Wednesday, 30 March 2016

NBA Prayer Relay, from 3rd April - Oxford Road BC, Hartlepool

We are thankful for a number of joint Baptist events that we have been part of with West View, Owton Manor and Headland Baptist Churches - a walk through the Bible event at the end of February and a joint Maundy Thursday service. 


We have four people thinking about baptism who will be going through classes in the next few weeks. 


We are thankful for the commitment and hard work of the membership and especially those who lead the various study groups, toddler and youth groups, ORB centre and Sunday school. We are also thankful for an encouraging increase in the numbers attending our monthly Messy Church event. 


We seem to have experienced an abnormal amount of sickness and related health issues within the church over the last few months as well as one unexpected death. 


We have between 15 and 25 fourteen to seventeen year olds who have little church background attending mid-week groups and would ask you to pray for them.

Please pray for those considering baptism.

Miinister: Revd Richard Hetherington

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

NBA Prayers for Easter

Give thanks for:

The joy and wonder of Christ's resurrection and the opportunities to celebrate His great love and power.

The many churches engaging in mission over Easter, bringing the Good News of the Easter message out of their church buildings and into the public sphere.

The many refugees who are finding faith amongst us and being baptised.


Please pray for:

The forthcoming focus on evangelism, 'Forty Days of Good News', that God will open up opportunities for us to share faith across the region and see people responding to the Gospel.

The Association Assembly on 23rd April and Roy Searle who will be speaker for the day and others who will share in leading seminars.

The response of our nation and other countries to those who are seeking to escape countries where they face conflict, oppression and persecution.

Our country as we debate and then vote on membership of the European Union.

NBA Regional Ministers: Revd Dr John Claydon and Rev Paul Revill

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for 20th March - Durham Road BC, Gateshead

Thanks for:

  • the asylum seeker being baptised today
  • new worshippers
  • increasing openness from our local Jewish community

Prayer for:

  • the special prayer times we are organising during Holy Week
  • the successful distribution of hot cross buns locally on Good Friday
  • future leadership of the church, as our present leaders age
  • bricks and mortar issues

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 13 March - Portrack BC (Stockton-on-Tees)

As we cancel routine church activities and explore prayer opportunities this week, to seek God's heart and vision for Portrack, please pray:

for our Sunday Morning Worship with Paul Revill, followed by a Fugal Lunch in aid of Pattaya Orphanage in Thailand

that our Prayer Path, being walked at various times during the week (corporately on Wednesday evening), will bring people closer to God

for our Staff meeting prayers and our Prayer Workshop

for the successful launch of our Young Adult Group

for the many other events taking place this week


Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful (Col 4:2)

Ministers: Rev Jim Wirght and Rev Lnda Donaldson

Church on Facebook

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 6th March - Bethel Christian Fellowship (Thorney Close, Sunderland)

For Praise:

  • We are very thankful for the provision of three young people from another church to run our mid-week children's meeting. We were afraid it would have to close, but now it is growing.
  • We also give thanks for the continued growth of the Mother and Toddler Group.
  • We had another successful 'Bible Comes Alive' in 2015, and we are now in contact with three schools.
  • We are thankful that we can continue to reach out to the community through the contacts we have because of these activities.

Prayer requests:

  • Pray that God's Holy Spirit will continue to guide us in every thing that we do.
  • Please pray for two of our members: John Caven, who has a tumour on his lung and has begun chemotherapy, and Ann Chisholm (not from South Hylton), who may have to have a shoulder replacement; please pray that she will be strong enough.
  • Also pray for all the elderly members who are sick.