Tuesday, 24 September 2019

NBA Prayers 29th September 2019


Recent new attenders
A recent conversion leading to a baptism enquiry
New members.
That the door is open in all the local schools for the churches to take assemblies, lessons and lunch-time clubs.

Prayer Items;

For our Young People to respond positively to the Gospel
The impact that the above could have on their families and our community.
Those who are struggling for whatever reason.

Shaun Newton & Gill Tweddle  

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

NBA Prayers 22nd September 2019

Faithful Ministry from visiting Preachers each Sunday, as we seek to hold fast to Gods inspired word.
For Good Health in our Office holders as they Faithfully and Diligently carry out the Lords work at Esh Winning.
For our Ladies Fellowship and the good number who attend each fortnight, and that they will continue
to Grow in Our Lord both numerically and Spiritually.

For Prayer:
Community – continued distribution of Good News around the village each month, and the
opportunities this brings to speak for our Lord on the doorstep and that this will bring growth and
Revival for Our Lord God in the village and His Church.
Gods work among our Friday Trailblazers group for 5-11 yr olds and for our Faithful Leaders and
Helpers each week.
Our outreach for God at all gatherings both in church and away from the church premises this
Harvest time, that our endeavours will bear much fruit for Him.

Joe Wilkinson on behalf of Deacons

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

NBA Prayers 15th September 2019

Give thanks 
  • for 8 years of ministry of Alistair Jones and the expression of love that was shown by the whole church community on Ali & Gillian's last Sunday 
  • that our Chatty Cafe group, Line Dancing group, Craft group and Toddler groups are all well attended and we are making good friendships in the community   
Please pray
  • that God will guide us as we search for his next shepherd for the flock at Billingham. 
  •    that more members of the local community will feel welcome to join in our Chatty Cafe group, Line Dancing group, Craft group and Toddler groups and know that as a church family we are there for them
Julia Monument 

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

NBA Prayer Requests for Northern Light weekend,19th-22nd September

Give thanks...
  • For the gospel which is powerful for salvation and transformation of people's lives.
  • For all the ways in which our churches are sharing faith and seeing people coming to faith.
  • For all our churches which are engaging in the Northern Light weekend in some way.

Please pray...
  • for the mission teams coming from the UK and other areas of the globe.
  • that God will  greatly use the churches offering support to others, especially Heaton Baptist Church. 
  • that relationships work well within the churches receiving mission teams .
  • that God's kingdom will be established as His Spirit works in fresh and dynamic ways.
  •  that churches will be energised afresh to engage in evangelism,
  •  that the clearly portrayed, crucified and risen' Christ will draw people to become baptised and fully committed disciples.
  • for the ongoing evangelistic mission of your local church.  .