Monday, 18 December 2017

NBA Prayers for Christmas - 24/25 December

Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. (Luke 2:10-11) 

We give thanks and praise God for the wonder of Christ born amongst us and for all that it means for us.

 Give Thanks for
·         the many opportunities to praise God and give thanks for the birth of Jesus
·         all the ways the story of Jesus is portrayed and told and for the occasion to share this news with those outside of the church
·         the good news of forgiveness, hope, peace and new life
·         the blessings of this past year – recall what God has done in your life and the life of your church

Pray for
·         those who will find this Christmas time difficult in any way
·         that people would receive the good news of Jesus and His transforming power
·         Linda Donaldson as she takes up the role of Northern Baptist College Hub Tutor at Cranmer Hall
·         Elisabeth Jordan, Ian Fulcher and Paul Merton who retire from their current ministries yet remain open to God's calling in new ways.
the Re-Imagine programme which begins in January, that those churches engaged may find it a time of transformation and enriching in life and mission
·         2018 to be a year of peace and blessing for all

Prayers provided by Rev Dr John Claydon (Regional Minister, Team Leader) (and FB and Twitter)

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

NBA Prayers for 17th December - Whitley Bay BC

2018 Refurbishment
It is hoped that the year 2018 will see a major refurbishment of the worship area and a new heating system for the whole ground floor of our premises.  We expect the total spend to be around £270,000 of which £20,000 will be a donation to BMS World Mission to help with church building in another part of the world.  In connection with this we would be grateful for prayer in the following areas:
·         as we move from a plan to detailed specifications under the leadership of our appointed professional Project Manager, pray for continued unity within the Church family and for the work of our Refurbishment Team;
·         most of the finance has already been pledged from within the fellowship but there is still an amount of money to be raised through grant applications and other funding; pray for God's providence to continue in relation to this project;
·         once the work starts in late summer, it is expected that we will need to be out of the premises for up to three months; please pray for our Ways & Means Group as it is busy seeking alternative accommodation for our various activities.

In September the Church membership undertook the completion of a questionnaire concerning church life. We are now at the stage of sifting through the responses and discerning what God is saying to us in relation to our life as a missional community exploring new ways of reaching out, as we seek to 'reboot' our small groups and pastoral care systems and enrich our worship life. Pray for positive outcomes.

Open the Book
Please pray for our contacts with schools through the Bible Society's "Open the Book" scheme, which allows us to present Bible stories in assemblies at four local first schools and which has recently seen 240 children in the Church for a presentation of "Christmas Castaways" by the 4Front Theatre Company.

Take 5 and Chat
"Take 5 & Chat" provides a fortnightly café-style drop-in for parents of children with additional needs.  Although not overtly evangelistic, conversations frequently become spiritually focussed. Pray for wisdom and discernment in this work.

The Light
Pray for "The Light" a group that provides a monthly opportunity for worship to adults with learning disabilities.

Senior Pastor: Rev Paul R Newman (and FB and Twitter)

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

NBA Prayers for 10th December - Thornaby BC

We give thanks to God for His unfailing love and faithfulness to us.We have many people who are unwell and unable to attend Church. Please pray for return to health and blessings on families and helpers who work to help.
We would ask prayer for the church to grow with families and younger people.
We give thanks for the Food Bank and all those who come to it. For all those who contribute food and fulfil the needs of the less fortunate.
We give thanks for all the volunteers who give their time week after week.
Please pray for our finance circumstances. We believe God will supply all our needs and prayers will sustain us until His timing comes to fruition.
We give thanks for those who preach and for the leaders of our services.
May we be encouraged and comforted through God's grace and love.
In Jesus' precious Name,


Wednesday, 29 November 2017

NBA Prayers for 3rd December - Easington Lane IMC (near Houghton-le-Spring)

we had to say goodbye to our Senior Minister, Mr Syd Grey, who was called to glory on 27th July. We greatly miss his presence and his wisdom. Please pray for his wife Mary and his family as they adjust to life without his physical presence. However, we praise and thank God for His faithfulness, and the rich times of blessings we have shared together.


Over the year we have engaged in various out-reach events, which included 2 leaflet drops around the village. Although we didn't have great numbers attending the special events, there was always a few who were not regular attenders of the church. Please join with us to pray that the seed that was planted will one day grow.


It is a time of change for our church. After 36 years as President, Mr Harold Watson, through ill-health has had to stand down.  As part of his service to God, Harold has served this church well during his years of office. Please pray for Harold and his wife Millie, that their health will improve so that they will soon be able to share in fellowship with us again.


Please pray for our new President Jean Merton, that God will give her the wisdom she will need to fulfil the duties of President.


Pray also for our Student Minister, Kay White. Kay has to fit her studies around looking after her family, which includes 3 children under the age of 11 years, working part-time and fulfilling various commitments she already has within the church. Pray that God will give her the skill she needs and the ability to use her time wisely. As a church may we give her the support she needs, and uphold her in prayer at all times.


Please pray that we will all work together as a team, and look to God for guidance and direction, and for the courage to follow and be obedient to Him, so that as a church we will be used to share the Gospel message in our locality, in the hope that lives will be changed and God's Kingdom extended.

President: Jean Merton

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

NBA Prayers for 26th November - Westoe Road BC (South Shields)

  • We ask that the NBA support us in our prayers for Westoe Road Baptist Church.
  • We thank God for our Pastor Julie and pray that God will bless her in her ministry
  • We thank God for our Church family and especially remember those that can no longer attend. We pray for God's blessing for them and the Pastoral Team who faithfully visit each week
  • We thank God for the many children who attend each week, Whizz Kids, Brownies, Boys Brigade, Anchor Boys, Kingdom Comp and Kingdom Kids. We pray for their leaders and families and ask God to bless them especially this Christmas.
  • We thank God for the opportunity to look forward to celebrating our 200th Anniversary in 2018. We ask for God's blessing for the Planning Team and all those who will take part in the celebrations.
Pastor: Rev Julie Price
FB page

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

NBA Prayers for 19th November - Gt Asby BC

We are thankful for God giving us:

the opportunity to be a part of His witness in our village;

the premises in which we have worshipped since 1862.

We ask for support with our prayers, that He guides us in doing His work and shows us the direction that we should

Minister: Mr Donald Marston

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

NBA Prayers for 12th November - Blackhill BC

Thanks for:

Answered prayer concerning very difficult personal matters of members of our Messy Church congregation.

The young people and children who come along to our mid-week youth activities.

Successful completion of the work to our building and the Lord's provision of the finance.


Pray for:

The young people who come along to our weekly activities on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, that they will grow in faith in the Lord Jesus.

Those in the Thursday evening group who are proving difficult and disruptive, for patience and wisdom in dealing with them.

Those who work with the youngsters.

Our Messy Church, both families who come along and those who help.

The Church Leadership Team, as they consider whether to be involved with Re|Engage.

The membership who are elderly, some housebound, those suffering bereavement.

(Our list could go on!!!!!)

Minister: Rev Gary Collier (and FB)

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

NBA Prayers for 5th November - East Cleveland BC (Redcar)

Please pray for:


  • Our new youth worker in her work gathering team and reaching out to children and young people in our area
  • Our church family as we seek God's guidance in our decision about where we will meet as a church

Thank God for:

  • The growing sense of unity, calling and excitement that seems to be emerging in our fellowship
  • A new house group that is bringing in people with a hunger to meet God, and who are encountering Him in a new way
Ministers: Mark Hubbard & Jon Edwards (and FB)

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

NBA Prayers for 29th October - Headland BC (Hartlepool)

We are thankful for:

·         The wise guidance of our moderator, John Singleton, and the faithful ministry of those within the fellowship and beyond.
·         The growth in our children's Teatime Club, and the great teamwork of everyone involved.
·         The five young people who went to Kairos Camp in the summer and the resulting growth in relationships.

We are praying for:

·         Our growth as a "healthy church".
·         Continued inspiration for our youth and children's workers.
·         A treasurer!  We are so grateful for Martin James' support with keeping our finances in order, but are aware that we need someone from our own church to take on this important role.

Moderator: Rev John Singleton (and FB)

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

NBA Prayers for 22nd October - Beacon Lough BC (near Durham)


We have an amazing God who continues to surprise us with His gracious answers to prayer. We have been blessed with about 12 people, with wonderful  gifts in preaching, worship leading and children's work, joining our congregation.

 Praise God for the connections that are being forged in the community with the local primary schools, the development with Mother and Toddler groups, Bowls club and a predominately ladies Monday afternoon 'An Open Door' group.

Praise God for our 'Minister in Training', David Etherington and his wife Catherine who has just embarked on a new career, working with the Christian Charity, The Naked Truth Project.


Pray that God will give us wisdom as we integrate our new partners in Christ  to the fellowship and ignite the whole church into creative ways to make Jesus known in our community.

Pray for the planned activities leading up to Christmas particularly the 'Light Party' for children as an alternative to Halloween and the planned 'Christmas Journey' work with schools.

Pray for the people that are coming into contact with the church,  to experience the wonderful love of Jesus for themselves.

Pray for discernment as to how we minister to the broken in our community.

Minister in Training: David Etherington   /   on FB

Monday, 9 October 2017

NBA Prayers for 15th October - Stockton Baptist Church (formerly Stockton Baptist Tabernacle)

Thank you for praying last year concerning the safety of 'our' converted, ex-Muslim asylum-seekers. There are many other issues but we thank the Lord that there have been none concerning personal safety. Please keep praying!

We have been minus an assistant minister for 15 months and our Church Secretary has just announced that he will step down at the end of the year - after a tenure in which he has helped us through some big and much-needed changes. Give thanks for what has been achieved and pray for fresh growth under God's guidance.

We are about to apply for planning permission for some changes to our building, and there's a big element of faith in the financial side of that - please pray that we're doing the right thing! 

Senior Minister: Rev Andrew Waugh (and FB & Twitter)

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

NBA Prayers for 8th October - Marsden Road BT

Give thanks with us for:
·         our so important Home Mission grant 
·         the Faithfulness of our fellowship 
·         the speakers who come each week


Please pray with us:
·         for the members of our fellowship who are fighting cancer
·         for a new minister, that one may join us soon
·         for our youth

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

NBA Prayers for Berwick Hills BC (Middlesbrough)

On Wednesday 4 October we look forward to a visit from our BMS link missionaries Wit and Helen Boondeekhun, who are currently home from northern Thailand where they work in a church planting ministry.  We are happy to open this meeting to any friends who wish to come along at 7.30 pm with refreshments from 7 pm.  For more information you can get Alan Reed on 01642 314450 or 07961839191. Please pray that the Link visit bears fruit for the Kingdom.


We are thankful for:

the good numbers attending the parent and toddler group on Friday mornings and for the way parents come along to other activities such as the recent church barbecue;

our close ties with local primary schools and the regular opportunities to take assemblies;

the faithful members of the fellowship and their strong relationships and mutual support.


We value prayer:

as we as we work through a period with many members of the fellowship going through difficult times due to health, family and work related issues;

because, like many others, we face challenges in the future with regard to church leadership and finance;

for God's continued provision as we reach out to one of the most deprived areas in one of the most deprived towns.

Minister: Rev Alan Reed

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

NBA Prayers for Hamsterley Baptist Church

Hamsterley BC needs a higher profile on the Baptists notice boards in other parts of the country! Recently we have not had the visitors we used to get during the summer months or any requests for use of the building for away days, prayer days, etc. We are in a beautiful part of God's creation with Hamsterley Forest Visitor Centre a 6 minute drive away. Please pray for tourist and other visitor support; we need it.


We are without a pastor at present and meet once a month on the Second Sunday for a prayer and share time, with full services only on the Fifth Sunday. This situation would improve if we saw an increase in attendance, so please pray for more to join us on a regular basis as well!

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

NBA Prayers for 17th September - West View BC (Hartlepool)

The church started a new initiative about six months ago called The Filling Station. This has been our main focus in recent months, particularly while our minister, Tim, has been on sabbatical. Every Friday we serve free meals to people from our local community. Give thanks for what has been achieved and pray that The Filling Station will move forward.  

This has really grown and we are now serving up to 60 people each week. It has provided opportunities to build relationships and has attracted people of all ages and backgrounds. Praise God for the many volunteers helping to run this and for the way we have been able start such a venture.

As relationships grow there are opportunities to pray with people and to talk to people about faith. Pray God will show us how to develop this further and show us ways we can help introduce people to Jesus.

Minister: Rev Tim Hyde

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

NBA Prayers for 10th September - Boldon IMC

Thanking the Lord for:

1.    A successful completion of the project to refurbish the adjoining stables building which now provides a beautiful well-lit area for small group community activities (Pictures on FaceBook: "The Old Co-op Stables")

2.    The absolutely fantastic community response and support on the occasion of a break-in to the building earlier in the year - the very first since it was opened in 1885.

3.     Especially the way in which we have been drawn closer together as a team during the challenges of the past year.

Prayer for:

1.      The Sit 'n' 'b' Fit sessions started in June that they will attract interest from the wider community and that the new accommodation will be well-used for new ventures.

2.     The young people's after school activities on Mondays that they will develop and expand and especially for the brilliant monthly contributions from Wearside Youth for Christ.

3.      Some of the fellowship and leaders that on-going health problems will be resolved and that the Lord will guide and lead in bringing new and committed workers to stimulate and encourage our worship and outreach activities.

Prayer Leaders: Len Ogilvie and George Park

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

NBA Prayers for 3rd September

As we start a new season, this is a time of new beginnings, ministries and activities relaunching and new programmes starting in many of our churches.

Give thanks for all that is new:

· For a number of our ministers returning after sabbatical and for new ministers in training starting their courses this month, especially Heather Farrow from Heaton Baptist Church

· For signs of new life and growth in many of our churches.

· For those who have come to faith or been renewed in through the mission of our churches over the summer and through camps and events such as Kairos.

Pray for God to do new things amongst us:

· For new initiatives, including the NBA 'Reimagine' process, designed to help churches transition to become more effective in their mission and more mission-focussed.  This launches in the new year, but there is a taster evening planned for September 18th.

· For churches going through times of transition, seeking new ministers or leaders, or readjusting after leaders have left.  Please remember Enon Baptist Church and especially the family of Gerry Brown, following his death last month.  He will be much missed in the life of our Association.

· For a renewing of vision, a deepening of faith, a growth in commitment and passion for following and serving Christ for all our Baptist Churches in the North East.

On a final personal note, pray for those of us from NBA churches who are raising money for good causes through taking part in the Great North Run on Sunday 10th September.  If you would like to support the life-changing work of Christian Aid, working amongst many of the world's poorest and most deprived communities, you can sponsor your Mission Enabler by following the link from the NBA Facebook page.

provided by Rev Paul Revill (Regional Minister, Mission Enabler) (and FB & Twitter)