We are thankful for a number of joint Baptist events that we have been part of with West View, Owton Manor and Headland Baptist Churches - a walk through the Bible event at the end of February and a joint Maundy Thursday service.
We have four people thinking about baptism who will be going through classes in the next few weeks.
We are thankful for the commitment and hard work of the membership and especially those who lead the various study groups, toddler and youth groups, ORB centre and Sunday school. We are also thankful for an encouraging increase in the numbers attending our monthly Messy Church event.
We seem to have experienced an abnormal amount of sickness and related health issues within the church over the last few months as well as one unexpected death.
We have between 15 and 25 fourteen to seventeen year olds who have little church background attending mid-week groups and would ask you to pray for them.
Please pray for those considering baptism.
Miinister: Revd Richard Hetherington
Website: www.orbc.org.uk