Wednesday, 30 April 2014

NBA Prayers for 4th May - South Bank BC (Middlesbrough)

A few points for praise and thanksgiving:

  • a growing congregation
  • an amazing baptism service on Easter Sunday (and another baptism scheduled for a couple of weeks' time)
  • the way our work with children and young people is flourishing and bearing fruit
  • new home groups
  • the growing connections with our local community, through things like Food Bank and a weekly coffee morning

A point for prayer:

  • we believe that God has challenged us to make the next year a year of prayer and worship, and in that year of prayer and worship we need to be sure that we are always looking inward, outward and upward!!

Minister: Rev Jon Edwards

Thursday, 24 April 2014

NBA Prayers for 27th April - Headland BC (Hartlepool)



We praise God for the good things being shared with our children and young people, on Sundays and in KIDZ KLUB on Thursdays. It’s good to see their interest and enthusiasm growing.


We also give thanks for the older people who come to our monthly Luncheon Club. It’s a delight to serve them good food, and to share the good news of the gospel with them.


Another cause for praise is God’s choice for us in our Youth for Christ gap year student, Bethany Mcneeley.




At this time of pastoral vacancy we would value prayers for wisdom and guidance, especially for our leaders, as we seek God’s will in the right person to lead the church forward.


Please pray that the Lord will release the required funds so that Bethany can continue with us for a further year.


Monday, 14 April 2014

NBA Prayers for 20th April

Praise and thanksgiving:

Rejoice in the glory of Easter and the truth of the risen Christ and the hope that he brings.

Praise God for encouraging signs of growth and the work of God's Spirit in many of our churches, and a desire to grow in becoming more mission-oriented.

Give thanks for youth work that is being renewed in our churches.


Pray for:

A clear proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus' death and resurrection in word and deed this weekend, that many people beyond our regular congregations will be touched by the Lord.

Our Association Assembly with Chris Ellis on 26th April that we may find inspiration and encouragement together.

Our paid youth workers and community workers as they gather on 6th May that they may find support and help together.


+  +  +


Please continue to pray for Rev Lynn Green, General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain.

Prayers supplied by Rev John Claydon & Rev Paul Revill (Regional Ministers) and Mrs Rachael Ezra (Youth Specialist)

NBA Website:

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

NBA Prayers for 13th April - Simonside BMC (Jarrow)

We at Simonside are but a few in number: Bob our Deacon says over the many years that he and Dorothy have been at Simonside the numbers have gone up and down but never been great. So, please give prayers for a breakthrough on the Scottish Estate. This Estate is predominately Roman Catholic and it is a hard ground to plough. The Church is splendid inside and a pleasure to worship in. Every meeting ends with a meal which is shared together as the early church did. We are never at a loss for preachers to return; they all say they love the warmth of the fellowship.


We have a Thursday Fun Club, it’s a joy to see the children each Thursday after school. Again they are given a cooked meal. Andy is a trained chef and we are lucky to have him with us. Again the numbers go up and down; because of space the ideal number would be 12 - this is because we lack space in the Hall. Three boys from one family and several girls who are a bit older join us every week. Bob is the optimist and I am by nature, a pessimist, so regardless of numbers Bob says everything is fine – so not to worry.


We need a breakthrough, perhaps by the young ones bringing their parents along. July 19th is the day we have in mind to get the children and parents together. We have arranged for a young lady who teaches “Zumba” and does face painting and nail decoration to come along. We have asked “Rainbow Reg” to come and do a magic show (with a Christian slant). The children have seen him at least twice and adore him.


So we plead for prayers, prayer that is constant, with pleadings from the heart. Prayer, that never ceases.

Minister: Rev J Reuben Horsley

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

NBA Prayers for 6th April - Blackhill BC

Thank God for:

· the families we are in contact with through Messy Church;

· the children who come along to Trailblazers and the young people who come to the Youth CafĂ©;

· those we are in contact with through the Harvest Cafe and the Friendship Club.

Pray for:

· continued guidance as we work together with the local Methodist Church and URC, exploring the idea of becoming part of an LEP;

· the young people who come along to the Youth Cafe who are following an ALPHA course that they will come to faith in Christ;

· those who work in the Harvest Cafe, Messy Church, Youth Cafe, Trailblazers and Friendship Club, that they will have the physical strength to continue as some have had, and continue to have, health problems.

Minister: Rev Gary Collier