Sunday, 11 June 2017

NBA Prayers for 2nd July - Berwick BC

Giving God thanks for:
1.    The work of renewal that is happening within the church.
2.    For the good relationships with Churches Together in our Town.
3.    The faithfulness of people in their giving, prayer and service.

Asking God for:
1.    Wisdom and knowledge for the way forward in developing evangelism as part of the DNA of our church life, together.
2.    That key people, with gifting and leadership abilities be lead to join us.
3.    Also, that God would bring families of mixed ages to our church.
4.    And finally, for our work amongst the Gypsy community, that we would see them grow in discipleship.

Pastor: Rev John Hodgkins

Saturday, 10 June 2017

NBA Prayers for 25th June - Wolsingham BC

Give thanks for:

* Recent Baptismal Service of David Barker, the first baptismal service in 15 years at the church.

* 3 people who have joined the church membership in the last 3 months.

* The 10 to 15 people to meet each week for worship and Christian fellowship.

* The new people the Lord has given us to help us build up the church and extend Christ's kingdom to our local community.


Please Pray for:

* Our ongoing witness as a church to our local community and Weardale.

* The way forward as a small fellowship as we seek the Lord's vision and help for the future of the church.

* The new people who have worshipped with us and are looking for a church that they will make our church there home.

* The Churches together outreach at the Wolsingham Agricultural show on Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd September 2017.

* Our housebound and unwell members.

* Our Pastor's on-going studies and training with Spurgeon's College.


Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

Pastor: Paul Harris

NBA Prayers for 18th June - Heaton BC

Give thanks:
·         Thank God for his faithfulness and provision during this time of interregnum.
·         For all the non-church groups who use the Life Centre (our church halls) during the week. For God providing us with such a wonderful resource. 


Pray for: 
·         Guidance as we seek a new Senior Minister. 
·         The Heaton Festival - organised by Heaton Churches Together on 24th of June. 
·         Messy Church - that we would begin to make disciples through this event. (and FB)

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

NBA Prayers for Sunday 11th June (Trintiy Sunday) - Middlesbrough BC, in Cambridge Road

·         We give thanks for signs of new growth in our children's / youth work.

·         We rejoice that another Christian fellowship has recently begun meeting in our premises.

·         We pray also for discussions surrounding other new initiatives in our youth work and outreach.

·         We pray for those members who battle with health concerns, or who are caring long‑term for a loved one.

·         We pray for Emanuel, who has recently left the UK to return to Romania.

·         We pray too for the courage to seek God's voice and obey - as we discern His plans for our church's future.

Pastor: Rev Nigel Riley (and FB)