Wednesday, 29 April 2015

NBA Prayers for 3rd May - Morpeth BC

Pray for:

God to guide us in the selection of an Interim Moderator.

Our relationships with Abbeyfields School - for teachers, children and parents (the school is where we meet as Church).

For all children in our fellowship, especially those who were baptised on Friday 24th April. 


Thank God for:

The three young people who were baptised (Bethan, Sarah, and Josh). 

Also Ruth, who was baptised as well.


Wednesday, 22 April 2015

NBA Prayers for 26th April - Wallsend BC (Tyne & Wear)

Prayers for Situations:

·         Several members have differing health concerns. We ask for prayers for their comfort and for their healing.

·         For new children to join Youth Matters when 12 of the children move on to High School and leave the group.

·         For the building, as we try to keep it in good repair.


Prayers of Thanks:

·         For the two people who are now regularly attending church, having done Alpha at the end of 2014.

·         For the loving community in which we can all grow and develop in our Christian lives.

Minister: Rev Sarah Harmsworth

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

NBA Prayers for 19th April - Hetton IMC (Hetton-le-Hole)

Praise, by giving thanks for:

  • The numbers at our 'Family Fun Nights' where our Young People can only attend if they are accompanied by an adult. The two of 2015 have seen over 40 at the first one and over 60 at the second one.
  • The number of visitors and parents at our Easter Service. We had more this year than for many a year.
  • Our Sunday School - where we have not dropped below 40 since the start of the year.
  • The number of Young People who attend our Sunday Evening Service.

Prayer for:

  • Our participation in 'The Bible Comes Alive' in May when two local schools will visit the Church for this year's presentation.
  • Our next 'Family Fun Night' and evangelistic 'Fish & Chip' Supper - that more will be presented with the Gospel.
  • Our Sunday Preachers - and especially those on a Sunday Night - when we see around 20 of our Young People in our Sunday Evening Service.
President and Elder: Shaun Newton

Sunday, 5 April 2015

NBA Prayers for 12th April - Preston Grange Community Church (North Shields)

Please give thanks for:

  • Three new church members in the last year
  • Answered prayers for healing for members of the fellowship and friends and family
  • The Community Centre where we meet and its new roof

Please pray:

  • For guidance on how to reach out to young adults in our area
  • That lonely people and those needing support would come along to our weekly lunch club
  • That we will all be challenged and grow as we follow a teaching series on Grace during our Sunday services and midweek meeting


Wednesday, 1 April 2015

NBA Prayers for Easter Day

Praise and thanks


·         Give thanks for the wonderful sacrificial love of God and rejoice in the good news of Christ's resurrection.

·         Give thanks for the commitment to mission in our churches, for signs of growth and life in so many places - for example in the beginnings of a new movement of missional pioneers emerging across our region.

·         Praise God for the new shoots that are coming through and those who are dedicated to nurturing and caring for them.




·         In this season of celebrating the resurrection of Christ, may God's Spirit enable resurrection of churches which have died, or revival of those in decline, and for guidance and provision of people and funds to enable new churches to be planted across our region.

·         Pray for churches who have people in key areas moving on to new situations.

·         Pray for Linda Hopkins as she begins her sabbatical, that she may have a restful and refreshing and fruitful time.

·         Pray for the preparations for our Association Assembly at Stockton Tabernacle on 25th April with Rt. Rev. Paul Butler, Bishop of Durham.

Prayers supplied by £the NBA Team"
