Wednesday, 27 March 2019

NBA Prayers for 31st March - Thornaby BC (Stockton -on-Tees)

Give THANKS: For steady growth in numbers of people coming to church. 


PRAY: For the 3 people being baptised on Easter Sunday.  Also, for the health and well-being of all our church folk.


Give THANKS: For our Food Bank, the volunteers and all who give so generously.


PRAY: For opportunities to speak to those in our local community who are in need of the love of God.

FB: @thronabybaptistchurch

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

NBA Prayers for 24th March - Westoe Road BC (South Shields)

As we come to the close of our Year of Celebrations for our 200th Anniversary, we give thanks for the last 200 years of being a witness for God here in South Shields. Our final celebration is this Sunday, March 24, when we will look back over the last year, thanking God for the success of each of  our monthly events and those who took part.


We ask for God's Blessing as we move into our 201st year and we 'Share the love of Jesus to our Church Family, our Community and the Wider World' - Matthew 18:20 and Acts 2:42-47


We give thanks for our community, and the privilege of being able to work with local families, through Whizz Kids, Brownies, Anchor Boys and Boys Brigade, and with older people in our community as we lead monthly Praise Services in  local care homes.


We pray for the leaders of these activities, that God will enable them to recognise and respond to opportunities to share the love of God. May God richly bless them in this work and bless all those they come into contact with.

Pastor: Julie Price (and FB)

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

NBA Prayers for 17th March - Easington Lane IMC


We praise and thank God for His faithfulness, although most of our congregation belong to the older generation, we still enjoy times of blessing at our Sunday and mid-week meetings, we also share a good relationship with  local churches through 'Hetton Fellowship of Churches'.

We pray that God will call and equip younger people to take on the responsibility of leadership roles, and that the relationship we share with the other churches will continue to grow every stronger as we work together of the extension of God's Kingdom.



As a church we have a good relationship with 'ELCAP',[our local community centre, whose premises are next door to our church building]. Many of our congregation, including ministers and leaders are involved with groups that use their premises. We are grateful for the close link which we have with the local school, where we have the privilege of taking morning assembly on a fortnightly basis, children from the school also attend our church for our Annual production of 'The Bible Comes Alive'. 

We pray that the links mentioned above will remain open, and that through various  Outreach events we have planned for the coming year (for example, a concert by the children from our JAM Club, followed by a pie and pea supper) we will be able to build a relationship with more men, women and children from our community, and that God will open the way for us to share with them the Gospel Message.

Ministers: Jean Merton, Mary Grey, Kay White

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

NBA Prayers for 10th March - Great Asby BC (Eden Valley, Cumbria)

In our small village setting, give thanks that we have a few more people attending worship.

Give thanks also for the fellowship of the other denominations (Anglican and Methodist) in the village and pray for them as they minister with us in Great Asby.

Pray for Christ-like hearts and for wisdom as we look to find the way ahead.

Minister: Mr Donald Marston
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