Wednesday, 25 November 2015

NBA Prayer Relay for 29th November - Owton Manor BC (Hartlepool)

1)   Bright Sparks is our 5 to 11 children's work has rapidly grown to 46 for our Thursday evening meeting. This altered the dynamics, content and leadership requirement with too many children with insufficient to do, becoming unwieldy and potentially dangerous. Also, because of known absences coming up in Nov we thought it best suspended meetings and regroup our strategy and staff for January. At this stage our strategy is developing on course to re-open Jan 2016 where we look for the Lord's wisdom and blessing on the children.


2)   Because of the retirement of two leaders after many years of faithful service in many departments of the church, we need others to take over and nominations in for January for our AGM. As with many other churches this is not automatic in a mainly elderly congregation. Wisdom, motivation and new blood are required.


3)   The Baptist churches in Hartlepool have  gradually and deliberately worked closer together in recent years as a denomination, and so to with Churches Together in the town: FOODBANK, Street Pastors, Breakfast Club, Debt Counselling, Lent Courses, Week of Prayer for Unity, Pentecost Day of Prayer, Advent etc. We need this work to have deep roots and healthy growth to produce spiritual and practical wellbeing across Hartlepool.


West View for prayer:

·         We are thankful for being able to go ahead with our building refurbishment over the last few months. Pray for speedy completion of final bits and for additional work planned for the new year.

·         We are 60 years old! (last week actually) and are hoping to do some things during 2016 that might mark that in some way. Pray for ideas and opportunities.


And from Oxford Road:

·         We would appreciate prayer for a Christianity Explored course we intend to run early next year.

·         Protection for the leadership and the congregation as a number have faced some big challenges in the last few months the consequences of which will carry over into 2016

·         We have enjoyed working with a number of the other churches in Hartlepool and appreciated the fellowship and friendship shared among the leaders. Pray that this might continue to flourish in 2016.

Pastor: Rev Maurice Mathison


Wednesday, 18 November 2015

NBA Prayer Relay for Week from 22nd November - Ushaw Moor BC (near Durham)

Items for praise:

  • Give thanks for our minister in training, David Etherington, who joined us in September.
  • Continue to thank God for the commitment and work with other Christians in the village and praise God for the things he is teaching us as we work together.
  •  Praise God for raising our horizons through our regular Wednesday morning prayer time.

Items for prayer:

  • Pray for Holy Spirit intervention as Paul Revill ministers to us on 22nd, at the launch of our week of prayer and the receiving of the 'baton'!
  • Pray that the 11 prayer stations will be challenging, encouraging and thought provoking as people grapple with the different aspects and pray that God will meet with them at their level.Pray for the teachers and a group of children from the local primary school who will attend on Thursday afternoon.
Minister in Training: David Etherington

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 15th November - Durham City BC

Give thanks for:

·         The commitment of willing people who work together to bring God's love to the local community.

·         The number of children and young people who attend our groups each week and for the contact we have with their families.


Pray for:

·         The events planned for the week leading up to our anniversary:

Sunday 15th:           Morning  -   Paul Revill will take our service,   

                              Afternoon  - prayer with communion and fellowship tea,

Wednesday:            Members/congregational meeting

Thursday:               Girls' Brigade are hosting a prayer event to which we will invite other Churches.

Saturday/Sunday is our anniversary

Saturday 21st:         An evening entertainment and light refreshments with Lina Toth,

Sunday 22nd:          Morning service led by Lina Toth followed by lunch.

Invitations are extended to other churches for both of these occasions.

·         All groups that meet this week ('Heroes' for primary school children, Craft Group, Girls' Brigade) will be visited by our minister (Ronnie) and/or available deacons who will pass the prayer baton on, recognising that all our ministries seek to be missional.


Pray for:

·         The mission group that meets to pray and seek God's guidance concerning the church's mission.

·         Ronnie and the deacons that they will seek to keep mission central to the life of the church.

·         A greater realisation that God has called us to be involved in mission wherever he has placed us in the world.

·         All those who come into contact with the church that they might come into faith.

Minister: Rev Ronnie Wynd


Wednesday, 4 November 2015

NBA Prayer Relay for 8th November: Westgate BC

8th November 2015





We thank God


  1. For our newly completed retreat room and prayer room.


  2. For the developments in our youth ministry and those giving time their time to our young people. We especially give thanks for our recent youth led Sunday prayer night and the privilege of being prayer for by our young folk.


  3. For the vision, support and input of our regional ministers.



    Please pray


  1. For the development of our ministry as a place of retreat and prayer.


  2. For us as we open our building this week from Monday to Friday from 8am to 10pm and invite people to come and spend time in prayer and using our prayer stations.  All are welcome!


  3. For clarity about our next mission strategy.