Wednesday, 28 November 2018

NBA Prayers for 2nd December (Advent)

At this time of year, as we focus on God's promises, the hope he gives us through the coming of Christ and the need to be prepared for his coming, please pray...


1. That all of our churches will be used well by God to share the hope we have in Christ, both in the events, services and activities we organise together and in our individual witness amongst those in our families, work colleagues and circles of friends.


2. For Jesus to come amongst us afresh in greater presence and power and work through us to bring transformation in our communities.  May we see more of the coming of God's Kingdom in this Advent season.


3. In an age when so much of our national life and culture has become secularised and materialistic, pray that as Christians we are able to live counter-culturally, not to get caught up in the stresses and pressures of the season; to use the money God has given us in his service to help those in genuine need and for us to make a difference to the vulnerable, lonely, isolated and needy in our communities.

Regional Ministers: John Claydon and Paul Revill (and FB & Twitter)
Prayers provided by Paul Revill

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

NBA Prayers for 25th November - West View Baptist Church (Hartlepool)

Our main focus over the last 18 months or so has been running a community meal on Fridays, serving people from the estate with a free meal. This has been going really well and each week we serve around 50 or more meals. There are many that come regularly and over this time many relationships have been built with people from the estate. Please pray that relationships would continue to grow and that through us God would draw people to himself. Pray too for all those who work so hard to make it possible.

We are also encouraged by some recent additions to our fellowship who have moved into the area and begun to get involved in church life. So we give thanks for new friends with whom we can share in this ministry. Pray they would know God's blessing as they make Hartlepool their home.

Pray too for the church's financial situation. Our minister Tim Hyde has been with us for nearly 8 years on a part time basis up to now, but this year has reduced to 25% stipend in order to make the books balance.  Prayer for guidance and provision both for the church and for Tim in the coming year.

Miinister: Rev Tim Hyde

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

NBA Prayers for 18th November - Boldon IMC (South Tyneside)


Rejoice with us as today is our Church Anniversary: 133 years in the present building and 141 years since the fellowship began in the upper-room of a nearby terraced house owned by the proprietors of the local pit.



Thanks for providing wisdom and patience during difficult times for a number of key people in the fellowship.

Prayer for guidance in making our worship more relevant and meaningful for ourselves and for the people that the Lord would send to us.



Thanks for the new opportunities that have been presented to further links with local schools.

Prayer for the continued development in the use of our premises for community activities.

FB page.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

NBA Prayers for 11th November - Marsden Road Baptist Tabernacle (South Shields)


·         Thanks for the people who attend faithfully each week, including all our uniformed organisations

·         Prayer for the visit from an American minister and his wife who are coming next year, to support us for 6 months 

·         Prayer as we seek a new minister



·         Thanks for the people who support our events - coffee mornings, table top sales, etc.

·         Prayer for the elderly in our local care homes and for the outreach a small group from our church do once a month at a local sheltered accommodation