Thursday, 9 May 2019

NBA Prayers for 2nd June - Preston Grange Community Church

Thanks for our church

For the link we have made with Durham Road Baptist Church and the encouragement we have received from the visiting speakers.


Prayer for our church

That the Lord will guide us as we seek to become involved with our local group of Churches Together.


Thanks for our local community

For continuing to be able to hold a weekly Lunch Club in the Community Centre and for the friendships that are being built through this work.


Prayer for the local community

That we might have opportunities to meet, share and work alongside the other groups who also meet in the Community Centre.

NBA Prayers for 26th May - South Bank BC (Middlesbrough)

Items for thanks

Our newly appointed youth workers and the recently started mid-week youth work. This has resulted in more children and young people attending church on Sunday, with some giving their lives to Christ.

Our community café, and the team of people who volunteer each week. It has now been running for well over a year and it is a great way to bless local families, particularly those who are facing tough times.


Prayer for the church

For boldness and for wisdom. Our vision is to be 'Courageous messengers of God's unconditional love' – we have seen God do so much and we know that it is just the beginning.


Prayer for the local community

As a church we are praying for a change in the spiritual atmosphere in South Bank and the surrounding area, so that those caught in addiction find freedom, those overwhelmed by despair find hope, and those trapped by fear find joy and peace.

Minister: Rev Jon Edwards (and FB)

NBA Prayers for 19th May - Crosby Garrett United Church

We celebrate our Chapel Anniversary today and we give thanks for the group of young people who will be leading our Service.


However, we worship with heavy hearts in what is a very difficult time for us. One of our older members, who had been fighting ill health for some time, died in January; please pray for her grieving husband. Our organist and her husband parted company in March and both also need our prayers. In a small village such losses affect the whole community and there is a sense of shock and devastation within Crosby Garrett.


As a church, our regular congregation has gone down from six to three. We are finding it very hard when we don't have music to sing. A way forward is not clear. We need prayer as well, please!

Minister: Mr Donald Marston

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

NBA Prayers for 12th May - Westgate BC

Thanks for our church:

For the Mission opportunities, especially for Make Lunch and for the lives touched by this ministry

Prayer for our church:

Please pray for God's Guidance and provision for a Senior Pastor

Thanks for our local community:

After recent upsetting incidents in the community, we give thanks that the community has held together

Prayer for our local community:

For continued safety and cohesion within the community

Pastor: Rev Shelagh Garry (and FB)

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

NBA Prayers for Lakeside BC (Sunderland)

It is difficult to limit our thanks to one item, but it would have to be the blessing and encouragement of new people and families joining our Sunday Service. Numbers are not all important but they are significant for smaller churches and we now have regularly around 40 people attending on a Sunday morning.


Please pray for the outreach events we have planned:  Ladies Tea Afternoon (7 May), Church Away Day to Alnwick and Holy Island (22 June) and Summer Children's Holiday Club (15 July).


We are grateful for the effective and long-standing connection we have with the local community through the twice weekly Toddlers Group.


Please pray for some kind of solution to the huge car parking problem within the community.

Pastor: Rev Ian Wren