Monday, 27 July 2020

NBA Prayers: 2nd August 2020

When you meet together, each one has a psalm, a teaching, a revelation (disclosure of special knowledge), a tongue, or an interpretation. Let everything be constructive and edifying and done for the good of all the church.

Those in church leadership are entrusted with a responsibility toward those in their care. It is often this that leads us to assume a greater role than is beneficial to either us or our flock.

In an effort to prevent false teaching, we often stifle participation from our congregation. Our building unintentionally becomes as it were a theatre, our leaders the cast and our flock, the audience. The result all too often is burn out for our leaders and a stifling of gifts within our church.

This is far removed from the church model proposed by St. Paul, in which he envisaged more of a corporate body ministry in which each member contributes according to their particular gift. Let us therefore, seek ways in which to encourage the growth of gifts within our membership and increased participation in our services, whilst ensuring everything is done for edification rather than self glory.
Give thanks for;

  • the regular ministry conducted through Zoom
  • the success of our quiz night led by the Rev. Ian Wren
  • the growth in our membership during the past year.

Please pray;

  • for those people whose homes have been deluged by the inclement weather.
  • that the coronavirus will be held in check and that a cure may be found very quickly.
  • for a safe return to corporate worship in the not too distant future,

Prayers supplied by Roger M Daniel: NBA Prayer Coordinator
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Mailtrack 27/07/20, 11:06:59

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

NBA Prayers 26th July 2020

Last week we considered how as believers we should always be prepared to give a reasoned explanation for our beliefs.

Whilst this is vital, it is not in itself enough to impact upon the lives of those we hope to reach with the gospel.

We are now in the age of where truth is no longer seen as an absolute. As a result people are now not so much interested in what is true, but what our truth can do for us.

This concept is central to biblical teaching. The book of Isiah begins with a plea for rational thought, 'Come, let us reason together', before considering its outworking, 'though your sins are scarlet, they shall be white as snow.'

J.B. Phillips translates the term 'epistle' as 'living letter'. We are God's living letters to the communities we serve. When we ensure that our rational belief impacts upon our daily life, those around us cannot help but be challenged.  How does our understanding of the gospel impact upon our daily life?

Let's make sure we 'walk the talk'.


Norton Baptist Church

 Give thanks for;


  • Our pastor Martin and his wife's recent R&R
  • The new outreach opportunity we have to engage with the local community through distribution of food parcels
  • The success of our pastoral support team


Please pray;

  • For the provision of a regular place of worship.
  • For wisdom as social lockdown regulations are eased and we seek a return to corporate worship.
  • That we will be able to successfully engage with those members who are unable to return to corporate worship yet.

Mailtrack Sender notified by
Mailtrack 22/07/20, 09:00:01


Tuesday, 14 July 2020

NBA Prayers 19th July 2020

Roger Daniel <>

11:45 (0 minutes ago)
to me, bcc: BMS, bcc: Bob, bcc: Carolyn, bcc: Chris, bcc: Chuck, bcc: David, bcc: David, bcc: David, bcc: David, bcc: Douglas, bcc: Fi, bcc: Gareth, bcc: Gordon, bcc: Heaton, bcc: Hilary, bcc: Ian, bcc: Jackie, bcc: Jane, bcc: Janet, bcc: Joe, bcc: John, bcc: John, bcc: John, bcc: Liz, bcc: Marion, bcc: Martin, bcc: Martin, bcc: Mike, bcc: Pamela, bcc: Paul, bcc: Paul, bcc: Pete, bcc: Peter, bcc: Richard, bcc: Sarah, bcc: Steve, bcc: Steve, bcc: Stewart, bcc: Sue, bcc: Tony, bcc: Trevor, bcc: Wendy, bcc: Wendy

'And he reasoned and debated in the synagogue every Sabbath, trying to persuade Jews and Greeks....solemnly testifying to the Jews that Jesus is the Christ.' (Acts: 18 v 4-5)


Many people have been mistakenly taught that accepting the claims of Christ involves a suspension of intellect. 'You ask me how I know he

Lives, he lives within my heart.' Personal testimony is a vital witness tool and one used by the apostle Paul as evidenced in the above passage.  

 Many intellectuals however, seek a more reasoned argument than the one  presented in this much loved children's verse.


Greek philosophy is recognised as the pinnacle of human intellect. Amongst Greek scholars, Paul used reasoned argument in debate. Whilst in Athens, he noticed a shrine to 'the unknown god'. Greek minds realised that despite their thirst for knowledge,  their acquisition of such still left an empty void. We as Christians know only Christ can fill this. Let us not be hesitant in providing a reasoned argument for our belief in the living God. The heavens declare His glory.

Give thanks for;

  • God's faithfulness to us at this time
  • the many ways in which God has met with us through the past year
  • our twice weekly Zoom prayer meetings and the answered prayers we have seen

Please pray for;

  • the success of our forthcoming Zoom member's meeting.
  • the well being of our church leaders and membership
  • that we will be able to re-engage with the local community as we come out of lockdown

Prayers and devotional supplied by Roger M Daniel: NBA Prayer Coordinator

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Mailtrack 14/07/20, 11:50:01


Wednesday, 8 July 2020

NBA Prayers 12th July 2020

One thing perplexes me in Acts 16: 25-30. We are informed that all the prison doors were opened and every prisoner was released from their chains Yet, when the guard arrived Paul and Silas informed him that all the prisoners were still there. In the midst of an earthquake, when the walls of a building are shaking the safest place is out in the open. The natural urge is to escape. What kept the other prisoners there? Could it be that the apostle's worship was so infectious that they remained against all other natural drives. Worship born out of a deep seated understanding and appreciation of God is surely the most powerful force on earth. As our churches prepare to reopen, let us move forward in such an attitude of worship that the communities we serve cannot help but be challenged.



We give thanks for;


  • God's provision of our new pastor.
  • the success of our Zoom Care Drop-In sessions.
  • the growth of our Pastoral Care Team.


Please pray


  • that Pastor Paul will settle well into his new role and enjoy God's richest blessing.
  • for the continued success of our Zoom Care Drop-In sessions.
  • that our understanding and appreciation of God will enrich our worship and deepen our relationship with Him.



Prayers and devotional supplied by Roger M Daniel: NBA Prayer Coordinator

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