'By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, that you have love for one another.'
The whole world it seems, clamour for a sign. Herod desired to see one, the Pharisees and teachers of the law wanted one, even Jesus's cousin John was eager for one. His case is understandable. He came as a forerunner to Jesus, who according to Simon perception had come to rid Israel of the Roman yoke. Yet here he was, languishing in a damp, dark dungeon. Today little has changed. We are still eager for signs to validate our ministry. Jesus's reply to John is as applicable for us today as it was to John's situation. Understanding our need, Jesus promised that signs would follow us as believers. Yet from his perspective the most important sign of God's activity in the believer's life is our love for others.
We give thanks for;
- the fellowship, love and support seen among the ABC family during this difficult time.
- the coordinated Alnwick town response during lockdown and pray that this care, community cohesion and organisations working together would continue in the town.
Please pray;
- for us as we trial offering our most vulnerable members of the church family the opportunity to come together for a prayer based service on a Sunday morning.
- that God's presence would be more evident than the risk assessments!
- for our three missional communities, that we would have wisdom to know when and how we can begin interacting in small groups face to face.
- for revival to come to Alnwick, that God would soften people's hearts and that we would see where God is at work being his hands and feet in Northumberland.
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