Wednesday, 28 September 2016

NBA Relay Prayers for week from 2nd October - Hamsterley BC

Our prayer needs centre around our declining numbers, with only 2 members included in 4 regular attenders, of whom two are around 80 – and there are health issues. It is difficult to see how we can carry on much longer.


Use of the building as a House of Prayer has not been as much as we had hoped, but it would encourage us if more use was made by visiting churches for Away Days and the like.


Our Pastor, Rev Trevor Rowe, is very active in the local school, but most pupil families live well away from the village. We work with the local Anglican and Methodist churches, who are also experiencing low numbers; we have recently started a joint monthly evening Bible Study. A joint Sunday afternoon "messy" church has also been tried, and will be repeated.


We pray that the Lord will guide us as to the future. Please pray with us.

Pastor: Rev Trevor Rowe.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

NBA Relay Prayers for week from 25th September - Headland BC (Hartlepool)

We give thanks to God for
* the small number of new people who have recently joined us
* the loving support we are receiving from the Association in the continued absence of a minister
* Teesside YFC and Bethany McNeeley in particular, who has given three years to the youth of our church.....and for Shay Zenk, recently arrived from USA, to continue their support and grow the work

We pray 
* that our new friends will feel welcome and will want to "dig deeper"
* for a new initiative in praying for those who live close to the church building...that they will respond positively and want to engage with us
* for courage and understanding as some of us step out into detached youth work, alongside people from other Headland churches, and that the church based children's and youth work will flourish in spirit and number

Website: (and on FB)

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 18th September - Darlington Baptist Tabernacle

Please give thanks for:

  • The development of a monthly Lunch Club (in conjunction with Age UK)
  • Positive moves towards a merger with Grange Road Baptist Church
  • All those who have graciously assisted us in taking services in recent months

Please pray for:
  • Wisdom in dealing with the practical and legal outworking of the merger process
  • A real sense of unity of purpose as we look to amalgamate
  • Continued links with the community which will grow God's kingdom

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for Sunday 11 September - Preston Grange Community Church (North Shields)

Please give thanks for:
·         one baptism and two new church members in the last few months
·         increasing numbers attending our weekly lunch club and for the relationships being built
·         for the love and care we experience within our fellowship

Please pray for:
·         opportunities to reach out to young adults in our area with the good news of Jesus
·         members of our fellowship coping with bereavement and illness within their families
·         our harvest supper at the end of September and the chance to extend hospitality to others in the community

Website: (and on Facebook)