Wednesday, 31 May 2017

NBA Prayers for 4th June (Pentecost)

Give thanks for

·         the gift of the Spirit showered upon God's people at Pentecost and His work within us today

·         the fellowship, faithfulness and support churches offer to each other

·         the opportunities to share together with other Christians in the fellowship of worship, mission and prayer


Pray for

·         a deeper awareness of and fresh experience of the Holy Spirit in our lives

·         prayer initiatives such as 'Thy Kingdom Come' and 'Beacons of Prayer' and pray for specific people to come to Christ (see: and )

·         for the mission weekend at Rowley Baptist Church led the NBA team and others on 16th to 18th June

·         the NBA and NBC mission visit to Lithuania from 19th to 26th June. Gary Collier, David Skeet, Mel Nixon and John Claydon will be engaging with five of their churches.


Jesus said 'I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.' Acts 24: 49

Prayers provided by Rev Dr John Claydon (Regional Minister: Pastoral, Team Leader)

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

CORRECTED NBA Prayers for Sunday 28th May - Bishop Auckland BC


1  For the ministry of Trevor Rowe who has just left us on 16th April; we wish him well in his next phase of ministry

2  For positive renewed contacts within the local fellowship of churches, particularly with the Methodist Church across the road from us

3  Positive responses to an Easter egg hunt Easter day after the service, and also bunches of Flowers and Chocolates given out on Mothers' Day to people passing by 



1  For the next step after Trevor leaving and a small, faithful ageing Membership and congregation

2   For wisdom and encouragement to hear from God as to how we can be a blessing within the local community 

3  For a new leadership team, Marion and John 

4  Physical strength and support to carry out some gardening and other tasks that need doing

Team Leaders: Marion Hodgson & John Gaines

NBA Prayers for 28th May - Bishop Auckland BC


1  For the ministry of Trevor Rowe who has just left us on 16th April; we wish him well in his next phase of ministry

2  For positive renewed contacts within the local fellowship of churches, particularly with the Methodist Church across the road from us

3  Positive responses to an Easter egg hunt Easter day after the service, and also bunches of Flowers and Chocolates given out on Mothers' Day to people passing by 



1  For the next step after Trevor leaving and a small, faithful ageing Membership and congregation

2   For wisdom and encouragement to hear from God as to how we can be a blessing within the local community 

3  For a new leadership team, Marion and John 

4  Physical strength and support to carry out some gardening and other tasks that need doing

Team Leaders: Marion & John Hodgson

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

NBA Prayers for 21st May - Winton LEP

Can we give thanks for:
·         The continued success of our lunch club outreach.
·         The recovery of one of our members following his recent radiotherapy.
·         The fact that we have two fantastic ministers and lots of talented lay preachers within our church circuit.


Can we pray for:
·         The family of one of our members who died suddenly a couple of months ago.
·         Our young people as they tackle national exams.
·         The continuing process of planning alterations and improvements to our chapel building.

Ministers: Rev Phil Drew (Meethodist), Mr Donald Marston (Baptist)

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

NBA Prayers for 14th May - Thorney Close IMC (Sunderland)

We would like to give thanks for:
·         Our Easter weekend celebrations, and the leaflets which were handed out;

·         The newspapers that are being delivered each month as an outreach in the area
·         The new members who attend on a Sunday and the midweek Fellowship Meeting.


Prayer requests.
·         One of our young workers who helps to run the Kids' Club is leaving us, so we are praying for someone with a vision for children's work to take on the role.
·         Continued delivery of the newspapers, with a view to cover the whole estate.
·         For young families to come and join us.
·         For those members who are unable to attend because of ongoing sickness.

Minister: Martin Bolt

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

NBA Prayers for 7th May - New Life BC (Northallerton)


We thank God for:
·                     Our church family and for His manifest presence with us.

·                     The continued outreaches into the community, and the lives we see changed by the touch of His hand.

·                     Our young adults group and the growing fellowship there.
·                     Those who were baptised recently on Easter Sunday, for the encouragement of their testimonies and the joyful celebration of new life.



Please pray with us for the following:
·                     Our Pastors Glen Cormack, Steve Cowie and Elisabeth Jordan; and our Elders Wendy Bousfield, Rob Campbell, Richard Cutting, Diana Lucas, Simon Miers and Mike Turner. Please pray for the Lord's wisdom and discernment for them as they seek to lead the church together.

·                     Our participation, together with the other churches in Northallerton, in the Global Wave of Prayer "Thy Kingdom Come" 25th May to 4th June; and the special prayer room event at NLBC on 10th June to round this time off.

·                     Inspiration and encouragement to share our faith daily. Our teaching from Pentecost onwards will focus on the book of Acts, and will seek to equip us to share our faith, hearing testimonies week by week.

·                     Our weekend prayer retreat "Walking with Jesus" at Sneaton Castle, 23-25 June.

·                     The anniversary of the launch of Street Angels: we will have a special service on 2nd July, to which members of our community are invited.

Senior Pastor: Rev Glen Cormack (and FB)