Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Prayer Relay for 21st February (Crosby Garrett UC) and Nellie Cowey

As a fellowship of 6 or 7 regular worshippers, for whom advancing years is a real problem, we struggle with what we might do as part of the Prayer Relay.


Yet we give thanks that:

we can hold the Prayer Baton for a week, as part of our Association of churches;

we share in worship, when we can, with our friends at the village Anglican church, whose problems echo ours.


Please pray:

for two of our number, one now unable to attend worship and the other wheelchair bound after a time in hospital;

that we retain the desire to keep our church doors open and the lights on, as a sign of witness.

Ministers: Rev Phil Drew (Methodist) and Mr Donald Marston (Baptist)

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We have also been asked to pray for Nellie Cowey, for her family and for her church family at Westoe Road in South Shields; Nellie is in hospital with a bleed on the brain, from which she is not expected to recover.

Nellie has worshipped all her life at Westoe Road. She became a Deacon there in 1936 (aged 21) and is now a Life Deacon. She has been a faithful servant to both our Association and the wider Union and has served on many NBA and BUGB committees. Nellie celebrated her 100th Birthday last December.

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