Give thanks for all who serve in our Association and churches through training, support and encouragement, including mission, pastoral support, safeguarding, finance, IT, etc. May they be enriched as we serve together and see fruit for the Kingdom.
Pray for Paul Revill as he travels to visit suffering Christians in Kurdistan in Iraq and then, on his return, undergoes surgery on September 18th. Pray for our churches as they restart so many programmes and activities and also for those taking up new ministries amongst us: Dave Tubby at Heaton, Newcastle and Barry and Vicky Thompson at Darlington.
Give thanks for the beauty of the North East, its rich heritage of faith, community and industry and for all who work for the common good of the area.
Pray for those who serve us in national and local politics, industry, education, health and other public services. Pray for the churches of the area that we may be united in the common cause of the Gospel working to see more of God's Kingdom revealed amongst us.