Monday, 23 January 2017

NBA Prayers – Alnwick BC

For thanks:

Our Christmas carol service in the centre of Alnwick, which is becoming a regular part of Christmas for some local people.

A new opportunity, following on from a Christmas event, in a local sheltered housing development.

Developing links between the High School and our community ministers-in-training.


For prayer:

We have "reshuffled" our mid-week groups, which we see as an important way of building community: pray that new groups would enable us to grow as individuals and together.

Our CAP debt advice centre is transitioning to a new team (debt centre manager and debt coach) who are expecting to train with CAP in the next couple of months: pray that this venture will continue and develop in seeking to help people in need.

Following on from a day of prayer focus in January, we are seeking God's direction in the New Year: please pray for us to discern what He is calling us to.

Pastor: Rev David Archer (and on FB)

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

NBA Prayers for 22nd January - Whitley Lodge BC (Whitley Bay)


1.       For the arrival of our new minister Paul Richards, for the level of agreement we found in his appointment and in arranging a manse. Looks like things are coming together.

2.       Well received services over Christmas, including the carol singing session in our local pub.

3.       Our street pastors have some great testimonies about the Lord leading them to people whose needs they have been able to meet. 



1.       Please pray for our activities, light bite and banter, good news club, women together and our regular Sunday morning services.

2.       There are a number of ongoing prayer items in which we need to see a break through (sorry we can't be more specific than that).

3.       And of course, please pray for Paul, and his wife Lynn, as they get to know us.

Minister: Rev Paul Richards (and on Facebook)

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

NBA Prayers for 15th January - Owton Manor BC (Hartlepool)

Looking back to 2016, with thanks:

First: an excellent weekend of celebrations for the churches 60th anniversary in October, with Dr Steve Brady.
Second: The four Baptist Churches in Hartlepool had a really good Christmas Meal and Family Outreach, with John Archer, at the beginning of December.

Praise God with us for what has been.

Looking forward prayerfully to 2017: 
First, we need to do an unexpected major repair to the church roof.
Second: The leaders of the four Baptist Churches in the town have a meeting at the end of January, with John Claydon, to discuss how we might continue to work together in the town to support each church in ministry and mission.

Pray with us for the future, in God's hands.

Minister: Rev Maurice Mathison

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

NBA Prayers for 8th January - Durham City BC

Give thanks for:-

The Christmas period, and the opportunity the church had to share the good news in various ways over that time. 

A grant that the church has received which means much needed work can be carried out on the church car park. 

The continuing good work with children and young people. This consists of a group called Heroes, this is for primary school children; last term around thirty attended each Tuesday. Girls Brigade has over thirty girls on the register; the age range is from 5 to mid 20's.  The youth group ('The Edge') has around 6 members.


Pray for:-

The church as it seeks to continue to develop and deepen its prayer life.

Many in the church who work hard and often feel pressurised as they seek to fit in all that they feel called to do.  Pray for wisdom so that everyone would make wise decisions on what to do and what not to do.

The church as it enters a new year with all the potential possibilities for serving God.  Pray that as we discern the mind of Christ we will be led.

Minister: Rev Ronnie Wynd