Wednesday, 27 January 2016

NBA Prayer Relay, week from 31st January - North Shields BC

Give thanks -

·  for a successful Alpha Course last Autumn, leading to 2 baptisms last week

·  for well attended Christmas events, raising the church's profile in the town

·  for a continued development of our understanding of the power of prayer


Please pray -

·  for those that God is calling to take on new leadership and serving roles amongst us

·  for the 'Prayers on the Move' initiative on the Metro system

·  for many in the fellowship who have been and are ill

Minister: Rev Liz Edwards


Wednesday, 20 January 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for the week from 24th January - Whitley Lodge BC (Whitley Bay)


1. For our 'interim moderator' / anchor man Graham White.

2. For a great, in depth 'winter bible school' from Reg, on the subject of 'the Lamb'

3. The school where we meet are happy for us to install a loop system.



1. For the right pastor/pastoral team and for the needs of the church to be met while we look.

2. For the children's work 'Good News Club' and for 'light bite and banter'.

3. Our verse for the year is about forgetting the former things and the promise that God will do something new. So please pray that we'll embrace whatever it is that the Lord has for us.

Interim Moderator: Rev Graham White

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

NBA Prayer Relay, week from 17t January - New Life BC (Northallerton)



We give thanks for
·         a very positive Advent season, with some people coming to faith.
·         the past year: God has blessed us in many ways.
·         a developing mentoring culture which is bearing fruit.




Please pray for
·         our annual week of prayer and fasting, 18-22 January, with prayer meetings every evening.
·         the launch of Street Angels in Northallerton at the beginning of May. NLBC is working with the local Police and other churches in the town on this initiative: please pray for all the practicalities and training in coming weeks and months.
·         more people to come to faith and that we will disciple them well as the mentoring culture develops throughout the church.
·         the growth of our ministry to youth, children and young adults, that God will help us to reach out creatively to them, particularly to those families in the community who don't currently go to church. Pray that God will help us to build bridges from those age groups into the church.

Senior Pastor: Rev Glen Cormack


Wednesday, 6 January 2016

NBA Prayer Relay - Middlesbrough BC (week from 10th January)


  • For a happy and blessed Advent and Christmas season, with some well-attended services and encouraging outreach into local care homes.
  • For Dave and Nigel's exciting and challenging India trip in Nov 2015 - and that our partnership with Grace Bible College might continue to bear much fruit.
  • For exciting signs of growth in our Monday evening youth group and for new partnerships with other Christians locally.



  • For our NBA Prayer Relay Week, including our Contemplative Prayer Evening and our launch service with Rev Roy Searle.
  • For the launch of our Middlesbrough Baptist Church 2016 Year of Prayer.
  • For those in our fellowship who struggle, and for any facing difficult pastoral situations. We pray that all will know God's peace.
Pastor: Rev Nigel Riley