Wednesday, 30 November 2016

NBA Prayers for 4th December (Advent 2)


from Revd. Roy Searle, one of the leaders of Northumbria Community, Baptist Hub Tutor at Cranmer Hall, Durham and one of the newly appointed Baptist Union National Coordinators for Pioneering and Fresh Expressions.   


·            Each Sunday in Advent focuses on one of the following themes: Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. These words remind us of the gifts Jesus brings to the world. As we ponder and give thanks to God for these gifts let our hearts and minds in prayer imagine what these things might mean for those whom we know and love:

our families and friends….. 

our neighbours….. 

those we work with and others who we spend time with socially…. 

the fellowship we belong to….

the North East…

a divided Britain…. 

an increasingly fragmented Europe….. 

a torn and turbulent world


Name people and places from each of these areas and spend a few minutes holding them in prayer before God.


·            As we remember God's Good News being announced to the shepherds, those who were outside of any religious circles, we pray that the Good News of the Gospel will reach the lives of the vast majority of people outside of any church circle, this Christmas and throughout the coming year. Giving thanks for the newly established training of people for Baptist ministry at Cranmer Hall, St John's College, Durham, we pray particularly for our Baptist students: Dave Etherington at Ushaw Moor, Adam Gray at Whitley Bay, John Cooper at Morpeth and Chris and Caroline Friend at Alnwick. Pray that God will raise up more men and women who will be pioneers and missional leaders here in the North East. The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few.


·            As the compassion of God is revealed in Jesus, let us pray that in all that we are and all that we do as individuals, churches, and as an Association and Union, we will reflect God's compassion and bring some transforming hope, peace, joy and love to the world.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Corrected NBA Prayers for Sunday 27th November - Marsden Road BC (South Shields)

As an ageing congregation that has been without a minister for a year, please:

Give thanks for all those who help us, by giving their time and preaching gifts, to continue to worship weekly

Give thanks that, whenever practical difficulties arise, whether financial or concerning the church building, God provides

Pray that we may be encouraged to continue to be the face of Christ in an area where so many simply don't seem to want to know

Pray especially at this time for Doreen, following the recent death of her husband Malcolm

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 27th November - Westoe Road BC (South Shields)

Please join us in thanking God for our Pastor, Julie Price. Julie has just completed her training and, following a successful interview, the NBA Ministry team are recommending Julie for Baptist Union recognition.


As we prepare for Christmas, pray that we are a beacon of light in our community.


Looking towards next year, we pray for God's guidance as we plan for 2017.

Pastor: Julie Price (and FB)

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

NBA Prayers for 20th November - Boldon IMC

Thanks for:
·         Four new members joining the fellowship during the past year
·         Finance becoming available to complete our "Stables Project", which will increase the opportunities for greater community involvement
·         Continuing positive relationships with local primary schools through the 'Bible Comes Alive' project and a number of other initiatives


Prayer for:
·         Guidance in reshaping our midweek evening meeting to give greater focus for outreach
·         Younger members who are experiencing health problems and difficult employment situations
·         Additional personnel to widen and enrich our work with young people

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 13th November - Kingston Park LEP (Newcastle)


For thanksgiving:
·         our excellent and flexible modern building, whose 25th anniversary we celebrate in November
·         good contacts with people and groups in the local community, many of whom enter/use our building for non-church activities
·         the spiritual gifts of many in the congregation, put to good use in the service of the Lord and his church


For intercession:
·         the work of Hannah Middleton, our church's part-time Children's Worker, as she seeks to build up the work with children and young families
·         our outreach to youth and younger families locally, most of whom have no time for or thought of Christian matters
·         our growth to maturity in Christ
·         the appointment of a new churchwarden in April

Minister: Rev Roger Wells (and FB)

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 6th November - The Filipino International Church UK

Give thanks for
The support we receive from the NBA, which makes a real difference to us.
The concern and patience of our friends at Whitley Bay Baptist Church, whose building we use. We disrupt and they simply smile. Bless you all.


Pray for
 Our women's ministry and for the global ministry of the International Women's Association, whose prayer focus next March will be the Philippines.
Our Minister, Virgilio, who was ordained earlier this year; our new Treasurer and the Finance Team; our Leaders, who are all volunteers.
Us, as we learn to be a church – and we still have a lot of learning to do!

Minister: Rev Virgilio Pansacala
Website: (and FB)