Friday, 16 October 2015

NBA Prayer Relay for 18th October - Northern Baptist College

Here's a thanksgiving and an intercession for each day of the week.  


  1. Give thanks for a good intake of ministerial students this year
  2. Give thanks for Glyn's ministry as he prepares to retire in December
  3. Give thanks that all our leavers who entered the settlement system last year found churches
  4. Give thanks for Jonathan gaining his PhD
  5. Give thanks for the invaluable contribution made by all who give their time to serve as governors, committee members, interviews etc.
  6. Give thanks for a good number of students starting the BA at LKH this year
  7. Give thanks for the privilege of working with those whom God has called to lead the church



  1. For wisdom for Governors as they meet on Oct 22nd
  2. For our partnership with SBTC and the five Baptist Ministers in Training who started formation there this year
  3. For more money!
  4. For energy for our hard-working staff team
  5. For Gale and Linda as they work on their PhD research
  6. For each of the churches and mission projects with whom our students work
  7. For those students working towards recognition as lay pastors and lay preachers




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