2018 Refurbishment
It is hoped that the year 2018 will see a major refurbishment of the worship area and a new heating system for the whole ground floor of our premises. We expect the total spend to be around £270,000 of which £20,000 will be a donation to BMS World Mission to help with church building in another part of the world. In connection with this we would be grateful for prayer in the following areas:
· as we move from a plan to detailed specifications under the leadership of our appointed professional Project Manager, pray for continued unity within the Church family and for the work of our Refurbishment Team;
· most of the finance has already been pledged from within the fellowship but there is still an amount of money to be raised through grant applications and other funding; pray for God's providence to continue in relation to this project;
· once the work starts in late summer, it is expected that we will need to be out of the premises for up to three months; please pray for our Ways & Means Group as it is busy seeking alternative accommodation for our various activities.
In September the Church membership undertook the completion of a questionnaire concerning church life. We are now at the stage of sifting through the responses and discerning what God is saying to us in relation to our life as a missional community exploring new ways of reaching out, as we seek to 'reboot' our small groups and pastoral care systems and enrich our worship life. Pray for positive outcomes.
Open the Book
Please pray for our contacts with schools through the Bible Society's "Open the Book" scheme, which allows us to present Bible stories in assemblies at four local first schools and which has recently seen 240 children in the Church for a presentation of "Christmas Castaways" by the 4Front Theatre Company.
Take 5 and Chat
"Take 5 & Chat" provides a fortnightly café-style drop-in for parents of children with additional needs. Although not overtly evangelistic, conversations frequently become spiritually focussed. Pray for wisdom and discernment in this work.
The Light
Pray for "The Light" a group that provides a monthly opportunity for worship to adults with learning disabilities.
Senior Pastor: Rev Paul R Newman
wbbc.org.uk (and FB and Twitter)
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