Wednesday, 29 July 2015

NBA Prayers for 2nd August - TEBA (Tryon Evergreen Baptist Association, in Texas)

Three things you can thank God for in the life of the Association:

1] Grateful for the number of people who have come to saving faith in Christ this year.

2] Grateful for the strong fellowship and support among the TEBA churches and missions.

3] Grateful for the opportunity to partner in the planting of new congregations in the Association.


Three items/issues you can share with us in praying about:

1] We pray we would stay passionately faithful to our Vision and Mission:

Our VISION: To be a partnership of healthy reproducing congregations cooperating together to transform our community and our world.

Our PURPOSE: The purpose of this Association is to relate to and assist the member churches individually and cooperatively in carrying out the fulfilment of the Great Commission through the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

2] We pray that God would continue to raise up or send us qualified Church Planters.

3] We pray that God would guide us as we seek to determine and implement our future Associational Strategy.

Executive Director: Rev Roger A Yancey


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