Monday, 17 September 2018

NBA Prayers for 23rd September - Stocksfield BC (Tyne Valley)

23rd September 2018

NBA Prayers – Stocksfield Baptist Church

Minister: Rev Pete Jorysz

Website: (and on Facebook)


Thanks for our church:

"Thanks and praise to God for a number of healings in the last year including a fractured ankle, chronic back pain, muscular and eye problems."

Prayer for our church;

"Prayer for our Alpha course which starts on 20th September, with the Alpha Supper on 13th September. Praying that folks will invite people and that they will come and hear the good news for themselves."

Thanks for our local community;

"Thanks for increasingly close ecumenical relationships with other local churches, including a Friday morning prayer meeting for the Tyne valley, joint worship services and joint ministry such as the summer children's Holiday Club and CAP Job Club.

Prayer for our local community.  

"Prayer that we make a greater kingdom impact on our local communities with the love of Christ, truth of the word of God and power of the Holy Spirit!"

Minister: Rev Pete Jorysz

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