Paul Revill in his new ministry amongst us which has begun with very positive first month, starting with his induction service, which was deeply encouraging and challenging.
All the mission which is going on through our churches, from small-scale acts of kindness and sharing of faith in conversations through to larger projects and initiatives.
The churches that are starting new expressions of youth and children's work.
The many ways in which we support one another as a Baptist family, such as though Home Mission and our Association life.
For Prayer:
That during this coming season of Lent and preparation for Easter we capture afresh the amazing wonder of God’s love shown in Jesus.
That God may inspire and lead us to become churches which engage creatively and meaningfully with those outside of our church communities, and may we be bold to embrace the sometimes radical change required to become more mission-oriented to meet the challenges and opportunities of the age in which we live.
That there may be vision, people and finance for youth and children's work within our churches.
That we may face the many missional challenges of living in a 'post-Christendom' context in a secular UK with wisdom and vision.
That the Association’s Council in its ‘Away Day’ (29th March) may discern God’s vision for us as a family of Baptist churches.
Prayers supplied by Rev John Claydon, Rachael Ezra and Rev Paul Revill