Monday, 16 December 2019

NBA Christmas Prayers 22nd December 2019

 Give thanks:
  • for the love of Christ which surmounts all political and racial divides.
  • for the message of hope and reconciliation we are commissioned to bring this Christmas.
  • for our church family which encourages and  supports us as we carry the Christmas message to our community.

Please pray that:

  • as one innkeeper provided shelter for Mary and Joseph, we may open our hearts and homes to the homeless this Christmas.
  • as the heavenly host brought the joyful message of salvation to lowly shepherds, we may carry the gospel to the poor and despised in our community.  
  • as the Holy family sought refuge in Egypt,we may seek to bring comfort to those who seek refuge from religious and political persecution in our country.
Roger M Daniel
NBA Prayer Coordinator

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

NBA Prayers 15th December 2019

  •  we give thanks to God for the following things....

  • the sale of our old Manse
  • the gentle growth we are seeing within the fellowship of new people attending,  and people becoming Christians and baptisms
  • we also give thanks to God for the growing unity within Churches Together, and the joint mission 2020 that Churches Together are planning for next year

Please join us in prayer for the following...

  • that the Lord will continue to guide us and give us wisdom for the future.
  • that we would continue to see people coming to know the Lord and make disciples
  • that the Lord will heal and strengthen those who are physically not well
  • for the speedy purchase of our new manse, as our pastor is in limbo
Minister: Rev. John Hodgkins

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

NBA Prayers for Northumbria Community 8th December 2019


  • that from small 'seedlings' 30 years ago the community has grown to a monastic worldwide movement.
  • for the really good transition of leadership to three younger, 'next generation' leaders.
  • for 'The School for Monastic Living' that is;
    • helping to form and encourage people in their love of God
    • reaching many who are seeking God outside of the Community.


  • for God's blessing on the leaders as they enable the growing Community face the challenges and opportunities in this new season.
  • for the many teams who work at the Community's mother house  in Northumberland.
  • that local accommodation may be found for the growing numbers on the house team.  
  • that the growing numbers of international young people who are connecting with us, may be blessed as they seek God and look for an authentic faith.  
Provided by Roy Searle
Website: (and on Facebook)

Monday, 25 November 2019

NBA Advent Prayers 1st December 2019

Praise and Thanksgiving

Give thanks for:

  • the season of Advent, the promises of God and His faithfulness
  • the joy of celebrating the birth of our Saviour
  • the opportunities of worship and witness during the Advent and Christmas Season
  • The freedoms we enjoy in a democratic country
 Prayer for:

  • hearts and minds to be open to the good news of God who is Immanuel and life in Him

  • wisdom and discernment of our NBA Council meeting of 2nd December as we;
    •  seek to appoint a new Moderator and a new Company Secretary
    •  discuss what happens after John Claydon's retirement in the summer of 2021
  • those who have just taken on, or are about to take on, new ministries amongst us: 
    • Vince Sacco in Middlesbrough
    •  Martin Mills in Norton
    •  Dave Etherington in Blackhill 
    • Nick Megoran in Wallsend 
    • Fiona Preston in Headland Baptist Church in Hartlepool
  • For our country as we engage in a General Election and those who will be elected and appointed to serve
  • Paul Revill as he returns from Sabbatical, that he may return refreshed and renewed  

Monday, 18 November 2019

NBA Prayers 24th November 2019: Bishop Auckland Baptist Church

Give thanks;
  • For the faithful witness of this church since 1873

Please pray;

  • For our weekly 'Friendly Heritage Group' which provides a healthy shared lunch and combines local heritage and dementia friendly activities to help support and provide people with dementia and their carers with a safe space where they can socialise and engage with new things.

  • That we will willingly accept corporate responsibility to ensure that each other's spiritual, emotional and practical needs are met.

  • That our work with people beyond Bishop Auckland may facilitate mutual growth towards wholeness in Christ. 
Moderator: Reverend Tony Taylor 

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

NBA Prayers for 17th November 2019

Give thanks for:
  • the faithfulness of God as the fellowship celebrates its 56th anniversary this month,
  • the fact we still have founder church members

Please pray:

  • for our weekly Thursday friendship meal
  • for our monthly Memory Lane Cafe to those with memory issues.
  • that some Christian folk will move in to the new local housing scheme which is almost complete, and join us in the work of the gospel in this area  
  • for our outreach to the young through
    • Parents and Toddlers,
    • Schools work,
    • Girls brigade,
  • that as we evolve, the Holy Spirit will direct us clearly, and we will be willing to change and adapt to his direction.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

NBA Prayers for 10th November 2019

For our church:

Give thanks:

  • that we now have a new pastor, Vincent Sacco in post.  He joins us along with his wife, Emma and baby daughter, Ellie;

  • for all the guest preachers who have supported our church over the last year or so while we have been without a pastor. We have been truly blessed by their ministry; 

  • for a recent baptism. 

Please pray:

  • for our existing discipleship groups and housegroups;

  • for new Alpha courses that are being planned and ultimately for more baptisms.

For our community:

Give thanks:

  • for the special links that have been forged with Coulby Newham Baptist church over the past year;

  • for the growing sense of church unity across Teesside and the impact that it is having through initiatives such as 'Serve Teesside'.

Please pray:

  • for our local care system.  As Christmas approaches, social services and charities experience additional demands.

Pastor: Vincent Sacco


Tuesday, 29 October 2019

NBA Prayers: 3rd November 2019

Give thanks;

For the Children's Holiday Club and Women's meetings which have resulted in many new contacts
For the loyal team of preachers who support us whilst we are without a pastor
For the Vision Day we held as a church and the helpful meeting with Paul Revill from NBA

Pray for;

Our Christianity Explored course which we launched 30th Oct
The Linking Lives project which we are seeking to develop in collaboration with other churches in Kirkby Stephen
Ways in which we might become more outward-looking and mission-minded in our work    

  Ashley Liston: Secretary

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

NBA Prayer Requests 27th October 2019

Give thanks for
  • the Walk Through the Bible initiative currently in 20 local schools
A great way of engaging children with the story of the Bible and schools are loving it – praise God

  •  the unity of the five churches in the town as we work together under the banner of onenorthallerton to reach out;
    •  to people in new housing,
    • to Syrian refugees
    • through the Living Rooms
(a safe place for people to be able to go for a cup of coffee and a chat, and prayer if they want it).

Please pray for our 
  • secondary school, Northallerton School and Sixth Form as it goes through a number of changes including a major refurbishment;
    • that God will bless the teachers and the pupils; and that the school will flourish.

  • Sunday worship service.
    • Please pray the Holy Spirit will use our welcome, our witness, our worship and the Word to bring people into the Kingdom of God.
 We'd love to see more people coming to faith

Susanna Hinton

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

NBA Prayers 20th October 2019


 for the number of new people attending and involving themselves in church life
 for the growth of the children's ministry.
 for the number of regular opportunities to meet with those who are not yet Christians from the local community.

 Prayer requests;

 Please pray for us as we seek God for the future vision, direction and mission of Darlington Baptist Church
 Please pray that members of the local community would know Jesus 

Thursday, 10 October 2019

NBA Prayer Requests 13th October 2019

We give thanks for;

the 12 years of ministry of Richard Hetherington that came to an end during September
families from the community who come to play and learn at the regular Messy Church meeting.

 We pray for;

God's guidance as we seek his future will for the pastorate.  
the local people who use our ORB Centre and trust that they would continue to find it a welcoming place with helpful resources.

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

NBA Prayers 6th October 2019

  1. We thank God for the benefit reaped by the presence of Iranian Christians in our congregation.
  2.  We thank God for the recent celebration when 5 of their number were baptised.
  3.   We thank God for the continuing re-generation of North Shields, as unused brown field sites are developed for housing and leisure activities. 
Prayer Needs 
  1. We seek prayer for the continued growth in spiritual depth of the church members, as we discover the wonderful gifts that God has given to us and put them into practice more.
  2.    We seek prayer for an even greater spiritual regeneration, sparked by a greater willingness for the churches to work together for the good of the kingdom.
North Shields Baptist Church:  

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

NBA Prayers 29th September 2019


Recent new attenders
A recent conversion leading to a baptism enquiry
New members.
That the door is open in all the local schools for the churches to take assemblies, lessons and lunch-time clubs.

Prayer Items;

For our Young People to respond positively to the Gospel
The impact that the above could have on their families and our community.
Those who are struggling for whatever reason.

Shaun Newton & Gill Tweddle  

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

NBA Prayers 22nd September 2019

Faithful Ministry from visiting Preachers each Sunday, as we seek to hold fast to Gods inspired word.
For Good Health in our Office holders as they Faithfully and Diligently carry out the Lords work at Esh Winning.
For our Ladies Fellowship and the good number who attend each fortnight, and that they will continue
to Grow in Our Lord both numerically and Spiritually.

For Prayer:
Community – continued distribution of Good News around the village each month, and the
opportunities this brings to speak for our Lord on the doorstep and that this will bring growth and
Revival for Our Lord God in the village and His Church.
Gods work among our Friday Trailblazers group for 5-11 yr olds and for our Faithful Leaders and
Helpers each week.
Our outreach for God at all gatherings both in church and away from the church premises this
Harvest time, that our endeavours will bear much fruit for Him.

Joe Wilkinson on behalf of Deacons

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

NBA Prayers 15th September 2019

Give thanks 
  • for 8 years of ministry of Alistair Jones and the expression of love that was shown by the whole church community on Ali & Gillian's last Sunday 
  • that our Chatty Cafe group, Line Dancing group, Craft group and Toddler groups are all well attended and we are making good friendships in the community   
Please pray
  • that God will guide us as we search for his next shepherd for the flock at Billingham. 
  •    that more members of the local community will feel welcome to join in our Chatty Cafe group, Line Dancing group, Craft group and Toddler groups and know that as a church family we are there for them
Julia Monument 

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

NBA Prayer Requests for Northern Light weekend,19th-22nd September

Give thanks...
  • For the gospel which is powerful for salvation and transformation of people's lives.
  • For all the ways in which our churches are sharing faith and seeing people coming to faith.
  • For all our churches which are engaging in the Northern Light weekend in some way.

Please pray...
  • for the mission teams coming from the UK and other areas of the globe.
  • that God will  greatly use the churches offering support to others, especially Heaton Baptist Church. 
  • that relationships work well within the churches receiving mission teams .
  • that God's kingdom will be established as His Spirit works in fresh and dynamic ways.
  •  that churches will be energised afresh to engage in evangelism,
  •  that the clearly portrayed, crucified and risen' Christ will draw people to become baptised and fully committed disciples.
  • for the ongoing evangelistic mission of your local church.  .

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

NBA Prayers for the school year

  • Give thanks for all those students who have been successful in the recent examinations.
  • Give thanks for the Government's announcement of investment in our schools.
  • Give thanks for our young people and the positive attitude many have maintained through challenging circumstances.

  • Please pray for those students that were disappointed in their examination results.
  • Please pray for educational staff as they face the challenges of a new school year.
  • Please pray for students as they face the challenges of transitioning through the education system.
  • Please pray that positive relationships will be maintained between teachers and students.
  • Please pray that our Government will honour its commitment to invest in our educational establishments. 

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

NBA Prayers for Westgate Baptist Church 25th August 2019

We give thanks for

  • An encouraging and moving baptismal service when two young men shared how they had come to faith since arriving in Newcastle.
  • Our involvement in the community and especially the excellent attendance for MakeLunch over the summer supporting local families who would have school dinners.


Prayer for:

  • Our ongoing need for a Senior Pastor
  • For health and strength for Pastor Shelagh and the leaders carrying a heavy load
  • Wisdom and guidance for upcoming elections for new deacons.


Pauline Davidson

Church Administrator

Westgate Baptist Church

Monday, 12 August 2019

NBA Prayers 18th August 2019

Give thanks for the ongoing life of our church and its ministry.
Give thanks for our two homegoups and the support they offer
Give thanks for our '42' group which hosts active debates on world issues

Pray for
Our pastor, that God will strengthen him and provide wisdom to face the coming challenges.
Our members as they seek to reflect the heart of Christ in the local community
The ministry team as it seeks to build up the local body of believers.
Pastor: Rev Paul Richards
Website: (and on Facebook)

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

NBA prayers 11th August 2019


  • Give thanks that the dam at Whaley Bridge has held.
  • Give thanks for all those who have rallied round to provide support and comfort to those affected by the recent heavy rains and flooding.
  • Give thanks for the leadership of both the Northern Baptist Association (NBA) and our local churches. 
Prayer Needs

Please pray for:

  • Those whose lives have been disrupted by the recent floods.
  • Those injured in recent US mass shootings and the families of those bereaved.
  • The continued recovery of the 6 year old boy, who is reported to have thrown from the Tate Modern
  • The leadership of the NBA and our local church leadership, that God will give them renewed strength and wisdom in the coming days.

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

NBA Prayers 4th August 2019


We thank God for the recent baptism that has taken place

We thank God for the success of our Summer term Seniors service. It was beautiful and incredible to see people taking part In the service for the first time ever.

We thank God for the recent service in which 5 of our children were dedicated.

Prayer Needs

Please pray for us as we explore new ways of worship through the gift of silence,  allowing God greater access to our whole being.

Please pray for Danny & Jess as they embark on their marriage journey together.

Please pray for one of our young people, Josh Evans as he serves on mission across Europe this summer.

Pastor: Rev Stephen Sutton
Website: (and on Facebook and Twitter)  

Thursday, 25 July 2019

NBA Prayers 28/07/2019

We thank the Lord for the way in which he is guiding the church in providing facilities to help those suffering from drug and alcohol problems.
We pray for those in our congregation and their families who are suffering from health problems at this time.
We thank the Lord for the establishment of a churches together/ community choir which is going from strength to strength.
We pray for those who are lonely in the community, that they may respond to the provision of the Coffee Shop (Monday to Friday), where they may meet others and share their worries and problems.

NBA Prayers – Hebburn Independent Methodist Church (Tyneside)

NBA Prayers 28/07/2019

 Hebburn Independent Methodist Church (Tyneside)

We thank the Lord for the way in which he is guiding the church in providing facilities to help those suffering from drug and alcohol problems.
We pray for those in our congregation and their families who are suffering from health problems at this time.
We thank the Lord for the establishment of a churches together/ community choir which is going from strength to strength.
We pray for those who are lonely in the community, that they may respond to the provision of the Coffee Shop (Monday to Friday), where they may meet others and share their worries and problems.

 Hebburn Independent Methodist Church (Tyneside)  

Thursday, 18 July 2019

Prayers for Portrack Baptist Church 21st July 2019

- Pray that we would continue to better understand our summons to serve God, each other and the community around us. 
-Pray that we grow closer together as a church family and also that we offer a welcome to all that demonstrates that family atmosphere. 
-Pray that out of our prayer week (this week) we would better understand God's calling for us both as a church and as individuals. 

-Pray that our community Hub space continues to connect with those on the estate around us.
-Pray for our youth and children's work. Pray that we would continue to develop relationships children, young people and their families and also that they, in turn, would develop their relationships with God.
-Pray that we would live out our faith and call in front of those in our communities.  

Portrack Baptist Church,
St Ann's Terrace, 
TS18 2HT  

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

NBA Prayers for Owton Manor Baptist Church (Hartlepool)

We give thanks for the faithful ministry of Maurice Matthison and pray that God will bless him and Marianne as they settle into the next stage of their lives.

We give thanks for the continuing fellowship connections with the three other Baptist churches in the town.

We pray that God will grant wisdom to the remaining church leaders as they seek God's direction in selecting a replacement minister.

We ask for the success of the joint churches initiative in regards to the street pastors, breakfast club and the Alpha group due to start in September.

 We ask that as Churches Together we might effectively live and declare the gospel across the town.

Minister: Rev Maurice Matthison  

Monday, 1 July 2019


·       We give thanks for the appointment of our Minister in Training and the continued support of the Deacons who we thank for their support and hard work (Joyce, Jane and Marion)

·       We give thanks for the opportunities to connect with the Jarrow community through Parent and Tots, Coffee Stop, Your Voice Counts and Care Home ministry.  We give thanks for their continued development. 


·       Pray for wisdom, creativity and good working relationships with other Churches as we seek to see God's Kingdom come in Jarrow

·       Pray for young and old in our congregation as we explore new ways of worshiping together


Email address:

Facebook:  Grange Road Baptist Church, Jarrow

Friday, 21 June 2019

NBA Prayers for 30th June 2019

Give thanks for the Holy Spirit working within us and amongst us, enabling us to serve Jesus where ever he places us.
Pray for those who give themselves fully to the work of the church, while also having many other demands on their lives; that they might have wisdom, so as not to put too much strain on themselves.
Give thanks for the primary schools in the area that give wonderful educational opportunities to the children of the community, and are open to people going into them and telling the stories of the Bible.
Pray for the wellbeing of the community, that all may be valued, not for what they have achieved, but because they are persons created in God's image.

Minister: Rev Ronnie Wynd
Website: (and on Facebook  

Monday, 17 June 2019

NBA Prayers – 23rd June 2019

We give thanks; 
for the two folks to be baptised 30th June
 for Chris and Caroline Friend who are called as co-ministers from September.
for the local community's openness to connecting with church based ministries
The school's welcome of our input and pastoral support

Please pray for

 the people being baptised.
 our pastor David Archer and his wife Moira as they prepare for his retirement
 for Chris and Caroline as they prepare for their new role
 the church during this transition.
Those working with young people in the area through
'Community@NE66'  (council-charity trust partnership)
'Gallery Youth Project'  (youth club)
Other agencies 

Pastor: Rev David Archer
Website: (and on Facebook)

Monday, 10 June 2019

NBA Prayers for 16th June 2019

Praise God for: the continued focus on the centrality of Scripture and the spiritual growth of those who attend our weekly Bible study groups and also the determination of the fellowship to share together in the Lord's work.
Pray for: the planned relaunching of our midweek children's meeting soon and for guidance and empowering for the two ladies who have committed themselves to this ministry.
Praise the Lord for our monthly coffee mornings which are drawing in new people from the village, extra links with local activities  and the impact of our displays outside the chapel.
Pray that despite the limitations of our building the Lord will show us how it can become focal point where needs can be met.

Minister: Mrs. A. I. Chisholm
Facebook: South Hylton Independent Methodist Church

Monday, 3 June 2019

NBA Prayers for Pentecost Sunday 9th June 2019

Give thanks and praise God:
·For the gift of the Spirit who enables us to say 'Jesus is Lord' and assures us that we are children of God and can call Him Father / Abba.
·For the work and guidance of the Spirit in our lives
· For the fellowship that we share in the Spirit who also equips us for discipleship and mission.
Pray for:
· The Spirit to lead us into an ever deepening knowledge of God and His purpose for our lives, churches and our common life as an Association
·The Spirit to produce His fruit within us that people will see the loveliness of Jesus in our lives and to equip us with those gifts that will enable us to be fruitful
· The preparations for the Northern Light Mission Weekend on 19th to 22nd September
· The NBA Explore Your Call event on 17th July for those considering how God's call might be worked out in their life
·Elaine Joy and Kevin Webster as they marry on 15th June

Northern Baptist Association Prayers

Regional Ministers – John Claydon and Paul Revill

Website: (and Facebook and Twitter)


Thursday, 9 May 2019

NBA Prayers for 2nd June - Preston Grange Community Church

Thanks for our church

For the link we have made with Durham Road Baptist Church and the encouragement we have received from the visiting speakers.


Prayer for our church

That the Lord will guide us as we seek to become involved with our local group of Churches Together.


Thanks for our local community

For continuing to be able to hold a weekly Lunch Club in the Community Centre and for the friendships that are being built through this work.


Prayer for the local community

That we might have opportunities to meet, share and work alongside the other groups who also meet in the Community Centre.

NBA Prayers for 26th May - South Bank BC (Middlesbrough)

Items for thanks

Our newly appointed youth workers and the recently started mid-week youth work. This has resulted in more children and young people attending church on Sunday, with some giving their lives to Christ.

Our community café, and the team of people who volunteer each week. It has now been running for well over a year and it is a great way to bless local families, particularly those who are facing tough times.


Prayer for the church

For boldness and for wisdom. Our vision is to be 'Courageous messengers of God's unconditional love' – we have seen God do so much and we know that it is just the beginning.


Prayer for the local community

As a church we are praying for a change in the spiritual atmosphere in South Bank and the surrounding area, so that those caught in addiction find freedom, those overwhelmed by despair find hope, and those trapped by fear find joy and peace.

Minister: Rev Jon Edwards (and FB)

NBA Prayers for 19th May - Crosby Garrett United Church

We celebrate our Chapel Anniversary today and we give thanks for the group of young people who will be leading our Service.


However, we worship with heavy hearts in what is a very difficult time for us. One of our older members, who had been fighting ill health for some time, died in January; please pray for her grieving husband. Our organist and her husband parted company in March and both also need our prayers. In a small village such losses affect the whole community and there is a sense of shock and devastation within Crosby Garrett.


As a church, our regular congregation has gone down from six to three. We are finding it very hard when we don't have music to sing. A way forward is not clear. We need prayer as well, please!

Minister: Mr Donald Marston

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

NBA Prayers for 12th May - Westgate BC

Thanks for our church:

For the Mission opportunities, especially for Make Lunch and for the lives touched by this ministry

Prayer for our church:

Please pray for God's Guidance and provision for a Senior Pastor

Thanks for our local community:

After recent upsetting incidents in the community, we give thanks that the community has held together

Prayer for our local community:

For continued safety and cohesion within the community

Pastor: Rev Shelagh Garry (and FB)

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

NBA Prayers for Lakeside BC (Sunderland)

It is difficult to limit our thanks to one item, but it would have to be the blessing and encouragement of new people and families joining our Sunday Service. Numbers are not all important but they are significant for smaller churches and we now have regularly around 40 people attending on a Sunday morning.


Please pray for the outreach events we have planned:  Ladies Tea Afternoon (7 May), Church Away Day to Alnwick and Holy Island (22 June) and Summer Children's Holiday Club (15 July).


We are grateful for the effective and long-standing connection we have with the local community through the twice weekly Toddlers Group.


Please pray for some kind of solution to the huge car parking problem within the community.

Pastor: Rev Ian Wren

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

NBA Prayers for 28th April - Norton BC (Stockton-on-Tees)

Our Church

·        Thanks for the recent completion of the 'Discipleship Explored' course,  which was a great encouragement during this time of interregnum.

·        Please pray with us that, as we look for a Minister, the Lord will guide us to the person he has chosen to lead us.

Our Local Community

·        Give thanks for the opportunity to reach out into our community through our toddler and carers work, Young at Heart ministry, and school assemblies.

·        Pray for a new ministry just beginning with 'Safe Families,' which will enable us to reach out to support families in need in our local community.

Monday, 15 April 2019

NBA Prayers for Easter Day (21st April 2019)

We give thanks for the sure and certain hope of eternal life, victory over sin and evil which God gives us through the raising of Jesus from the dead.  May God fill all our churches with fresh confidence this Easter season as we celebrate the resurrection.


Please pray for the forthcoming Northern Light mission (September 19th - 22nd), especially as the process of matching mission teams to churches is taking place at the moment.


Pray that God will grow confidence in all of our churches for all our members to be active in sharing their faith in deeds and words, that we will see more people coming to faith from our communities and being discipled through our churches.


Pray for God to open up fresh opportunities for witness through the things we are involved with over Easter, that we will find good ways of getting the good news of Jesus' resurrection out into our communities.

Prayers provided by Rev Paul Revill (FB & Twitter)

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

NBA Prayers for 14th April - Morpeth Baptist Church

We give thanks to God for the recent acceptance by John Cooper of the call to become Minister of Morpeth Baptist Church at the end of his training period in September 2019, and for his ministry over the past three years as Pastor in Training.

Please pray for John Cooper, his wife Claire and their family, and for the whole church family at MBC, as we move forward together through this transition period, seeking God's guidance and His will for MBC in the future.

We give thanks to God for the opportunity to work together with other churches in Morpeth, especially over the Easter period, as we witness together to the local community through the march of witness and open-air service in the town square on Good Friday.

Please pray for MBC's involvement in outreach activities in the local area, including the Wansbeck Valley Foodbank, the Mustard Tree Trust, the Mighty Oaks coffee van, chaplaincy activities in local care homes and hospitals, and other practical support of charities and voluntary organisations, praying that God will guide us and lead us in His mission to our community.

Minister in Training: John Cooper (and FB)

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

NBA Prayers for 7th April - Whitley Bay BC

We give thanks to God as we rededicate our sanctuary to God (this weekend) after extensive refurbishment including the renewal of the heating system to the ground floor of the premises, the removal of pews and organ, 'moving' the baptistry, and refurnishing with comfortable chairs and a new AV and lighting system. We thank God for the generosity of the church community that has made this possible.


The sanctuary has undergone refurbishment to make it more flexible and versatile as a space to use for the church and the community. Therefore, we pray for the spiritual and missional renewal of the people who are the church – the expression of the Body of Christ. Pray also for the Holy Spirit's vision, wisdom and guidance as we enter into a period of transition that will see Paul Newman retiring as Pastor in the late Summer of 2020 and the fellowship considering its ministry needs.


We give thanks that Whitley Bay itself has undergone considerable refurbishment in the area of the Spanish City and the sea-front. This has seen a considerable increase in numbers of people visiting enjoying the facilities and has given a new lease if life to the area.


We pray for all those committed to the renewal of Whitley Bay as a Community.  This includes the town Carnival, the Big Local, the Green Shoots market, Street Pastors, serving the homeless, the Bay Foodbank and other groups. Churches Together in Whitley Bay and District and many people from the churches of the town are getting involved in these and other community focussed initiatives and are building significant bridges and partnerships.

Pastor: Rev Paul R Newman (FB + Twitter)

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

NBA Prayers for 31st March - Thornaby BC (Stockton -on-Tees)

Give THANKS: For steady growth in numbers of people coming to church. 


PRAY: For the 3 people being baptised on Easter Sunday.  Also, for the health and well-being of all our church folk.


Give THANKS: For our Food Bank, the volunteers and all who give so generously.


PRAY: For opportunities to speak to those in our local community who are in need of the love of God.

FB: @thronabybaptistchurch