Wednesday, 29 March 2017

NBA Prayers for 2nd April - Oxford Road BC (Hartlepool)

Please pray:


For our minister, Richard Hetherington, and wife Susan, as they continue to lead the church.  We give thanks for their service and look forward to their future ministry.


That new helpers can be found for the long running Toddlers group and its twice weekly outreach to young families.  A number of staff are due to retire in the summer.


for the leadership and work of the ORB Centre, as we continue to welcome the community into the building during the week to participate in various support activities.

Minister: Rev Richard Hetherington (and FB)

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

NBA Prayers for 26th March - Billngham BC

1. We thank God that we have seen our youth work develop over the past couple to years. We now have a group of about 14 teenagers who twice a month come together to study the Bible and share in the life of the Church. We give thanks for their questions and insights into the things of God and pray that God will help them to grow in Christ and, for those who have yet to make a commitment to Him, come and trust Jesus as Lord of their lives.

2. We run a Chatty Café every other week at the Church, and it is has been good to see a group of men and women from outside the Church come along. The conversations have been good, and it has led us to showing the videos entitled "The God question", which look at the arguments for and against God. We give thanks for the good number who come along and pray that, through their questioning and our witness, they will come to know Jesus as Saviour.

3. Like most Churches, we have a large proportion who are in their retirement. In fact we have 6 members who are now in their 90's, most of whom are still living in their own homes. We give thanks for their long lives and their faithfulness to God and His faithfulness to them, over many decades. We uphold them in prayer as their lives here draw to a close and they prepare to go to be with their Lord and Saviour. We also pray that God will bring others to faith to replace them so that our witness to Jesus Christ in our community might continue.

Pastor: Rev Alistair Jones (and FB)

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

NBA Prayers for 19th March - Darlington BC

Two churches, the Baptist Tabernacle in Corporation Road and the church at Grange Road are merging to form Darlington Baptist Church. So far as we can be before the official merger, now planned for September, we are one church.

Give thanks:
·    that our two congregations have readily become one, in both heart and mind
·    for the continuing numerical growth, including more children
·    for new ventures, such as Messy Church and our Book Club and for the flourishing existing ministries
·    that our buildings are used for activities involving those with dementia, mental health issues and motor diseases such as cerebral palsy 

Please pray:
·    for Rodney, as he leads and guides us though our rebirth pains
·    for Mel Ithurralde, as he takes up the reins of Secretary-Elect
·    for discernment, as we begin to think about someone who might be appointed to work with Rodney
·    for the strength to survive the endless and increasingly expensive red tape, seemingly designed to prevent rather than encourage merger

Pastor: Rev Rodney Breckon (and FB)

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

NBA Prayers for 12th March - Grange Road BC (Jarrow)


·                     For the advice and guidance of our Moderator, Rev. Robert Muir.

·                     For the various community groups that hire our Church Hall and that they continue to reach out to the local community.
·                     For the success of our Coffee Stop which is help each Wednesday and Friday morning and is well supported by local people.

·                     That we shall soon be blessed with a new Minister for Grange Road who will continue the Lord's work here.
·                     For more Church volunteers in order that we can maintain our Church life.
·                     For members suffering from ill health and those who care for them either at home, in care or in hospital.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

NBA Prayers for 5th March

Give thanks

Inductions of Julie Price at South Shields, and Mark Hubbard and Jon Edwards to shared ministry at East Cleveland and South Bank

A good refreshing Ministers' Conference, shared in part with ministers from the Yorkshire Baptist Association

The generosity of our churches in supporting Home Mission and BMS



Pray for

Preparations for Easter events, vigils, marches of witness, services and other celebrations and outreach events

The NBA and BU Councils who have meetings this month, that they will know the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all their deliberations

Lynn Fletcher as she delivers Level 2 Safeguarding Training over the next few weeks (more details can be found on the NBA website)

The challenging financial situation facing our Baptist family

Prayers provided by Rev Dr John Claydon
NBA website: (and FB)