Monday, 17 December 2018

NBA Christmas Prayers for 23rd December

"When the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law.  God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very own children." (Galatians 4:4-5)


At this time, we give thanks for all that God has done for us through taking on flesh and blood in Jesus, in order that we can be set free to be his children.  Please pray:


1. For a spirit of true joy and celebration across our churches as we focus upon the coming of the Messiah.


2. That the miracle beyond human understanding of the eternal God becoming subject to the limitations of human life will inspire us afresh to believe for God to great things through us in our communities.


3. That we will be increasingly committed to following the example of Jesus and being 'incarnational' in our mission in our communities, by taking risks, getting out of our buildings, going to where others are who have not met the Messiah, walking alongside them, being something of the presence of God in their midst as he lives and works through us by his Spirit.
Prayers provided by Rev Paul Revill

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

NBA Prayers for 16th December - Stockton BC

Giving thanks for our church:

After an absence of many years, we have enough 20s and 30s to start a 20s/30s group


Praying for our church:

Please pray that we would stop trying to build the church, and make disciples instead. 


Thanks for our local community:

Give thanks for Stockton Borough Council, who are constantly showing creativity in their attempts to keep our High Street alive.


Prayer for our local community:

Please pray that the combined, unified Church on Teesside would be seen as the source of all kinds of hope.

Senior Minister: Rev Andrew Waugh (FB & Twitter)

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

NBA Prayers for 2nd December (Advent)

At this time of year, as we focus on God's promises, the hope he gives us through the coming of Christ and the need to be prepared for his coming, please pray...


1. That all of our churches will be used well by God to share the hope we have in Christ, both in the events, services and activities we organise together and in our individual witness amongst those in our families, work colleagues and circles of friends.


2. For Jesus to come amongst us afresh in greater presence and power and work through us to bring transformation in our communities.  May we see more of the coming of God's Kingdom in this Advent season.


3. In an age when so much of our national life and culture has become secularised and materialistic, pray that as Christians we are able to live counter-culturally, not to get caught up in the stresses and pressures of the season; to use the money God has given us in his service to help those in genuine need and for us to make a difference to the vulnerable, lonely, isolated and needy in our communities.

Regional Ministers: John Claydon and Paul Revill (and FB & Twitter)
Prayers provided by Paul Revill

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

NBA Prayers for 25th November - West View Baptist Church (Hartlepool)

Our main focus over the last 18 months or so has been running a community meal on Fridays, serving people from the estate with a free meal. This has been going really well and each week we serve around 50 or more meals. There are many that come regularly and over this time many relationships have been built with people from the estate. Please pray that relationships would continue to grow and that through us God would draw people to himself. Pray too for all those who work so hard to make it possible.

We are also encouraged by some recent additions to our fellowship who have moved into the area and begun to get involved in church life. So we give thanks for new friends with whom we can share in this ministry. Pray they would know God's blessing as they make Hartlepool their home.

Pray too for the church's financial situation. Our minister Tim Hyde has been with us for nearly 8 years on a part time basis up to now, but this year has reduced to 25% stipend in order to make the books balance.  Prayer for guidance and provision both for the church and for Tim in the coming year.

Miinister: Rev Tim Hyde

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

NBA Prayers for 18th November - Boldon IMC (South Tyneside)


Rejoice with us as today is our Church Anniversary: 133 years in the present building and 141 years since the fellowship began in the upper-room of a nearby terraced house owned by the proprietors of the local pit.



Thanks for providing wisdom and patience during difficult times for a number of key people in the fellowship.

Prayer for guidance in making our worship more relevant and meaningful for ourselves and for the people that the Lord would send to us.



Thanks for the new opportunities that have been presented to further links with local schools.

Prayer for the continued development in the use of our premises for community activities.

FB page.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

NBA Prayers for 11th November - Marsden Road Baptist Tabernacle (South Shields)


·         Thanks for the people who attend faithfully each week, including all our uniformed organisations

·         Prayer for the visit from an American minister and his wife who are coming next year, to support us for 6 months 

·         Prayer as we seek a new minister



·         Thanks for the people who support our events - coffee mornings, table top sales, etc.

·         Prayer for the elderly in our local care homes and for the outreach a small group from our church do once a month at a local sheltered accommodation 

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

NBA Prayers for 4th November - Jubilee IMC (Spennymoor)

We ask the Lord for help as we wait to see if we can arrange a grant for a new kitchen and hot water.


We pray:

For those who support our drop in and social events. May more join us.

For more to worship with us on Sunday, for the Kingdom Kids and for our Evening Service.

For all those who are ill. May the Lord bring restoration and healing to their bodies.

For those who witness their Christian faith in the community. May the Lord keep them safe.

Ministers: George Eales and Beryl Harbisher

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

NBA Prayers for 28th October - The Filipiono International Church

We thank the Lord for the TFIC and for full support on our latest activities and programs for this month. These were the October Praise 2018 (held at Westgate Baptist Church), the Life Goals 2nd Session of the Young Professionals (at Cowgate Golf Club) and the coming Youth Camp on Oct 29-Nov. 1, 2018. They had made sacrifices for these events.


Please help us in our prayer for a building as our permanent place of worship, where we could freely worship without any complaints from neighbours about drums and other musical instruments. We are eyeing the newly closed church in Wallsend, but the process would take time and how to purchase it is another thing.


We thank the Lord for Wallsend Baptist Church, for accommodating us in their place and extended our contract for another 3 months, though there are some complaints from neighbours. 


We do pray for our neighbours to have patience and understanding of the freedom of worship in this country and may we maintain the good relationship with them and understand them as Christians and followers of Christ.

Minister: Rev Virgilio Pansacala

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

NBA Prayers for 21st October - Rowley BC (near Consett)

We give thanks for the two new people who have recently been baptised and joined the fellowship as church members. We pray for more growth in the Church.


We give thanks to God because He has blessed our church with the new appointment of a Church Secretary Mr Adam Pearson - this after the death and sad loss of our faithful, long term serving Church Secretary of 46 years, Mr Arthur Pearson.


We give thanks to God for our church members who live within the local area of Castleside. That through their Christian faith and witness, they will be salt and light for Christ in village life.


We pray for our outreach projects as a church fellowship to the local community through: Castlesiders (Messy Church) which is held in the local Scout centre; Recharge (Café Church) which is held at our local village hall; Carols by Candlelight at the church this Christmas (we had 80 people who attended the carol service in December 2017). Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit as we share the Good News of the Gospel with our local community.

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

NBA Prayers for Sunday 14th October - Wallsend BC

We praise and thank God for providing us with the necessary finance for the essential maintenance work which is now taking place.

Please pray for more growth within our church.

We give thanks that the local community always support us at our coffee mornings and special events.

We ask that The Lord would please show us ways in which we can reach out and help our local community more. (FB + Twitter)

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

NBA Prayers for 7th October - Enon BC (Sunderland)

Dear All,

Thanks to the observant amongst you we can be assured that Enon BC in in Sunderland and has not been moved to Hartlepool :)

The title line in the e-mail is now corrected - as above.

NBA Prayers for 7th October - Enon BC (Sunderland)
1.   We give thanks for growing student and young adult ministries that started last year and have steadily grown and flourished.
2.   We pray for wisdom and guidance as we seek to raise funds for a building development project.

3.   We give thanks to God for the rich diversity of people within our local community.

4.   We pray that our local community would come to know God's love and peace, particular in light of the surge of racism that has arisen in recent months.

Minister: Rev Simon Burin

NBA Prayers for 7th October - Enon BC (Sunderland)

1.   We give thanks for growing student and young adult ministries that started last year and have steadily grown and flourished.

2.   We pray for wisdom and guidance as we seek to raise funds for a building development project.

3.   We give thanks to God for the rich diversity of people within our local community.

4.   We pray that our local community would come to know God's love and peace, particular in light of the surge of racism that has arisen in recent months.

Minister: Rev Simon Burin

Monday, 1 October 2018

NBA Prayers for 7th October - Enon BC (Hartlepool)

1.   We give thanks for growing student and young adult ministries that started last year and have steadily grown and flourished.

2.   We pray for wisdom and guidance as we seek to raise funds for a building development project.

3.   We give thanks to God for the rich diversity of people within our local community.

4.   We pray that our local community would come to know God's love and peace, particular in light of the surge of racism that has arisen in recent months.

Minister: Rev Simon Burin

Sunday, 23 September 2018

NBA Prayers for 30th September - Wolsingham BC (Weardale)

* Thank God for some of new people who are worshiping with us each week, and pray that the new people will stay with us and make our church there permanent home.

* Pray that our church will grow and that the Lord will give us a vision for our future as church in the days to come. Pray that we will encounter more of Christ each week as we meet for fellowship.  

* Thank God for the Churches Together witness at the Wolsingham Agricultural Show in September. 

* Pray that people will come to know the Lord in Wolsingham and that we may help build God's Kingdom in Weardale and County Durham.

Pastor: Paul Harris

Monday, 17 September 2018

NBA Prayers for 23rd September - Stocksfield BC (Tyne Valley)

23rd September 2018

NBA Prayers – Stocksfield Baptist Church

Minister: Rev Pete Jorysz

Website: (and on Facebook)


Thanks for our church:

"Thanks and praise to God for a number of healings in the last year including a fractured ankle, chronic back pain, muscular and eye problems."

Prayer for our church;

"Prayer for our Alpha course which starts on 20th September, with the Alpha Supper on 13th September. Praying that folks will invite people and that they will come and hear the good news for themselves."

Thanks for our local community;

"Thanks for increasingly close ecumenical relationships with other local churches, including a Friday morning prayer meeting for the Tyne valley, joint worship services and joint ministry such as the summer children's Holiday Club and CAP Job Club.

Prayer for our local community.  

"Prayer that we make a greater kingdom impact on our local communities with the love of Christ, truth of the word of God and power of the Holy Spirit!"

Minister: Rev Pete Jorysz

Saturday, 1 September 2018

NBA Prayers for 16th September - Thorney CLose IMC (Sunderland)

Thanks for our church:

We give thanks for deepening fellowship and new members.


Prayer for our church:

Over the year we are planning to distribute literature to all 1800 homes in our area. Please pray for a good reception and response.


Thanks for our local community;

Our Toddler Group last term was full to capacity and we thank God for the privilege of serving over 20 families. We were able to present bibles to 10 children as they left to start Nursery School.


Prayer for our local community:

We are now the only Church in our estate and we pray for new ways to reach our community.


And thank you all who take the time to pray with us, this Sunday and at other times, for God's Blessing on Thorney Close.

Minister: Martin Bolt

NBA Prayers for 9th September - Heaton BC (Newcastle)

Item of thanks: for God's continued guidance, provision and wisdom during the recent pastoral vacancy and the opportunity to mark the conclusion of that with Dave Tubby's on 8th September. We would also value prayers for God to be at the forefront of all that we do and share together as we embark on this exciting new chapter. 

Item of prayer: Pastoral care is such an important part of church life, and this is something that we are developing together in the autumn. We have been encouraged by those who want to be involved in developing something, so just a sense that God will guide us to develop something that works well within the congregation and means that those on the periphery and who are isolated are fully supported within the church. 

Thanks item for the community: that the local councillors have expressed interest in engaging with and working alongside us to support the wider community practically. 

Prayer item for the community: that the good work of the local Churches Together in Heaton would act as a springboard for the area to be spiritually transformed through Jesus. 

Senior Minister: Rev Dave Tubby (and FB)

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

NBA Prayers for 2nd September

Give thanks for all who serve in our Association and churches through training, support and encouragement, including mission, pastoral support, safeguarding, finance, IT, etc. May they be enriched as we serve together and see fruit for the Kingdom.


Pray for Paul Revill as he travels to visit suffering Christians in Kurdistan in Iraq and then, on his return, undergoes surgery on September 18th. Pray for our churches as they restart so many programmes and activities and also for those taking up new ministries amongst us: Dave Tubby at Heaton, Newcastle and Barry and Vicky Thompson at Darlington.


Give thanks for the beauty of the North East, its rich heritage of faith, community and industry and for all who work for the common good of the area.


Pray for those who serve us in national and local politics, industry, education, health and other public services. Pray for the churches of the area that we may be united in the common cause of the Gospel working to see more of God's Kingdom revealed amongst us.

Regional Ministers: John Claydon and Paul Revill (and FB & Twitter)

Monday, 20 August 2018

NBA Prayers for 26th August 2018 - Berwick BC

Giving God thanks for the way He has been leading us as a leadership and church, through what have been difficult and challenging times.

Pray that the Manse sells very quickly, to release funds which are needed for continued full time ministry within the church, and to upgrade our kitchens and toilets, in order to use them for outreach work within our community.

Give thanks to God for the way Churches Together in Berwick are working in joint ventures to reach our community with God's love, such as Messy Church, holiday clubs etc.

Pray that God will convict the hearts of people within our community of their sin and their need of Him.

Pastor: Rev John Hodgkins (and FB)

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

NBA Prayers for 19th August - Winton United LEP (Eden Valley)

Please give thanks with us that our plans to make significant alterations to the layout of Winton Chapel finally seem to be getting underway.

Please pray for help and support with Junior Church, which is struggling at the moment?

In the wider community, can we give thanks for the apparent impact of the recent Moving Mountains initiative, and can we pray for increased tolerance, understanding and compassion in the face of all the issues going on in the wider world?

Baptist Minister: Mr Donald Marston

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

NBA Prayers for 12th August - Northumbria Community

·         Thanksgiving: for the growth, developments and influence of the Community now across the world.

·         Prayer Request: for the blessing of God upon the new generation of leaders and other new appointments. 

·         In Every Place: that in every place where Companions of the Community live and work, they will carry the light of Christ and be bearers of his gentle peace and transforming hope.

·         Across the World: for the hearts and hands of Community across the nation and nations to be a prophetic sign and symbol of God's call to express community that counters and dismantles the boundaries, divides and walls of sectarianism, nationalism, racism and sexism in a turbulent, changing world.

Provided by Roy Searle & Tony Miller

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

NBA Prayers for 5th August - Bishop Auckland BC

Thanks that, as a church, we have been enabled through "re:imagine" to look forward in mission to our community, despite our lack of numbers.


Pray that the various new and continuing activities will prove fruitful in bringing people to a love and knowledge of Jesus Christ.


Thanks to God for our developing relationships through our Street Café and with Cultivate4Life, Influence Church and other Christians in and around Bishop Auckland.


Pray for those in the community suffering from ill health and especially those with the various forms of dementia. Pray especially for the Carers.

Pastor/Moderator: Rev Tony Taylor

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

NBA Prayers for 29th July - Middlesbrough BC

Thanks for our church;

·         for 169 years of ministry at MBC - recently celebrated at our church anniversary

·         on his last Sunday as our Pastor, for almost 6 years of Nigel's ministry here at MBC


Prayer for our church;

·         for Nigel and the family in their new ministry

·         for our church as we explore the future in conjunction with Re-Imagine


For our local community;

·         Thank you for the ministry of Big Kids for children aged 7 - 11 in the TS5 area

·         Pray for opportunities to work with our local church partners in order to grow God's Kingdom in TS5 Middlesbrough

Pastor: Rev Nigel Riley


Saturday, 14 July 2018

NBA Prayers for 22nd July - New Silksworth IMC

Thanks for our church:

For our young people currently attending the Detonate youth group on Wednesdays

Prayer for our church:

As we consider the future of our Mission Development and Outreach Co-ordinator worker

Thanks for our local community:

For the success of the recent "Bible Comes Alive" event over three days with the local schools

Prayer for our local community:

For the Kids Holiday Club, 5 days commencing on 23rd July

Minister: Alan Bickle (and FB)

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

NBA Prayers for 15th July - Upper Eden BC (Kirkby Stephen, Eden valley)

For our local church

Thanks to God for His faithfulness in being with us as a church through all the changes over the last couple of years.

Pray that He would show us the way forward as we consider our mission and having the right people in place to accomplish it.


For our local community

Thanks to God for the relationships that we have maintained with parents and the children through Holiday Club activities, Ladies Nights and seasonal parties throughout the year.

Pray that the parents would respond to the invitation to the Alpha course we are running in the autumn and wisdom as to who to invite from our community.

Team Leader: Mary Studd (FB & Twitter)

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

NBA Prayers for 8th July - New Life BC (Northallerton)

Thanks for our church:

Thank you, Lord, that you speak to your people and that you are teaching us to recognise your voice as we step out into new areas of ministry and seek you afresh for our existing ministries.


Prayer for our church;

Lord, please guide us as we enter new seasons in some long running ministries (such as New Life Romania) and begin new areas of ministry from scratch in our children's work, our community outreach and with other churches in the town. May your will be done and your name be glorified as we seek to serve you according to your will.


Thanks for our local community;

Thank you for One Northallerton, Church & Community Together; for the ministers and all those in the local churches as we work together in our community.


Prayer for our local community.

Please pray for Northallerton School and Sixth Form College as the school has been and is going through a tough time. Pray for the new head teacher and deputy head who will take over in September; and for the witness of Christians in the school, including the local churches.

Senior Pastor: Rev Glen Cormack (and FB)

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

NBA Prayers for 1st July - Oxford Road BC (Hartlepool)

Thanks for our church:

For our young people currently doing a youth Alpha course on Sunday mornings and who recently participated in leading our Anniversary service.

Prayer for our church:

For our minister Richard, as he spends the latter part of this year on sabbatical, and for those who will be covering his work.

Thanks for our local community:

For the Baptist family in Hartlepool as we seek God together in our bi monthly Sunday evening meetings, 'The Gathering'.

Prayer for our local community:

That those who engage with our community activities would find not only friendship and practical support but would also encounter the God we worship.

Minister: Rev Richard Hethernigton (and FB)

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

NBA Prayers for 24th June - North Shields Baptist Church

Thanks for our church:
For the new Youth Group 'Quaddg', which has been running since last September for 10 - 16's in conjunction with North Shields Evangelical Church. Also for the new Explorers class for 10 - 16's. 

Prayer for our church:
For Nite Bite and New to the UK groups which meet weekly and for provision for food and household goods. Pray for the volunteers who faithfully run these groups. 

Thanks for our local community:
As we have opportunities for activities in the local shopping centre and direct connection with the folk of North Shields. 

Prayer for our local community:
That more folk will hear about God's love for them and experience His love in a very natural and practical way. For our Churches Together in North Shields five year vision, that we will be led and directed by God over the coming months.

Minister: Rev Liz Edwards (and FB)