Wednesday, 23 August 2017

NBA Prayers for 10th September - Boldon IMC

Thanking the Lord for:

1.    A successful completion of the project to refurbish the adjoining stables building which now provides a beautiful well-lit area for small group community activities (Pictures on FaceBook: "The Old Co-op Stables")

2.    The absolutely fantastic community response and support on the occasion of a break-in to the building earlier in the year - the very first since it was opened in 1885.

3.     Especially the way in which we have been drawn closer together as a team during the challenges of the past year.

Prayer for:

1.      The Sit 'n' 'b' Fit sessions started in June that they will attract interest from the wider community and that the new accommodation will be well-used for new ventures.

2.     The young people's after school activities on Mondays that they will develop and expand and especially for the brilliant monthly contributions from Wearside Youth for Christ.

3.      Some of the fellowship and leaders that on-going health problems will be resolved and that the Lord will guide and lead in bringing new and committed workers to stimulate and encourage our worship and outreach activities.

Prayer Leaders: Len Ogilvie and George Park

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

NBA Prayers for 3rd September

As we start a new season, this is a time of new beginnings, ministries and activities relaunching and new programmes starting in many of our churches.

Give thanks for all that is new:

· For a number of our ministers returning after sabbatical and for new ministers in training starting their courses this month, especially Heather Farrow from Heaton Baptist Church

· For signs of new life and growth in many of our churches.

· For those who have come to faith or been renewed in through the mission of our churches over the summer and through camps and events such as Kairos.

Pray for God to do new things amongst us:

· For new initiatives, including the NBA 'Reimagine' process, designed to help churches transition to become more effective in their mission and more mission-focussed.  This launches in the new year, but there is a taster evening planned for September 18th.

· For churches going through times of transition, seeking new ministers or leaders, or readjusting after leaders have left.  Please remember Enon Baptist Church and especially the family of Gerry Brown, following his death last month.  He will be much missed in the life of our Association.

· For a renewing of vision, a deepening of faith, a growth in commitment and passion for following and serving Christ for all our Baptist Churches in the North East.

On a final personal note, pray for those of us from NBA churches who are raising money for good causes through taking part in the Great North Run on Sunday 10th September.  If you would like to support the life-changing work of Christian Aid, working amongst many of the world's poorest and most deprived communities, you can sponsor your Mission Enabler by following the link from the NBA Facebook page.

provided by Rev Paul Revill (Regional Minister, Mission Enabler) (and FB & Twitter)

Saturday, 19 August 2017

NBA Prayers for 27th August - the Northumbria Community

Prayers  of Thanksgiving:

· For the growth, development and influence of the Community across the world, crossing boundaries and borders of race, class, nation, tradition and age.

· For the Community's mother house, Nether Springs at Acton near Felton in Northumberland; for the house team living and working there and for the hundreds of people who stay and visit there each year.

· For the emergence and recognition of the next generation of leaders.

· For the influence and inspiration of Celtic Daily Prayer, the Community's Office book which is used by thousands of people all over the world.

· For the many people who are in the Community's 'novitiate' process and for all those who have become Companions in the last year. 

· For the giftedness of those who lead and serve as Overseers, Trustees, administrators and coordinators.

Prayers of Intercession:

· The leadership as they serve and help implement the strategic priorities that relate to the Community's life and work.

· For the changes in the house team this autumn, with some leaving to return to Germany and for some new members arriving from Belgium.

· For Trevor in his mentoring, writing and overseeing.

· For Roy as he manages the challenges and opportunities of his roles in overseeing, coordinating BUGB pioneering in the North of England, his teaching at Cranmer Hall, Durham, his writing and his training and mentoring of leaders.

· For the Community team leading Daily Prayers at the Greenbelt Arts Festival in Northamptonshire over the Bank Holiday weekend. 

· For the Community to continue to exercise its apostolic and prophetic role within the church and wider society in a changing Post Christendom western world.

That the Community continues to make the seeking of God it's reason for being and that it will remain a signpost to other seekers within and beyond the walls of the church.

Community Overseers: Revd Roy Searle and Revd Trevor Miller (Baptist Ministers)  


Thursday, 10 August 2017

NBA Prayers for 20th August - Wallsend BC

For Thanks:

The appointment of Ray Richardson as Moderator, who is working with the deacons in the absence of a minister

That we are welcoming two new church members this summer


For Prayer:

Our immediate need is for the future of the church as we seek a new minister. Our deacons are overstretched and one of our longest serving deacons is in ill health and can't leave the house due to a problem with his legs. 

Our Youth Group is in need of new leaders. Our main leader was our minister, who left at Christmas, and two others are stepping down from September; another leader is our poorly deacon. It is questionable whether we can keep it running.

Similarly we would like to get some prayer meetings/bible studies in place, but are struggling to find anyone with the time to lead them.

That, through God's grace, we continue to have the strength and will to serve Him through our little church when the glass can seem half empty sometimes. (and FB)

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

NBA Prayers for 13th August - Upper Eden BC

Praise God for:

All our blessings this year. We've had a great year as a fellowship learning and evangelising together. We have started to go through the bible systematically on Sunday mornings which has challenged and encouraged in equal measures. We have started a second small group which has had some really positive outcomes. Our evangelistic work has been very well attended including: Ladies Nights, Holiday Club and Coffee Drop In.


Please Pray:

That the seed which has been sown has fallen on good soil, that we can continue to water it and God will grow the crop ready for harvest. For the future direction, vision and leadership of the church. That we may seek to follow God's laws, along His path and with His leading as we face changes as a church. For Nathan and Jenny Colclough, who have helped lead our church over the last 5 years and are now moving on into ministry training in Carlisle.

Team Leader: Mary Studd (and FB and Twitter)

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

NBA Prayers for 6th August - Glendale Crossing Places

We are beginning a new phase of our life together in Wooler and surrounding area. Bill Eugster, our community minister, is looking ahead to retiring fully at the end of 2018, with the last 12 months of his ministry being part-time.  This means a time of transition for the NBA's rural missional initiative.


We are looking towards the new work of Roy Searle and others in the formation of a network of rural pioneering missions in the coming year, which will give encouragement and support to each other as we seek to bring the Good News imaginatively to a hard and needy area in North Northumberland.


We are revamping and relaunching our Café Church this autumn, in a different pub in Wooler. The Community Garden Scheme is full and has another waiting list for next year. Schools work, featuring Scripture Union's "Lifepath" last month and another "Prayer Space" in the autumn term mean even better communication and cooperation.  The ecumenical scene is improving in Wooler too.  So you can see there's plenty to make us rejoice about and pray.

More specifically, please pray for:
·                 the growth (numerical, spiritual and social) of our group
·                 the relaunch of Café Church next month
·                 the staff and children of our local schools
·                 closer cooperation between all the Wooler churches
·                 guidance and resources for the future of Crossing Places, especially during this time of transition

Community Minister: Rev Bill Eugster