Wednesday, 28 January 2015

NBA Prayers for 1st February - Billingham BC

We praise God for:

1    The strengthening of the fellowship through caring for each other.

2    Non-churchgoers drawn to the various Church organisations.

3    The growth of Messy Church since it was started a year ago.


We pray for:

1    That elusive quality of a vision for mission and evangelism.

2    A strategy for the development of youth and children's work with the rising number of both.

3    Awareness that Billingham Baptist is open to people of all ages, backgrounds, ethnicities and beliefs to experience the worship of a triune God.

4    Comfort for elderly members who have suffered the loss of a loved one, illness, injury and loneliness.

Minister: Rev Alistair Jones


Wednesday, 21 January 2015

NBA Prayers for 25th January - Whitley Bay BC

2015 is a Year of Outreach for us, developing strategies and practices that will enter the lifeblood of the church. Pray for all our efforts of sowing, reaping and keeping but more importantly for the Holy Spirit's anointing and guidance.


In July we will be welcoming about 20 people from Normandale Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas. Please pray for them, and their leader, Pastor Brent Lightsey, as they make their preparations - and for us as we make our plans to receive them.


Serious long-term illness and untimely deaths have been part of church life in recent months. Please pray for us as we seek to minister to and uphold the individuals and families involved.


We give thanks for the number of young families, with young children, who are part of the church - most Sunday mornings there are about 50 children and young people with us. Thank God also for the work of Laura Spanswick, our Team Leader for Young People's Work who has just returned from maternity leave


We are faced with a cost of about £200,000 for much needed work to our building. Please pray that the Lord will bless and guide us as we face the challenge of the call to sacrificial giving as we face this challenge, determined that we shall not be distracted from our support of mission beyond WBBC.


Remember those members of the Church who are on the front line of service to the local community:  Street Pastors, School Pastors, the Bay Foodbank, Safe Families for Children, Junction 42, Youth for Christ, Carers and Toddlers and Parentalk.

Pastor: Rev Paul Newman


Wednesday, 14 January 2015

NBA Prayers for 18th January - Crosby Garrett United Baptist/Methodist Chapel (near Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria)

We can easily get into the habit of feeling we are plodding on here at Crosby Garrett, with our small gathering, but we had a very good Christmas Carol Service, led by Donald Marston. About 10 little children acted out the Nativity scene and 5 teenage girls read, with Donald speaking in between on the light of the world - illustrated with a candle that changed colour. It was a tremendous service and it was encouraging to see the chapel full. Pray with us that it will encourage people to come and join us.


This Sunday, 18th January, we are holding a United Service, led by Rev Phil Drew, with our Anglican friends from the parish church - another opportunity for people to come and perhaps begin a journey of faith.


One of our young members graduated from University in June. He has started working for Fords, in the London area. He would value your prayers in his new venture and as he becomes involved with a church down there.


Sadly, we have a family in our area who have been hit very hard with cancer. The lad is only in his early 50s and is undergoing radium treatment. His wife has been diagnosed with bowel cancer and is awaiting treatment. They have 2 teenage children. Our local community has been devastated by this news and we would like you to share our load a little by remembering the family in your prayers.

Ministers: Mr Donald Marston (Baptist), Rev Phil Drew (Methodist)

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

NBA Prayers for 11th January - Alnwick Baptist Church

Praise and thanks

Opportunities to engage with the community at Christmas - carol singing at local care / nursing homes and a carol service in the Northumberland Hall in Alnwick market place, with many 'non-regulars' present.
We've re-organised housegroups for the new year - please pray that these will be a source of encouragement and fellowship to those who are part of them.
The Christians Against Poverty (CAP) debt counselling centre based at ABC has been developing links with the local Job Centre and the Job Centre has asked us to run a CAP Job Club at Alnwick, as has been done in other parts of the country. This is an exciting and encouraging step forward but there is much to do and key decisions to make in setting up the Job Club - please pray for wisdom for all concerned.

Pray too for the team seeking to share life and explore faith with invited folks at Costa's on Thursday evenings.

Pastor: Rev David Archer
