Tuesday, 25 August 2020

NBA Prayers: Sunday 30th August 2020

'By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, that you have love for one another.'
The whole world it seems, clamour for a sign. Herod desired to see one, the Pharisees and teachers of the law wanted one, even Jesus's cousin John was eager for one. His case is understandable. He came as a forerunner to Jesus, who according to Simon perception had come to rid Israel of the Roman yoke. Yet here he was, languishing in a damp, dark dungeon. Today little has changed. We are still eager for signs to validate our ministry. Jesus's reply to John is as applicable for us today as it was to John's situation. Understanding our need, Jesus promised that signs would follow us as believers. Yet from his perspective the most important sign of God's activity in the believer's life is our love for others.

We give thanks for;

  •  the fellowship, love and support seen among the ABC family during this difficult time.
  • the coordinated Alnwick town response during lockdown and pray that this care, community cohesion and organisations working together would continue in the town.

Please pray;

  •  for us as we trial offering our most vulnerable members of the church family the opportunity to come together for a prayer based service on a Sunday morning.  
  • that God's presence would be more evident than the risk assessments!
  • for our three missional communities, that we would have wisdom to know when and how we can begin interacting in small groups face to face.
  • for revival to come to Alnwick,  that God would soften people's hearts and that we would see where God is at work being his hands and feet in Northumberland. 


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Thursday, 20 August 2020

NBA Prayers 23rd August 2020

Encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing (1 Th. 5:11)
It is easy to overlook the importance of encouraging each other. Whatever other ministries we may possess, we all have the ability to build one another up through the gift of encouragement. A few positive words at the right time can make such a big difference. In our fast paced world it is so easy to overlook the myriad small acts of kindness that people provide for us each day. Let us purpose to give words of encouragement to at least two people daily.

Preston Grange Community Church
Preston Grange Community Centre,
Newington Drive
Preston Grange, North Shields
NE29 9JA 

Give thanks;

  • that Christ is still with us no matter how dark circumstances seem
  • that all things work together for good for those who follow Christ
  • for the surety of our salvation

Please pray;

  • for our members welfare during lockdown 
  • that we may soon be able to return to regular worship
  • that we may still provide an effective and caring ministry to our community

Devotional & Prayer Topics Supplied By Roger M Daniel: NBA Prayer Coordinator    

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Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Prayers For The School Year

Many of us know the story of David Wilkerson and his ministry amongst the New York gangs. 'The  Cross and the Switchblade ' tells of the successful crusade he held at which a number of gang leaders committed their lives to Christ. Not so well known are the personal details surrounding his circumstances at that time.
Shortly before the event, he had been visiting the home of a minister friend. This friend had been backing a car out of the garage, little realising that his infant son had been playing behind the wheels. The results, as you can imagine, were devastating. David thought,
'What terrible sin must my friend have committed for God to allow that?'
David's relationship with God changed as a result. Instead of serving Christ out of love, he began working from a fear of consequences should he displease God.
One night, he returned exhausted from the crusade. Creeping into his infant's nursery, he picked up the sleeping babe. A voice commanded him to drop the child. Instead, he held tighter. Three times the command came and each time he clutched the infant tighter. Finally, in desperation he yelled,
'This is my child and I will never drop my child.'
The reply came, 
'And you are my child. I will never, ever drop you.'
Tears of repentance fell from David's eyes as he realised the significance of this message.
Let me ask, what is it that motivates your ministry? 

Prayers For The School Year

Give thanks for;
  • the students, pupils and teaching staff who are able to return safely to school

Please pray for;
  •  the students who are receiving their final results from secondary school.
  • the pupils returning to school after lockdown
  • teaching and other staff members returning to school after lockdown

Devotional & Prayer Topics Supplied By Roger M Daniel: NBA Prayer Coordinator  

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Tuesday, 4 August 2020

NBA Prayers 9th August 2020

A great number of believers suffer from poor self esteem. Comparing themselves to others, who have glowing testimonies, they argue that God could never use them for their inadequacies. Consolation is found in the fact that they at least do not suffer from pride.
This is far from a realistic image however, and can do great harm, whilst preventing us from reaching our full potential. One of my favourite scenes from Bunyan's 'Pilgrim's Progress' is that in which the travellers are in a room packed with wondrous clothing, Dressing themselves in the finery, they admire one another. Due to the fact that there are no mirrors, they are unable to see how wonderful they themselves appear.
We are clothed in Christ and bear his fragrance. We may not recognise this in ourselves, but be assured that when we grasp this fact our communities cannot fail so see the saviour's grace in us.

Give thanks for;

  • our new building and the development of our website
  • the Digital Family Prayer Adventure Map and other resources
  • our leadership team and their initiatives

Please pray;

  • that we may reflect God's love to the people of Gateshead
  • for those people engaged in front line services to our community at this time
  • that we may soon be able to use our new building to its full potential
Prayers and devotional supplied by Roger M Daniel: NBA Prayer Coordinator  

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