Wednesday, 25 July 2018

NBA Prayers for 29th July - Middlesbrough BC

Thanks for our church;

·         for 169 years of ministry at MBC - recently celebrated at our church anniversary

·         on his last Sunday as our Pastor, for almost 6 years of Nigel's ministry here at MBC


Prayer for our church;

·         for Nigel and the family in their new ministry

·         for our church as we explore the future in conjunction with Re-Imagine


For our local community;

·         Thank you for the ministry of Big Kids for children aged 7 - 11 in the TS5 area

·         Pray for opportunities to work with our local church partners in order to grow God's Kingdom in TS5 Middlesbrough

Pastor: Rev Nigel Riley


Saturday, 14 July 2018

NBA Prayers for 22nd July - New Silksworth IMC

Thanks for our church:

For our young people currently attending the Detonate youth group on Wednesdays

Prayer for our church:

As we consider the future of our Mission Development and Outreach Co-ordinator worker

Thanks for our local community:

For the success of the recent "Bible Comes Alive" event over three days with the local schools

Prayer for our local community:

For the Kids Holiday Club, 5 days commencing on 23rd July

Minister: Alan Bickle (and FB)

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

NBA Prayers for 15th July - Upper Eden BC (Kirkby Stephen, Eden valley)

For our local church

Thanks to God for His faithfulness in being with us as a church through all the changes over the last couple of years.

Pray that He would show us the way forward as we consider our mission and having the right people in place to accomplish it.


For our local community

Thanks to God for the relationships that we have maintained with parents and the children through Holiday Club activities, Ladies Nights and seasonal parties throughout the year.

Pray that the parents would respond to the invitation to the Alpha course we are running in the autumn and wisdom as to who to invite from our community.

Team Leader: Mary Studd (FB & Twitter)

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

NBA Prayers for 8th July - New Life BC (Northallerton)

Thanks for our church:

Thank you, Lord, that you speak to your people and that you are teaching us to recognise your voice as we step out into new areas of ministry and seek you afresh for our existing ministries.


Prayer for our church;

Lord, please guide us as we enter new seasons in some long running ministries (such as New Life Romania) and begin new areas of ministry from scratch in our children's work, our community outreach and with other churches in the town. May your will be done and your name be glorified as we seek to serve you according to your will.


Thanks for our local community;

Thank you for One Northallerton, Church & Community Together; for the ministers and all those in the local churches as we work together in our community.


Prayer for our local community.

Please pray for Northallerton School and Sixth Form College as the school has been and is going through a tough time. Pray for the new head teacher and deputy head who will take over in September; and for the witness of Christians in the school, including the local churches.

Senior Pastor: Rev Glen Cormack (and FB)