Monday, 25 November 2019

NBA Advent Prayers 1st December 2019

Praise and Thanksgiving

Give thanks for:

  • the season of Advent, the promises of God and His faithfulness
  • the joy of celebrating the birth of our Saviour
  • the opportunities of worship and witness during the Advent and Christmas Season
  • The freedoms we enjoy in a democratic country
 Prayer for:

  • hearts and minds to be open to the good news of God who is Immanuel and life in Him

  • wisdom and discernment of our NBA Council meeting of 2nd December as we;
    •  seek to appoint a new Moderator and a new Company Secretary
    •  discuss what happens after John Claydon's retirement in the summer of 2021
  • those who have just taken on, or are about to take on, new ministries amongst us: 
    • Vince Sacco in Middlesbrough
    •  Martin Mills in Norton
    •  Dave Etherington in Blackhill 
    • Nick Megoran in Wallsend 
    • Fiona Preston in Headland Baptist Church in Hartlepool
  • For our country as we engage in a General Election and those who will be elected and appointed to serve
  • Paul Revill as he returns from Sabbatical, that he may return refreshed and renewed  

Monday, 18 November 2019

NBA Prayers 24th November 2019: Bishop Auckland Baptist Church

Give thanks;
  • For the faithful witness of this church since 1873

Please pray;

  • For our weekly 'Friendly Heritage Group' which provides a healthy shared lunch and combines local heritage and dementia friendly activities to help support and provide people with dementia and their carers with a safe space where they can socialise and engage with new things.

  • That we will willingly accept corporate responsibility to ensure that each other's spiritual, emotional and practical needs are met.

  • That our work with people beyond Bishop Auckland may facilitate mutual growth towards wholeness in Christ. 
Moderator: Reverend Tony Taylor 

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

NBA Prayers for 17th November 2019

Give thanks for:
  • the faithfulness of God as the fellowship celebrates its 56th anniversary this month,
  • the fact we still have founder church members

Please pray:

  • for our weekly Thursday friendship meal
  • for our monthly Memory Lane Cafe to those with memory issues.
  • that some Christian folk will move in to the new local housing scheme which is almost complete, and join us in the work of the gospel in this area  
  • for our outreach to the young through
    • Parents and Toddlers,
    • Schools work,
    • Girls brigade,
  • that as we evolve, the Holy Spirit will direct us clearly, and we will be willing to change and adapt to his direction.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

NBA Prayers for 10th November 2019

For our church:

Give thanks:

  • that we now have a new pastor, Vincent Sacco in post.  He joins us along with his wife, Emma and baby daughter, Ellie;

  • for all the guest preachers who have supported our church over the last year or so while we have been without a pastor. We have been truly blessed by their ministry; 

  • for a recent baptism. 

Please pray:

  • for our existing discipleship groups and housegroups;

  • for new Alpha courses that are being planned and ultimately for more baptisms.

For our community:

Give thanks:

  • for the special links that have been forged with Coulby Newham Baptist church over the past year;

  • for the growing sense of church unity across Teesside and the impact that it is having through initiatives such as 'Serve Teesside'.

Please pray:

  • for our local care system.  As Christmas approaches, social services and charities experience additional demands.

Pastor: Vincent Sacco
