On Wednesday 4 October we look forward to a visit from our BMS link missionaries Wit and Helen Boondeekhun, who are currently home from northern Thailand where they work in a church planting ministry. We are happy to open this meeting to any friends who wish to come along at 7.30 pm with refreshments from 7 pm. For more information you can get Alan Reed on 01642 314450 or 07961839191. Please pray that the Link visit bears fruit for the Kingdom.
We are thankful for:
the good numbers attending the parent and toddler group on Friday mornings and for the way parents come along to other activities such as the recent church barbecue;
our close ties with local primary schools and the regular opportunities to take assemblies;
the faithful members of the fellowship and their strong relationships and mutual support.
We value prayer:
as we as we work through a period with many members of the fellowship going through difficult times due to health, family and work related issues;
because, like many others, we face challenges in the future with regard to church leadership and finance;
for God's continued provision as we reach out to one of the most deprived areas in one of the most deprived towns.
Minister: Rev Alan Reed
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