Wednesday, 17 December 2014

NBA Prayers for the Association - 21st Decembe

Praise God for:

The wonder of His love revealed in Jesus – 'the Word made flesh'.

The joy, wonder and peace, that is at the heart of the Christmas message.

The unique opportunities for sharing the good news at this Christmas time through services and events.

The support and encouragement we find in our Association life and for the recent National Teams Retreat that was a time of renewal and refreshment for all involved.



That God's Spirit may enable people to receive the message of Jesus, who is Emmanuel, and look afresh to him.

For those who will find Christmas a difficult and challenging time that they may know something of God's love and goodness.

For Paul to be used missionally within Prudhoe as he and his family settle into their new home.

That God may deepen our relationships and commitment together within the north and as part of our national family, and for the deepening of relationships between and across our churches as we move into 2015.

Prayers provided by "The Team"


Next Prayers, after the New Year, for 11th January

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

NBA Prayers for 14th December - Lakeside BC (Sunderland)

Items for Praise

The way Ian and Maureen have integrated into the Fellowship and the leadership they are giving

Ian's visits to local primary school (fortnightly)

Encouraging financial situation

Encouragement from faithfulness of group of key workers in the Church


Items for prayer

Good response to invitations to Christmas Services

Christmas Services including:

            1 - visit of local primary school choir on Sunday 7 December

            2 - Christingle Service Monday on 22 December

Growth of recently introduced Craft Club (fortnightly) and Coffee Morning (monthly)

Ministers: Ian and Maureen Wren


Wednesday, 3 December 2014

NBA Prayers for 7th December - Durham Road BC, Gateshead

Give thanks for a meeting with Chris Bambrough yesterday to look at outreach from the church and the challenges we face. Pray that the discussion we had may lead to action in the future and that we may have the resources to carry this out. Pray as we seek God's guidance between now and a further meeting with Chris which is planned for 11 January.


Pray for the combined Carol Service which will be held at Westgate on 14 December and will include Durham Road and Beacon Lough churches. Pray as we continue to work together for mutual support.


Pray for us as we work towards forging links with two local churches, one Methodist and one Anglican to reach our community.


Wednesday, 26 November 2014

NBA Prayers for 30 November (Advent Sunday)


We give praise and thanks to God for:
- a well-attended and encouraging Association Assembly with Jeff Lucas, grateful for the help of Westoe Road and Enon during the day.
- the encouragements gained and given, and the connections made, during the Season of Prayer.
- the growth and impact of the Kairos Youth weekend; for young people encouraged and enabled to move on in their faith.

- In this coming season of Advent, pray for our churches as they celebrate the coming of Jesus and share that good news with their communities through Carol Services and other Christmas events and celebrations.
- As the Association Mission Strategy is finally drafted and launched on 22nd February, pray that it may a have significant impact on the life and mission of our churches and Association.
- Pray for those churches seeking special funding to enable them to engage in specific pieces of youth work, that they may receive the resource to help them reach out to young people.

NBA Website:

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

NBA Prayers for 23rd November - Durham City Baptist Church

Our Minister

  • Give thanks that, after a serious operation and convalescence, Ronnie Wynd is now back at work, gradually phasing in what he does.
  • Pray that Ronnie may both feel encouraged by what he can do and aware of what he cannot yet manage.
  • Give thanks for all those who have led worship during Ronnie's absence and who continue to take some Sunday Services. 

Our Church Anniversary - it is this weekend!

  • Give thanks for all who have gone before us and for those who will follow in our footsteps at Durham City as followers of Christ.
  • Give thanks for yesterday's Mission Evening, incorporating a Celebration Meal and a presentation by BMS World Vision speakers.
  • Pray for us as we conduct our Anniversary Service this morning and for Rev Rodney Breckon as he leads our worship.

Minister: Rev Ronnie Wynd

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

NBA Prayers for 16th November - New Silksworth IM Church (Sunderland)



Success of Holiday Club held in the summer and the recent one day Holiday Club & Hallelujah Party held in October school holidays, with the gospel being heard by families and children.


'Bible Comes Alive presentations to children, staff and helpers from three local schools and the ongoing links with these schools through assemblies and visits.


New after school initiative 'Stay & Play', for the encouraging response and further contacts made through attendees.


The increasing community influence of the church with the young, through Fun Club, Toddlers, Detonate, Stay'n'Play@Church, Summer Holiday Club, Seasonal Kids Club sessions and leaders acting as local school governors.




Wisdom in considering the leadership of the church and the way that God would take us forward.


Hearts and minds of the Silksworth Community are open to the Gospel.


Upcoming events and outreach activities planned for the Christmas period are prayerfully upheld and fruitful.


The increasing work with children and families in the local community


The re-kindling of God's Spirit within our community.


Our involvement with Nehemiah Global Ministries, supporting and encouraging the work in Ghana - building a school, health centre and church.

Minister: Alan Bickle


Wednesday, 5 November 2014

NBA Prayers for 9th November - Grange Road BC (Darlington)


  • For a year of encouraging growth in church numbers, with new faces nearly every week and with more people in the Sunday congregation who have been worshipping with us for less than two years than "the old timers"
  • For Rodney's committed and inspired leadership, supported by a group of hard working members, during the period the church has been without a Pastor
  • For lives that have been radically turned around in the church and for the testimony they give 


  • For everyone at Grange Road to develop a deeper and closer relationship with God
  • That the old and the new will grow together in unity and Godly purpose as we move through a season of change
  • That God will guide and equip us as we consider how and where we should work to impact the town for Him
  • That the ongoing journey of working together with our friends at the Darlington Baptist Tabernacle will bear increasing Kingdom fruit locally
Moderator: Rev Rodney Breckon

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

NBA Prayers for 2nd November - Portrack Baptist Church (Stockton-on-Tees)


  • For Linda's appointment and good working relationships
  • For opportunities to work with the local school at Harvest and Remembrance Day
  • For 'Love Stockton'- joint churches prayer and mission in the town


  • That Jim, Linda and the eldership will build on a positive new start and be renewed in vision together with the church to hear and do what God is saying in this new season
  • That a new prayer initiative will bring blessing to the Portrack and Tilery housing estates
  • That plans for ministry over Christmas will come together and be a blessing to the church family and the local community
Ministers: Rev Jim Wright and Rev Linda Donaldson

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

NBA Prayers for 26th October - New Life Baptist Church, Northallerton


·         We thank God for His faithfulness and provision, particularly thanking Him for Glen Cormack and Greg Condon, now in post for nearly a year as Senior Pastor and Youth Leader.

·         As we enter the new season after the summer break, we thank the Lord for the momentum and the sense of anticipation evident in the church, as we see the Lord at work in people's lives.

·         We thank God for the 7 people who have been baptised this year, all with very different and exciting stories of God's faithfulness and call. 


Please pray for

·         The 30 or so people attending our Alpha course this autumn.

·         The church leadership, as they work through developing the church's vision in partnership with Lead Academy.

·         Our current teaching series "Getting to know the Holy Spirit", that as a church we will not simply learn about him, but will get to know him better.

·         Our Home Groups as we focus on prayer. We will be praying for our friends and family, and also studying the Lord's Prayer, following the Prayer Course.

·         Our Youth Cell Groups who are meeting in newly structured groups on different nights from before. Pray that our young people will put down roots in their faith and be faithful witnesses to their friends.

Senior Pastor: Rev Glen Cormack

NBA Prayers for 19th October - Grange Road BC (Jarrow)



  • God's continuing grace and faithfulness, as we celebrate 150 years of Baptist witness in Jarrow.
  • Well attended Harvest Festival and Thank Offering / Anniversary Weekends
  • Ongoing worship services and mid-week meetings and activities



  • that God will raise up people able to undertake positions of responsibility within the Church
  • that our outreach activities will lead people to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ
  • opportunities to minister to young people
Minister: Rev Roy Merrin

Monday, 6 October 2014

NBA Prayers for 12th October - East Cleveland BC

Thanks for:

a new set of leaders for our youth and children's work

3 new babies born into our congregation this year

that Foodbank and CAP have brought us into contact with a lot of people from the community.


Pray for:

some of our recent converts to come through to baptism

the 20 or so unchurched young people who come to our youth clubs

our Leadership Team, most of whom are under pressure from health, family and time issues

Minister: Rev Phil Dixon

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

NBA Prayers for 5th October - Westoe Road Baptist Church, South Shields

Prayer requests


Our ongoing children's work within the Church through Whizz Kids, Baby Vine, Mini Maestros, Brownies and Boys Brigade. Please pray that we continue to develop relationships with the many children and families we see each day and that we take every opportunity to share our Faith with them.


Our Pastor, Julie Price, as she continues in here effective leadership of this Church. Please pray for her as she continues her training.


Our links into the Community through our work with schools and our local Care Home. Please pray that these links continue so that we are a visible presence in the Community which will encourage others to come to know Christ through our work.

Pastor: Julie Price


Wednesday, 24 September 2014

NBA Prayers for 28th September - Enon BC (Sunderland)


The church's growing Parent and Toddler Group (Little Fishes)

Growth in the Student Work

For those saints who dedicate time and energy weekly

For an edifying series in Nehemiah

For Wearside Youth for Christ establishing our TNT Youth Club



For our Alpha Course this Autumn to be effective

For a Youth Worker Intern to be appointed

For our Church Weekend Away 26th - 28th September with Rodney Breckon

For more leaders to take responsibility for our growing ministries

Pastor: Rev Simon Burin


Wednesday, 17 September 2014

NBA Prayers for 21st September - Whitley Lodge Baptist Church (Whitley Bay)


  • Mid-week children's club restarted with 7 new kids this year.
  • New praise monthly praise meeting on Saturday night.
  • A great series on Romans by our in house speakers.
  • Two regular prayer meetings.


  • Sickness is an issue. Please pray for an anointing and an openness for healing ministry here.
  • Wisdom and unity as we look for a pastor.
  • An outreach venture for those living alone.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

NBA Prayers for 14th September - Boldon IMC (Tyne & Wear)

Thanks for:

  • a year in which links with local schools have been enriched and strengthened
  • the maintained and strengthened links with local groups using the building
  • the approval of the plans and building regulations to refurbish the adjoining building for increased outreach, especially with local children

Pray for:

  • additional workers with commitment and energy to take the church's vision for outreach forward
  • spiritual growth and confidence especially for those of our fellowship whose faith has been buffeted in recent times
  • the finance being made available to bring the refurbishment work to completion

In all things may Jesus Christ be praised!

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

NBA Prayers for 7th September - Middlesbrough BC

As our regular church life gears up again after the summer, please pray for….

  • Our forthcoming Alpha course: for a goodly number of enquirers, keen to explore big questions
  • Our planned Youth Alpha course: for enthusiastic children and teenagers
  • Our planned trip to Grace Bible College in North India: that more would volunteer to join us, and that the trip will bring encouragement to the student pastors and missionaries who train there
  • Our various outreach activities: that they and we would speak powerfully into our local community
  • Our whole church family as we re-commit to prayer - what will God challenge us to do over the coming months?
Pastor: Rev Nigel Riley

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

NBA Prayers for 31st August - Season of Prayer, provided by Rev Paul Revill (Regional Minister, Mission) + Marjorie Wheatley

Give thanks for the positive response of our churches to the call to pray through September, and the support for the prayer pilgrimage.

Give thanks that we have such a privilege to be given the gift of prayer, to grow in relationship with God.
Give thanks for all that God does in this world through prayer and for the power of prayer to bring transformation.


Please pray that God will use this season of prayer to bring hope, fresh faith and new life in our churches, and that we will see significant answers to prayer and receive fresh revelation from God.

Pray for all those involved in the prayer pilgrimage walk, that God will speak to them and through them as they visit each of our churches, especially John Claydon and Paul Revill, who are leading the walk.

Pray for the 'Spiritus' event in Durham on September 6th, that God will use this to deepen many people's experience of prayer and draw people towards him.

Pray for this whole initiative to spark fresh enthusiasm for prayer and mission in our churches.


+ + + 


Marjorie WheatleyMarjorie, the church secretary of West View Baptist Church in Hartlepool, is critically ill in James Cook Hospital. Please pray that she would respond to treatment and possibly further surgery. Please pray also for her family at this time and Marjorie's church family at West View.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

NBA Prayers for 24th August - Spennymoor Jubilee Independent Methodist Church

For the Friday Drop-in which still attracts good numbers and has a good fellowship - but we long for those as yet unsaved to make a commitment to Christ. The work of the young people in the form of the Kingdom Kids needs our prayers as the numbers have slightly declined, especially among the teenager group – although 4 new children came last Sunday and we pray that they may continue.


We would like the NBA to remember our work among the Alzheimer's patients at Appleton Lodge and especially our special service during Advent, when we bring them to the Church for a service followed by a tea. Pray that the various difficulties with Health and Safety and staff cover may yet again be overcome. This would be our third year of hosting this meeting which takes place this year on the afternoon of Sunday 7th December.


Pray for the Wednesday evening Youth Club, which has greatly reduced in numbers, that the Lord will bring in more young people.


The Monday evening Christian Endeavour service still continues with varied types of fellowship and we pray that again God will bring in those who will be attracted to its different forms of worship. We pray that God will bless our Sunday evening service – there has been a gentle upward trend and we still have our sights set on reaching the 25 mark by the end of the year.

Ministers: Mr George Eales and Mrs Beryl Harbisher

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

NBA Prayers for 17th August - Stocksfield BC (Tyne Valley)

Thanks and praise for the support and unity we have experienced during this period without a Minister. Prayers that the Ministerial profile we have just completed will attract God's candidate for our appointment through the September settlement process.


Give thanks for a very successful Children's Holiday Club.


Give thanks for the Lunch Club, regularly organised by a band of dedicated ladies from SBC. Please pray that more elderly people in the area would come along and enjoy the food and company and experience God's love at work.


Pray for God's blessing on our property improvement programme through this autumn.


Wednesday, 6 August 2014

NBA Prayers for 10th August - Morpeth Baptist Church

1.    Pray for the 25th Anniversary Celebrations on September 14th.

2.    Pray for the next stage of moving forward as a result of the Away-Day.

3.    Pray for the good response of leaders who are now in the Sunday School. 

4.    Pray for guidance as how we might witness to the town of Morpeth.


Wednesday, 30 July 2014

NBA Prayers for 3rd August - Berwick Hills BC (Middlesbrough)



1  For spiritual and physical refreshment during the summer break in readiness to continue the autumn programme of events and activities. Pray for the visitors who will lead worship and preach during the Pastor's holiday in August.  


2  For guidance, discernment and compassion in dealing with challenging situations that continue to have an impact on many members of the church fellowship and may effect relationships and witness.


3  As with so many others, we can identify areas for ministry and we can see opportunities but need wisdom in order to undertake those things in accordance with the resources we have available. Please pray for leadership and willing workers with a desire for Mission. 




1  For the Food Bank collection point that is now established at the church building and serves the local area on Thursday afternoons. 


2  For the faithful members of the church fellowship who are willing servants and demonstrate such great commitment to the Lord and His church.


3  For the Parent and Toddler group that draws many from the local area with most having no other church connection.


4  For the long standing relationships with local schools that have been established over many years.

Pastor: Rev Alan Reed

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

NBA Prayers for 27th July - Owton Manor BC + Ronnie Wynd

Although we are not a large church and predominantly of retirement age, we can thank the Lord for seeing us through financially over the last few years and with some baptisms each year, and a recent successful Gift Day 


As Pastor, having reached 65, I have continued ministry on a part time basis, alongside a very supportive and active Leadership Team and members - but now, in new circumstances, we need prayer for ongoing good decisions and responses.


We are planning to have another YFC American Gap Year Student next year whom we hope will have some positive input into ministry for children and youth on alternate Sunday mornings and midweek meetings for different age groups - new meeting strategies for both Sundays and midweek. Thanks that they are coming and prayer that they will make a difference!


We will greatly value your prayer support in all these matters.

Minister: Rev Maurice Mathison



* * *


Ronnie Wynd, the minister of Durham City Baptist Church, had heart surgery last week. He will be on sick leave until October. Please pray for a full and speedy recovery.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

NBA Prayers for 20th July - North Shields BC

At North Shields Baptist Church, we would like to thank God for:

  • A number of new people who have come to join us over the last few week
  • Continued financial stability
  • New possibilities for mission to displaced persons seeking refuge in this country


We would ask you to pray with us for:

  • More support for the children's work
  • Continued guidance as regards the future of our 'New to the UK' Drop-in
  • Greater recognition of mission opportunities

Minister: Rev Liz Edwards


Wednesday, 9 July 2014

NBA Prayers for 13th July - Ushaw Moor BC (near Durham)

Thank God for the support we have received from Emmanuel Church Durham, who are taking a monthly service for us.

Praise God for Christians working together in Ushaw Moor and showing God's love through simple acts of kindness.

Praise God for the 'army' of lay preachers who bless us with their presence and bring the freshness of God's word on a regular basis.

Pray that God will use the bridge building activities to bring real faith to people in the village.

Pray for DH7 Churches Together, working to make Jesus known in our area.

Pray for vision as we still seek some form of leadership and ministry.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

NBA Prayers for 6th July - Glendale Crossing Places (Wooler)

Based in Glendale, Northumberland: stunningly beautiful – spiritually needy. We work to:


1.      SOW and Share the Good news:



  • For our first (monthly) Café Church and all the people who came
  • For our Sunday brunches to which friends and neighbours come and talk and laugh and listen
  • For the enthusiastic and community-minded new folk in our (now completely full) community gardening scheme as we meet together monthly to chat and plan


  • For our neighbours and fellow-gardeners, that we might have more opportunities to grow to trust each other, and increased likelihood that people will respond well to invitations to come to Café Church

2.      FORM and Build a community of disciples



  • For our programme and events which spur us into missional thinking


  • For the friends on the edge of the group, that we will be grace-full and wise towards them, as we offer opportunities to become more engaged with us, and us with them

3.      SERVE and Work for the advancing of the Kingdom of God



  • For our local First School (years 1-5) who have responded positively to our invitation to introduce them to Scripture Union's "Life Path" school events this summer


  • For our working with various agencies (RVS, Schools, U3A, Gateway Trust, et al.) - that we'll keep influencing their agenda with aspects of the Christian faith
  • For our work in bringing the Christian story into the public arena – e.g. our future plans for story-telling about the Celtic saints
Minister: Rev Bill Eugster

Friday, 6 June 2014

NBA Prayers for 29th June - Darlington Baptist Tabernacle

For Thanks

The culmination of three successful years of training for our minister in training, Linda Donaldson.

The calling of a new minister in training, Robyn Shepherd, who will start ministry with us in September.

The baptism of two of our fellowship in February.

The development of community activities such as the "Community Choir" and "Not the Youth Club".

The developing links with Grange Road Baptist Church.

For Prayer

Linda Donaldson, as she moves to new ministry with Portrack Road Baptist Church.

Robyn Shepherd, as she prepares to join us and for a smooth transition into her ministry.

Wisdom in discerning God's will for us in mission, as individuals, as a fellowship and in conjunction with Grange Road.

Ability to identify appropriate resources, both human and financial, to fully utilise all the opportunities that appear to be coming our way at present.   

Minister in Training: Linda Donaldson


NBA Prayers for 22nd June - Beacon Lough BC (Gateshead)

For Thanks:

  • the beginning of a new ministry
  • the continued good relationships between local churches
  • Churches Together projects:  1. Foodbank;   2. The possibility of a CAP initiative

For Continued Prayer:

  • openings into local primary schools
  • the continued military links and Veterans Sunday services locally
  • Mums and Toddlers
  • weekly fellowship meal

Pastor: Rev bob Adams

NBA Prayers for 15th June - Westgate BC (Newcastle)

Give thanks for:

our 'chat and catch' prayer initiative with our children and for all that our children are hearing from God;
our growth (in every sense) as a church family;
the many answers to prayer we are seeing.

Please pray for:

our drop-ins
Monday evening's 'Gatehouse' for people in need
Tuesday afternoon's 'Hubbub' for asylum seekers
Wednesday morning's 'Foyer';
the development of our prayer ministry. That work on our retreat space and 'prayer tower' will be completed soon. That God will open up an opportunity to take prayer spaces into some of our local primary schools;
our church family – Please pray Ephesians 3 v 16-21 over us;
for our new season of mission and social action.

Pastor: Rev Paul Merton

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

NBA Prayers for Pentecost (8th June)


  • for the work of God's Spirit in so many ways across our Association, in people coming to faith and being baptised; in new mission initiatives; in provision of needs; in new life in many of our churches.
  • for the ministry of John Claydon, and the opportunity for rest and refreshing as he takes two months' Sabbatical.
  • for the number of young people that have already booked for Kairos Christian youth camp this summer. 
  • for the opportunity to grow in prayer and relationship together as we engage in the Season of Prayer in September.


  • for Paul as he covers for John in his absence while still finding his feet as Mission Enabler for the Association.
  • as we are challenged by the Baptist Union to help mobilise missional pioneers, that God will raise up such people in our region and the resources needed, to enable us to plant new churches and new forms of church across the North East.
  • for Rachael Ezra as she serves on the team planning Kairos and fulfilling other duties within the churches in our region.
  • for a deepening of our sense of belonging to a wider Baptist family, expressed in growing friendships, prayer support and resourcing one another for ministry and mission.

provided by Rev Paul Revill (Regional Minister, Mission) & Rachael Ezra (Youth Specialist)

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

NBA Prayers for Bishop Auckland BC & Hamsterley BC (Mid-Durham Group)

We are looking forward to trying out new things in Bishop Auckland and Hamsterley.


The village post office in Hamsterley closed a while back and the residents now rely on a weekly visit from a mobile post office. As there is no village meeting point the church is running a drop in once a month when the post office visits. The 'Toast Office', will open from 10-12 to meet with local people.


On June 7, Churches Together in Hamsterley have a joint service to mark the anniversary of the covenant signed to work together. We then go into Hamsterley Forest for a Pentecost Picnic with an open air witness.


Good opportunities have been given in several schools in Bishop Auckland for assemblies and Bible Explorer lessons. Some members of the church will take to the streets for an open air sketch board presentation on June 3 as a first attempt at taking the church outside.

Pastor/Moderator: Rev Trevor Rowe

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

NBA Prayers for 25th May - Coulby Newham BC (Middlesbrough)

For thanks:

  • Give thanks for the amazing culture of "family" that God has been developing at CNBC. Loads of eating together, praying with each other, sharing life with each other and having fun together.
  • Give thanks for those whom God has been welcoming into His family in CNBC recently.
  • Give thanks for our Youth Interns and the growing Youth Church we have on Sunday Evenings.
  • Give thanks to God for His constant graciousness to our Church family, He is so, so good to us.

Join us in praying for:

  • More of the seeds we have been planting for years to be harvested in this coming season. We long for more people to come into His kingdom and more people to welcome into His family.
  • The fringe contacts we have through small groups, service, community engagement and youth work to be fully grafted into our family and to become disciple making disciples.
  • That each member of CNBC would be released into more of their calling to be disciple making disciples and lovers of other.
  • That our Youth Church would flourish despite the changing of our Youth work Interns over Summer time.
  • That our Leadership Team would increasingly grow in personal intimacy with God and lead wisely in line with God's will.
  • That God's blessing would be upon us!!

Minister: Rev Stephen Sutton

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

NBA Prayers for 18th May - Marsden Road Baptist Tabernacle (South Shields)

For Praise
The continued work with the young people on a Sunday Morning.
The willingness of people to get involved in the work of the church.
The continuing work of the Guides, Brownies and Boys Brigade (3 Sections) in the church, and the willingness of the officers and other staff.

The Leader and Treasurer of our Wednesday afternoon Women's work are standing down in July. Please pray that suitable replacements are found.
More Children for Sunday Mornings, and for the uniformed organisations.
A Church Musician.

Minister: Rev Graham White

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

NBA Prayers for 11th May - Upper Eden BC (Kirkby Stephen)



The progress of a Christianity Explored Course, being led by Julia Capstick  and Jenny Coleclough In a private house in the town.


For the young mums who are attending, parents of the children who came to the Holiday Club and Kidz Club.


For the Bible Basix sessions with Senior School pupils we have been holding during the Autumn and Winter; pray for those who attended. 


For the blessings of Easter as we worshipped in all the local churches and the Good Friday walk of witness through the town.


For our members and friends who have continuing health problems.

Team Leader: Peter Studd


Wednesday, 30 April 2014

NBA Prayers for 4th May - South Bank BC (Middlesbrough)

A few points for praise and thanksgiving:

  • a growing congregation
  • an amazing baptism service on Easter Sunday (and another baptism scheduled for a couple of weeks' time)
  • the way our work with children and young people is flourishing and bearing fruit
  • new home groups
  • the growing connections with our local community, through things like Food Bank and a weekly coffee morning

A point for prayer:

  • we believe that God has challenged us to make the next year a year of prayer and worship, and in that year of prayer and worship we need to be sure that we are always looking inward, outward and upward!!

Minister: Rev Jon Edwards

Thursday, 24 April 2014

NBA Prayers for 27th April - Headland BC (Hartlepool)



We praise God for the good things being shared with our children and young people, on Sundays and in KIDZ KLUB on Thursdays. It’s good to see their interest and enthusiasm growing.


We also give thanks for the older people who come to our monthly Luncheon Club. It’s a delight to serve them good food, and to share the good news of the gospel with them.


Another cause for praise is God’s choice for us in our Youth for Christ gap year student, Bethany Mcneeley.




At this time of pastoral vacancy we would value prayers for wisdom and guidance, especially for our leaders, as we seek God’s will in the right person to lead the church forward.


Please pray that the Lord will release the required funds so that Bethany can continue with us for a further year.


Monday, 14 April 2014

NBA Prayers for 20th April

Praise and thanksgiving:

Rejoice in the glory of Easter and the truth of the risen Christ and the hope that he brings.

Praise God for encouraging signs of growth and the work of God's Spirit in many of our churches, and a desire to grow in becoming more mission-oriented.

Give thanks for youth work that is being renewed in our churches.


Pray for:

A clear proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus' death and resurrection in word and deed this weekend, that many people beyond our regular congregations will be touched by the Lord.

Our Association Assembly with Chris Ellis on 26th April that we may find inspiration and encouragement together.

Our paid youth workers and community workers as they gather on 6th May that they may find support and help together.


+  +  +


Please continue to pray for Rev Lynn Green, General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain.

Prayers supplied by Rev John Claydon & Rev Paul Revill (Regional Ministers) and Mrs Rachael Ezra (Youth Specialist)

NBA Website: