Friday, 21 June 2019

NBA Prayers for 30th June 2019

Give thanks for the Holy Spirit working within us and amongst us, enabling us to serve Jesus where ever he places us.
Pray for those who give themselves fully to the work of the church, while also having many other demands on their lives; that they might have wisdom, so as not to put too much strain on themselves.
Give thanks for the primary schools in the area that give wonderful educational opportunities to the children of the community, and are open to people going into them and telling the stories of the Bible.
Pray for the wellbeing of the community, that all may be valued, not for what they have achieved, but because they are persons created in God's image.

Minister: Rev Ronnie Wynd
Website: (and on Facebook  

Monday, 17 June 2019

NBA Prayers – 23rd June 2019

We give thanks; 
for the two folks to be baptised 30th June
 for Chris and Caroline Friend who are called as co-ministers from September.
for the local community's openness to connecting with church based ministries
The school's welcome of our input and pastoral support

Please pray for

 the people being baptised.
 our pastor David Archer and his wife Moira as they prepare for his retirement
 for Chris and Caroline as they prepare for their new role
 the church during this transition.
Those working with young people in the area through
'Community@NE66'  (council-charity trust partnership)
'Gallery Youth Project'  (youth club)
Other agencies 

Pastor: Rev David Archer
Website: (and on Facebook)

Monday, 10 June 2019

NBA Prayers for 16th June 2019

Praise God for: the continued focus on the centrality of Scripture and the spiritual growth of those who attend our weekly Bible study groups and also the determination of the fellowship to share together in the Lord's work.
Pray for: the planned relaunching of our midweek children's meeting soon and for guidance and empowering for the two ladies who have committed themselves to this ministry.
Praise the Lord for our monthly coffee mornings which are drawing in new people from the village, extra links with local activities  and the impact of our displays outside the chapel.
Pray that despite the limitations of our building the Lord will show us how it can become focal point where needs can be met.

Minister: Mrs. A. I. Chisholm
Facebook: South Hylton Independent Methodist Church

Monday, 3 June 2019

NBA Prayers for Pentecost Sunday 9th June 2019

Give thanks and praise God:
·For the gift of the Spirit who enables us to say 'Jesus is Lord' and assures us that we are children of God and can call Him Father / Abba.
·For the work and guidance of the Spirit in our lives
· For the fellowship that we share in the Spirit who also equips us for discipleship and mission.
Pray for:
· The Spirit to lead us into an ever deepening knowledge of God and His purpose for our lives, churches and our common life as an Association
·The Spirit to produce His fruit within us that people will see the loveliness of Jesus in our lives and to equip us with those gifts that will enable us to be fruitful
· The preparations for the Northern Light Mission Weekend on 19th to 22nd September
· The NBA Explore Your Call event on 17th July for those considering how God's call might be worked out in their life
·Elaine Joy and Kevin Webster as they marry on 15th June

Northern Baptist Association Prayers

Regional Ministers – John Claydon and Paul Revill

Website: (and Facebook and Twitter)
