Sunday, 7 June 2015

NBA Prayers for 298th June - Blackhill BC (near Consett)

Give thanks

·         for the 31 young people who recently went on the 'weekend away' with the Youth Café leaders, Gary, our minister, and his wile Val.

·         for the families who come along to our monthly 'Messy Church'

·         for the youngsters who come to our weekly children's outreach 'Trailblazers'


Pray for

·         The leaders and workers in the 'Youth Café', Messy Church and Trailblazers.

·         For many of our members who have health problems at present

·         Those who have recently joined our morning congregation, especially those who are wanting to become more involved and the gentleman who has requested to be baptised.

Pastor: Rev Gary Collier


NBA Prayers for 21st June - Thornaby BC

Give Thanks

For our privilege to be engaged in mission and ministry in our local community: through our food bank, schools work, and various other activities based in the church and community.

For our Intern, Ben, who has been a gift from God to us and has served the people of Thornaby with real faithfulness - making a difference in Jesus' name.

For Home Mission support, which has enabled us to support our Minister in Training for the past 3 years (Alan will be Ordained on Saturday 11th July, 2pm at Stockton Baptist Tabernacle, all are welcome)  


Please Pray

For the church's ongoing mission and ministry through these changing times as both our Pastor and our Intern move on during the Summer.

For those who are grieving having lost loved ones.

That people may see that we are Jesus' disciples by the way we love Him and one another.

Pastor: Alan Brand

Saturday, 6 June 2015

NBA Prayers for 14th June - Hamsterley BC

We have ongoing concern over small numbers regularly attending Sunday services (only four regulars). Give thanks for the faithful witness of the few.

We are considering further use of the building as a Prayer Centre for a wider area. Pray for wisdom and discernment as we pursue this.

We work with Bishop Auckland BC, who support us by coming to us on the 5th Sunday of the month. Give thanks for their commitment to us.

There is great spiritual need in a generally affluent and complacent village. Pray that the Spirit may move in this place.

Our pastor, Trevor Rowe, has oversight of both churches. Give thanks for his ministry and pray for him.

Pastor: Rev Trevor Rowe
Website: http://hamsterley,

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

NBA Prayers for 7th June - Lithuania

Give thanks for the growing partnership, for the work of Ian Britton and John Claydon in developing this relationship, and for the work of Lina Toth (formerly Andronoviene) and Irmantas Pinkoritis in their warm and helpful responses to us. May God bless all the Baptist churches in Lithuania and enable them to be more effective and powerful as salt and light in their communities.


Please pray for:

God's blessing and deepening of our mission partnership with the Baptist Union of Lithuania. On 16th June, five folk from the Association and Northern Baptist College will be travelling to Lithuania for a week, visiting five churches to preach and teach about mission.

the team: Paul Revill, Bill Clegg and Alistair Menzies from the NBA and Andrew Phillips and Lanre Banwo from Northern College - for God's protection, for him to use the team greatly as they meet and share faith with folk from the Lithuanian churches; and also that they will gel well into a team - they will not have met as a whole team until the flight out to Lithuania.

the Lithuanian churches, that they will be encouraged and stimulated further in thinking and practice of mission.

our relationship with the Lithuanian churches, to move towards a new phase where we engage in more mission to those beyond the churches, not just supporting and encouraging those within the churches.

Ask God for his hand of protection to be upon the whole country, which is increasingly feeling insecure with Russia as a near neighbour, based upon the intervention in the Ukraine.

Prayers provided by Rev Paul Revill (NBA Team Leader, Mission)