Wednesday, 26 April 2017

NBA Prayers for 30th April - North Shields BC

Here are some things to thank God for:
·         A successful Easter outreach in the local shopping centre, reaching a number of people through the medium of decorated eggs
·         An increase in church attendance over the past few months
·         The blessing of being able to share with several Iranian asylum seekers who are wanting to deepen their faith in Jesus


Here are some things we would like prayer for:
·         Challenges in how best to serve our older children and young people
·         Those among us who are ill at present, some, with quite serious, chronic conditions

·         For the sensitivity to determine how the Spirit is working in the town and so knowing how best to reach out

Minister: Rev Liz Edwards (and FB)

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

NBA Prayers for 23rd April - Rowley BC (near Consett)

Give thanks for new faces at our Castle-Siders (messy church) children and mothers. For people interested in worshipping with us and one person who joins with us every Sunday now, that he will know the  joy of the Lord and be happy in our fellowship.


Please pray for a Mission weekend planned for 16-18 June with an NBA mission team and the promise of local help. For positive response as we reach into the community.

Monday, 10 April 2017

NBA Prayers for Easter (16th April)



Let's give thanks...
·         For this special time of year as we focus on the greatest turning-point in human history, the basis of our hope and faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus.
·         For all that God has achieved for us at his own cost through sending his beloved Son into this world for us to be our sacrifice.
·         For opportunities to proclaim the Good News that Jesus is alive, death has been conquered and evil decisively defeated through what happened on that first Easter Sunday.  As this is often a time when new Christians are baptised, give thanks and pray for any whom you know who are committing their lives to God through baptism today, and for the witness of this act.


Let us pray...
·         As we begin the 'Fifty Days of Good News' period that every one of our NBA churches will find ways of engaging in evangelism over the coming weeks.
·         That God will grow in us a greater confidence to share the Good News in word and deed and give us a renewed excitement over the Gospel.
·         For all of our churches, but especially those which find it hard to engage in sharing their faith beyond their own membership, to have the boldness in their evangelism to be creative in fresh ways, to take greater risks, to get out of their buildings and into their communities, and to draw upon more of the power of the Holy Spirit.


Can I take this opportunity to wish every one of our churches a most blessed Easter, and to encourage you to be intentional in engaging in some form of evangelism over the coming fifty days... and beyond! (and on FB and YT)

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

NBA Prayers for 9th April - Silksworth IM Church (Sunderland)

Thank God:

For the parents who have taken up the challenge of running our thriving toddler group.
For the increasing numbers in the after school club ("Stay & Play") and the Youth Group ("Detonate").



For our Minister Alan, who has been unwell for some time, and also for his family. We pray for a swift diagnosis and treatment to aid his recovery and return to full health and strength.
Members in our fellowship with health issues and other concerns.
For the Church as we strive to engage with the wider community. Strength and protection for those involved in the work.
For wisdom and discernment in encouraging children, young people, and their parents to commit their lives to God and His Church.

Minister: Alan Bickle