Wednesday, 25 May 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 29th May - Hebburn IM Church (Tyne & Wear)

Give thanks for:

  • the many blessings of support, encouragement help and financial provision
  • an active fellowship that seeks to engage with local people where they are
  • the good engagement with drug and alcohol group using the church
Pray for:
  • the daily coffee morning which engages the community
  • guidance and compassion as we engage with the drug and alcohol group
  • people to take on responsibilities

Minister: Wilf Kelly

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 22nd May - Lakeside BC (Sunderland)

Please pray for

(1) - The Church Family as we recover from two recent bereavements

(2) - The presentation of the Gospel in the pastoral setting of the two recent funerals

(3) - Rev Graham Prest's involvement this weekend – and give thanks for the Church Family Meal yesterday (21 May)

(4) - Our Pastor Ian's weekly visits to the local primary school

(5) - Change of venue (from one Tower to another Tower) for monthly coffee morning in high rise Towers

(6) - The Springboard Consultation recommendations as we seek to discern the Lord's direction for us in the coming months

(7) - Day of Prayer (with healing component) on Tuesday 24 May

(8) - Church Anniversary (2nd & 3rd July) with Rev Paul Newman's involvement and possible Ceilidh on Saturday evening (to be confirmed)


Please give thanks for

(1) – For the love in the Church Family and our Pastor Ian's ministry among us

(2) - The growing numbers at the weekly Tuesday evening Bible Study, fortnightly Wednesday Craft Club and monthly Church Coffee morning

(3) - The very encouraging Easter Baptismal Service

Pastor: Rev Ian Wren

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

NBA Prayer Relay from Sunday 15th May - Heaton BC (Newcastle)

Things to give thanks for: 
Thank God for Messy Church which is reaching lots of local families.
Give thanks for our wonderful young people who recently led the morning service on prayer and had so much to teach us all.

Prayer Requests: 
The Prayer Relay will mark the start of a season of prayer and mission in the church. We will be using the 'Try Praying' initiative to help us. This is a booklet which we will use every day for a week to help us pray and then we will pass on to a non-Christian and encourage them to 'Try Praying'. 
Please pray that people will want to get involved and use the booklets with their friends.
During the week Paul Revill will be leading a workshop entitled Praying for our Communities. Pray that we will learn lots from the workshop and will use it to pray more effectively.
Pray for Elaine Lord who is the Prayer Coordinator and recently joined the church staff as a volunteer to develop the prayer life of HBC.
Pray for the team of young people who are preparing to go to Romania in the summer.

Senior Pastor: Rev Mark Elder (and on FaceBook and Twitter)

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 8th May - Berwick Hills BC (Middlesbrough)

This year is the 60th Anniversary of the church moving from North Ormesby to Berwick Hills, to worship in a new building as the housing estate was being built.  The Mission had been founded in North Ormesby in the 1880's but, with the redevelopment of the area, the church relocated with a Sunday School already meeting in a local home and with services taking place in the local primary school.




60th Anniversary celebrations and the opportunities they can bring. 


Planning of special events, including the barbecue on 25 June and the Anniversary later in the year. 


A special meeting on the 11 May for the whole fellowship to pray and seek guidance for the future in light of changes that will occur during the next few years. 





The Eggstavaganza event at Easter and the large number of parents and children who attended. 


The continuing work of the Parents and Toddler group.


For the church team running Food Bank from our building, which is a distribution point in a key area of need -  and pray for the many people who have been supported.


For the opportunities to be involved with local schools. 


For the continual financial support that has enabled us, as a small church, to be self-sufficient since 2000.

Minister: Revd Alan Reed