Tuesday, 20 December 2016

NBA Prayers for 25th December - Celebrating the Incarnation

Today we celebrate the greatest gift of all – God giving us himself through the birth of his son Jesus.  May our churches be filled with joy and hope this day, even in the midst of the uncertainties and threats facing our wider world.


Give thanks
·         For the awe-inspiring truth of the incarnation, of God becoming human, of his loving commitment to this world and to our salvation through Jesus.
·         That our wider culture still gives time to remember and recognise Jesus and our Christian heritage at this time of year, compared to any other season.


·         That as churches we will take inspiration from the incarnation in our mission, and find ways of getting out into and amongst our communities to share the life of God with people in deed and word.
·         For an opportunity this week to share the Good News of Christmas with someone, in word or in deed.
·         For those in your community for whom Christmas is a difficult time, through bereavement and loss; poverty; ill health or living through difficult circumstances.  Pray for opportunities for our churches to share something of the light and life of Christ through caring for those in need during this season.

Supplied by Rev Paul Revill

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

NBA Prayers for 18th December (Advent 4), from Rev Dr John Claydon

Luke 1 v 38 'I am the Lord's servant,' … 'May your word to me be fulfilled.'

Luke 2 v19 'But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.'


Give thanks for
·         the wonder and joy of Jesus (Emmanuel) come amongst us … 'the Word made flesh'
·         the example of those in Scripture and elsewhere who have received God's word and become examples to us
·         the many opportunities to celebrate with God's people, our families and the wider community the wonder of God's love
·         the many blessings and faithfulness of God over the past year


Pray that
·         those for whom Christmas is a difficult time may yet know something of the love, joy and peace of Christ

·         in all our services, events, activities and celebrations we may honour Jesus and point people to him with warmth and clarity
·         we may ponder the deeper reality of what God did 2,000 years ago and the work of His Spirit amongst us now
·         seek the blessing and guidance of God for 2017 in the world, our nation, the church and our own lives.


Emmanuel – God is with us!

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

NBA Prayers for 11th December (provided by Rev Paul Revill)

Mission Opportunities


In the Advent themes we consider John the Baptist this week, preparing the way for people to receive Jesus as Messiah. May our churches be communities that enable others to receive Jesus as Messiah through their life and witness.


Give thanks 

·        For the ministry of evangelists and preachers in our churches who help prepare people to understand who Jesus is and to receive them as their Lord and Saviour.

·        For this time of year where we have some of the greatest opportunities to share the Christian Gospel with those beyond our churches.



·        For our NBA churches' Advent and Christmas services to be mission-focussed, visitor-friendly, and for god to draw many folk to worship with us.

·        For clear proclamation of the Gospel and for visitors to experience the presence of God in worship and prayer in our worship services over the next two weeks.

·        For every church member to make the most of the opportunities we have to explain the 'reason for the season' and the hope in Christ that we have as a result of the incarnation.

·        That the true meaning of Christmas will penetrate more deeply through our society and culture.  Pray for Christians working in schools, universities, the arts and media, politics and other spheres where there are opportunities to communicate the Christmas message.