Wednesday 12 August 2020

Prayers For The School Year

Many of us know the story of David Wilkerson and his ministry amongst the New York gangs. 'The  Cross and the Switchblade ' tells of the successful crusade he held at which a number of gang leaders committed their lives to Christ. Not so well known are the personal details surrounding his circumstances at that time.
Shortly before the event, he had been visiting the home of a minister friend. This friend had been backing a car out of the garage, little realising that his infant son had been playing behind the wheels. The results, as you can imagine, were devastating. David thought,
'What terrible sin must my friend have committed for God to allow that?'
David's relationship with God changed as a result. Instead of serving Christ out of love, he began working from a fear of consequences should he displease God.
One night, he returned exhausted from the crusade. Creeping into his infant's nursery, he picked up the sleeping babe. A voice commanded him to drop the child. Instead, he held tighter. Three times the command came and each time he clutched the infant tighter. Finally, in desperation he yelled,
'This is my child and I will never drop my child.'
The reply came, 
'And you are my child. I will never, ever drop you.'
Tears of repentance fell from David's eyes as he realised the significance of this message.
Let me ask, what is it that motivates your ministry? 

Prayers For The School Year

Give thanks for;
  • the students, pupils and teaching staff who are able to return safely to school

Please pray for;
  •  the students who are receiving their final results from secondary school.
  • the pupils returning to school after lockdown
  • teaching and other staff members returning to school after lockdown

Devotional & Prayer Topics Supplied By Roger M Daniel: NBA Prayer Coordinator  

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