Wednesday, 26 July 2017

NBA Prayers for 30 July - Filipiono International Church (Whitley Bay)

Please pray, with us for:
·         the Church leaders: Elders, Deacons and Officers
·         the Ministries of our Church, especially the Young Professionals (new nurses who arrived from the Philippines)
·         plans and programmes, including "OktoberPraise 2017" on October 7th
·         our Missionaries in the Philippines - the 11 Missionaries being supported by the Church
·         the National Youth Conference in Padova, Italy - the 2 young people who will be joining the Conference
·         our sick brethren: Abi Molina (for complete recovery); Amor Aquino (continuous healing and strength);the Mother of Michael Te (to be operated upon because of an accident); Rijen Retino (diagnosed with a small hole in his heart); Ossie Hall (severe back pain)
·         the needs of our families in the Philippines
·         the Philippines - our leaders and citizens and the ongoing rebellion in Marawi, Mindana

Pastor: Rev Virgilio Pansacala

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

NBA Prayers for 23rd July - Stocksfield BC

Give thanks for:

Seeing God's provision and answers to prayers in turning around a financial deficit and a new youth leader

Prophetic words towards developing mission

A successful trip to Romania by many of our young (and not so young) people with the Smiles Foundation, resulting in a year-long list of actions being undertaken by the church every month to provide needs for the people they met there

A CAP (Christians against Poverty) job club getting off the ground in the local area

An Alpha course which was well attended and fruitful contacts made

A series of lectures in the Tyne valley organised by one of our members looking at the role of Christian faith in an age of science


Prayers for:

Our annual children's holiday club taking place from 24-28 July

The need for new leaders in taking forward the property management of the building and in leading the younger age children's work

Continual mission development

Minister: Rev Pete Jorysz

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

NBA Prayers for 16th July - Spennymoor Jubilee IMC

Prayers for:

·         Our ministers, George and Beryl, that God will continue to give them strength for their ministry and all the work they do in the Church;
·         Members in our Church who battle with health concerns or who is caring long term for a loved one;
·         Those who work with the children in our "Kingdom Kids. May the children be a good example to others;
·         Our Friday Drop In, that it may we be a good witness to those who call in.

Give thanks that, in October, we will have a new member.

In all the busyness of our lives and all the storms we may face, pray that we will let our Church make space for the hearing of the Lord's still small voice.

Ministers: George Eales and Beryl Harbisher

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

NBA Prayers for 9th July - Enon BC

Give thanks for:
·         A recent gift day, where we were blessed with more than was required to go to tender for planned improvements to the building
·         Our Wycliffe missionaries, who spent a month with us in June, who is starting with us in August as an assistant to the pastor
·         Our current gap year student, who is going to Moorlands Bible College in September to commence a degree in youth work
·         Our new gap year student, who is starting with us in September
·         Our children and youth work, which is growing and flourishing


Please pray for:
·         Members of our congregation who are struggling with illness, for healing and for peace for them and their families
·         Jude, our former administrator, as she now serves on a refugee camp in Sid, Serbia. Pray that she will continue to engage with the people there and that she will discern clear guidance for her future
·         We have a planned open air service for August 6th. Please pray that we will be a witness to the local people
·         Our young people, as they plan a trip to Kairos Christian camp at the end of August
·         Our Pastor, Simon, as he continues to lead the church and for wisdom as he guides the young men who have been brought to us
·         The gap year programme we are involved with, that it may continue to grow

Pastor: Rev Simon Burin (and FB)