Wednesday, 24 February 2016

NBA Prayer Relay from Sunday 28th February - Grange Road BC (Jarrow)

Praise God for


1.       The continued life and witness of the Church, now into its 152nd year.

2.       The increased numbers attending our various Outreach activities, including Coffee Stop, Parent and Tots and Tools With a Mission.

3.       Those who continue to worship regularly week by week.


Prayers for


1.       God's guidance to a new Minister, following the end of Roy and Marilyn's ministry on 31st July.

2.       Members of the congregation to respond to the need for leadership in various areas of the Church ministry.

3.       Those attending the Alpha course to commence this Wednesday, 2nd March.

4.       The Prayer Walk taking place in Jarrow on Saturday 5th March as part of the NBA Prayer Relay.

Ministry Team: Rev Roy Merrin and Mrs Marilyn Merrin

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Nellie Cowey

A sad follow up yesterday's email, in that Nellie Cowey died peacefully this morning.

So (if you are able in worship on Sunday) please pray for Nellie's family and her church family at Westoe Road, giving thanks for Nellie's life and witness and all that she did for the NBA and the BUGB.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Prayer Relay for 21st February (Crosby Garrett UC) and Nellie Cowey

As a fellowship of 6 or 7 regular worshippers, for whom advancing years is a real problem, we struggle with what we might do as part of the Prayer Relay.


Yet we give thanks that:

we can hold the Prayer Baton for a week, as part of our Association of churches;

we share in worship, when we can, with our friends at the village Anglican church, whose problems echo ours.


Please pray:

for two of our number, one now unable to attend worship and the other wheelchair bound after a time in hospital;

that we retain the desire to keep our church doors open and the lights on, as a sign of witness.

Ministers: Rev Phil Drew (Methodist) and Mr Donald Marston (Baptist)

+ + +

We have also been asked to pray for Nellie Cowey, for her family and for her church family at Westoe Road in South Shields; Nellie is in hospital with a bleed on the brain, from which she is not expected to recover.

Nellie has worshipped all her life at Westoe Road. She became a Deacon there in 1936 (aged 21) and is now a Life Deacon. She has been a faithful servant to both our Association and the wider Union and has served on many NBA and BUGB committees. Nellie celebrated her 100th Birthday last December.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

NBA Prayer Relay, 14th February - Billingham BC

For Praise:


·                     For planting a church here during the Second World War, to worship the Lord and meet the pastoral needs of local people.

·                     For increasing use of our current building as a centre for mission into the community.

·                     For His great love for us that knows no bounds.


Prayer Needs:


·                     That our Children's Holiday Club running this week will be a welcoming, stimulating, safe environment, pointing the way to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

·                     That younger volunteer helpers will make a profession of faith.

·                     For other children and youth activities in the Church.

·                     For elderly members who struggle to attend evening worship and evening weekday activities.

Minister: Rev Alistair Jones

Website: (and on Facebook)

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

NBA Prayer Relay - week from 7th February: Alnwick BC

For thanks

The baptism recently of a young woman who grew up within the church family and is now living and working in London - great to hear her testimony of God's work in her life.

Several new people, of varying ages, who have moved to the area and become connected with ABC.

The group that meets at Costa in Alnwick on a Thursday evening, seeking to build relationships and explore faith in a fresh way.

The good relationships between the different churches of Alnwick.


For prayer

The prayer relay week will start (Sunday 7th) with John Claydon speaking in the morning and Paul Revill leading a time of listening to God in the evening: pray that we will be inspired and will hear what God is saying to us.

For all of us to be ready for the opportunities God gives to communicate His love to those around us.

At the end of the week (Saturday 13th) our weekly prayer meeting will be going out to the "pants" (the old water courses and springs of Alnwick) to pray for streams of God's Spirit to flow through the town - please pray that we will see this more in the coming months.

Pastor: Rev David Archer
