some point this year. Please pray for the right dates, the right focus for Stephen during that time, and for the Church to thrive under the different leadership over the 3 months he is away. 

·         Church Unity in Middlesbrough and Teesside to grow stronger and more effective in mission. Stephen has been a part of a network of local church leaders developing unity and mission together in the town and we sense that this is something that the Holy Spirit is leading and it will shape how Jesus' Church grows and expresses mission over the next few years. 

·         Pray that in all that goes on during 2017 we at CNBC keep the first things first and we grow in our depth of relationship with Jesus and our kingdom living. Pray that the Kingdom grows in Middlesbrough, please.

Pastor: Rev Stephen Sutton (and on FB and Twitter)

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

NBA Prayers for 5th February - Esh Winning BC (near Durham)


For the building we worship in as we celebrate 140 years in May and the Letting of our Manse for the financial support this gives the Church and its Mission focus.

Preachers who faithfully proclaim the Truth of God's Word from our pulpit each week.

Those who regularly and faithfully attend our services and meetings each week for Worship.


For Prayer:

Children's & Young Peoples work at our three groups each week that we may see New Life for Our Lord as a result.

God to Bless the Outreach work which goes on weekly so that His church will be built up with Born Again believers.

Church Revival and Growth together with Commitment from those who could attend for Worship but don't.