Wednesday, 26 February 2014

NBA Association Prayers for 2nd March

Give thanks for:

Paul Revill in his new ministry amongst us which has begun with very positive first month, starting with his induction service, which was deeply encouraging and challenging.

All the mission which is going on through our churches, from small-scale acts of kindness and sharing of faith in conversations through to larger projects and initiatives.

The churches that are starting new expressions of youth and children's work.

The many ways in which we support one another as a Baptist family, such as though Home Mission and our Association life.

For Prayer:

That during this coming season of Lent and preparation for Easter we capture afresh the amazing wonder of God’s love shown in Jesus.

That God may inspire and lead us to become churches which engage creatively and meaningfully with those outside of our church communities, and may we be bold to embrace the sometimes radical change required to become more mission-oriented to meet the challenges and opportunities of the age in which we live.

That there may be vision, people and finance for youth and children's work within our churches.

That we may face the many missional challenges of living in a 'post-Christendom' context in a secular UK with wisdom and vision.

That the Association’s Council in its ‘Away Day’ (29th March) may discern God’s vision for us as a family of Baptist churches.

Prayers supplied by Rev John Claydon, Rachael Ezra and Rev Paul Revill

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

NBA Prayers for 23rd February - Stockton Baptist Tabernacle

Give thanks for the growth of the monthly Sunday morning youth church which "our" small number of teenagers run for themselves, along with those from two or three other churches (including Norton Baptist Church). Please pray that this would continue to grow and strengthen the young people's desire and ability to minister in their own right.

Please pray for our evening service - we thank the Lord that we've still got an evening service and that we've seen growth in our morning worship numbers in the last few months, but with a large auditorium a small evening service feels a bit flat. We're wondering what changes of style we might make to make it 'easier' to know the Lord's presence.

Our children's worker is taking maternity leave soon - please pray for the ministry gap we will have to fill.

Please continue to pray for more musicians to step forward.

As a town centre church with members living all over the area we struggle to know what our mission is. Given that the Billy Graham era is well and truly over, please pray that we would all take personal outreach seriously and see our friends and neighbours saved.

Senior Pastor: Rev Andrew Waugh


Wednesday, 12 February 2014

NBA Prayers for 16th February - Northern Baptist Learning Community (NBLC)

We give thanks for those taking courses on the NBA Learning Programme, and for local ministers who support with teaching on modules.

Pray for Julie Price, Westoe Road, as she works towards BU recognition as lay pastor.

Pray for leaving ministerial students thanking God for David Beech (settling at Southport) and prayers for Linda Donaldson and Matt Wright (who are in conversation with churches).

For interviews of prospective new ministerial students on March 20th and 21st at Luther King House, Manchester.

For Susan Myatt, minister in training at Rising Brook in Stafford, who is due to go on an oversees mission trip to Krygystan at Easter.

For Academic administrator Cath Elliott following the recent death of her father.

For the governing body as they work together with Glen and Clare, the Co-Principals, to discern fresh vision and new strategy for NBLC.

Prayers provided by Linda Hopkins (Regional Tutor, NBLC)

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

NBA Prayers for 9th February - Winton United LEP (Eden valley, Cumbria)

Can you pray with us for:

The chapel, and the wider circuit it is part of, as we and they seek to work with other denominations in the area as part of a developing programme;

John Morton, the newest member of our ministry team, as he seeks to find his place.

Can you give thanks with us for:

The success of new initiatives, such as the Worship Group and the Film Club.

The introduction of new members into our congregation.