Tuesday, 20 December 2016

NBA Prayers for 25th December - Celebrating the Incarnation

Today we celebrate the greatest gift of all – God giving us himself through the birth of his son Jesus.  May our churches be filled with joy and hope this day, even in the midst of the uncertainties and threats facing our wider world.


Give thanks
·         For the awe-inspiring truth of the incarnation, of God becoming human, of his loving commitment to this world and to our salvation through Jesus.
·         That our wider culture still gives time to remember and recognise Jesus and our Christian heritage at this time of year, compared to any other season.


·         That as churches we will take inspiration from the incarnation in our mission, and find ways of getting out into and amongst our communities to share the life of God with people in deed and word.
·         For an opportunity this week to share the Good News of Christmas with someone, in word or in deed.
·         For those in your community for whom Christmas is a difficult time, through bereavement and loss; poverty; ill health or living through difficult circumstances.  Pray for opportunities for our churches to share something of the light and life of Christ through caring for those in need during this season.

Supplied by Rev Paul Revill

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

NBA Prayers for 18th December (Advent 4), from Rev Dr John Claydon

Luke 1 v 38 'I am the Lord's servant,' … 'May your word to me be fulfilled.'

Luke 2 v19 'But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.'


Give thanks for
·         the wonder and joy of Jesus (Emmanuel) come amongst us … 'the Word made flesh'
·         the example of those in Scripture and elsewhere who have received God's word and become examples to us
·         the many opportunities to celebrate with God's people, our families and the wider community the wonder of God's love
·         the many blessings and faithfulness of God over the past year


Pray that
·         those for whom Christmas is a difficult time may yet know something of the love, joy and peace of Christ

·         in all our services, events, activities and celebrations we may honour Jesus and point people to him with warmth and clarity
·         we may ponder the deeper reality of what God did 2,000 years ago and the work of His Spirit amongst us now
·         seek the blessing and guidance of God for 2017 in the world, our nation, the church and our own lives.


Emmanuel – God is with us!

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

NBA Prayers for 11th December (provided by Rev Paul Revill)

Mission Opportunities


In the Advent themes we consider John the Baptist this week, preparing the way for people to receive Jesus as Messiah. May our churches be communities that enable others to receive Jesus as Messiah through their life and witness.


Give thanks 

·        For the ministry of evangelists and preachers in our churches who help prepare people to understand who Jesus is and to receive them as their Lord and Saviour.

·        For this time of year where we have some of the greatest opportunities to share the Christian Gospel with those beyond our churches.



·        For our NBA churches' Advent and Christmas services to be mission-focussed, visitor-friendly, and for god to draw many folk to worship with us.

·        For clear proclamation of the Gospel and for visitors to experience the presence of God in worship and prayer in our worship services over the next two weeks.

·        For every church member to make the most of the opportunities we have to explain the 'reason for the season' and the hope in Christ that we have as a result of the incarnation.

·        That the true meaning of Christmas will penetrate more deeply through our society and culture.  Pray for Christians working in schools, universities, the arts and media, politics and other spheres where there are opportunities to communicate the Christmas message.

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

NBA Prayers for 4th December (Advent 2)


from Revd. Roy Searle, one of the leaders of Northumbria Community, Baptist Hub Tutor at Cranmer Hall, Durham and one of the newly appointed Baptist Union National Coordinators for Pioneering and Fresh Expressions.   


·            Each Sunday in Advent focuses on one of the following themes: Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. These words remind us of the gifts Jesus brings to the world. As we ponder and give thanks to God for these gifts let our hearts and minds in prayer imagine what these things might mean for those whom we know and love:

our families and friends….. 

our neighbours….. 

those we work with and others who we spend time with socially…. 

the fellowship we belong to….

the North East…

a divided Britain…. 

an increasingly fragmented Europe….. 

a torn and turbulent world


Name people and places from each of these areas and spend a few minutes holding them in prayer before God.


·            As we remember God's Good News being announced to the shepherds, those who were outside of any religious circles, we pray that the Good News of the Gospel will reach the lives of the vast majority of people outside of any church circle, this Christmas and throughout the coming year. Giving thanks for the newly established training of people for Baptist ministry at Cranmer Hall, St John's College, Durham, we pray particularly for our Baptist students: Dave Etherington at Ushaw Moor, Adam Gray at Whitley Bay, John Cooper at Morpeth and Chris and Caroline Friend at Alnwick. Pray that God will raise up more men and women who will be pioneers and missional leaders here in the North East. The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few.


·            As the compassion of God is revealed in Jesus, let us pray that in all that we are and all that we do as individuals, churches, and as an Association and Union, we will reflect God's compassion and bring some transforming hope, peace, joy and love to the world.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Corrected NBA Prayers for Sunday 27th November - Marsden Road BC (South Shields)

As an ageing congregation that has been without a minister for a year, please:

Give thanks for all those who help us, by giving their time and preaching gifts, to continue to worship weekly

Give thanks that, whenever practical difficulties arise, whether financial or concerning the church building, God provides

Pray that we may be encouraged to continue to be the face of Christ in an area where so many simply don't seem to want to know

Pray especially at this time for Doreen, following the recent death of her husband Malcolm


Wednesday, 23 November 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 27th November - Westoe Road BC (South Shields)

Please join us in thanking God for our Pastor, Julie Price. Julie has just completed her training and, following a successful interview, the NBA Ministry team are recommending Julie for Baptist Union recognition.


As we prepare for Christmas, pray that we are a beacon of light in our community.


Looking towards next year, we pray for God's guidance as we plan for 2017.

Pastor: Julie Price
www.wrbchurch.co.uk (and FB)

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

NBA Prayers for 20th November - Boldon IMC

Thanks for:
·         Four new members joining the fellowship during the past year
·         Finance becoming available to complete our "Stables Project", which will increase the opportunities for greater community involvement
·         Continuing positive relationships with local primary schools through the 'Bible Comes Alive' project and a number of other initiatives


Prayer for:
·         Guidance in reshaping our midweek evening meeting to give greater focus for outreach
·         Younger members who are experiencing health problems and difficult employment situations
·         Additional personnel to widen and enrich our work with young people

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 13th November - Kingston Park LEP (Newcastle)


For thanksgiving:
·         our excellent and flexible modern building, whose 25th anniversary we celebrate in November
·         good contacts with people and groups in the local community, many of whom enter/use our building for non-church activities
·         the spiritual gifts of many in the congregation, put to good use in the service of the Lord and his church


For intercession:
·         the work of Hannah Middleton, our church's part-time Children's Worker, as she seeks to build up the work with children and young families
·         our outreach to youth and younger families locally, most of whom have no time for or thought of Christian matters
·         our growth to maturity in Christ
·         the appointment of a new churchwarden in April

Minister: Rev Roger Wells
www.stjohnskingstonpark.org.uk (and FB)

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 6th November - The Filipino International Church UK

Give thanks for
The support we receive from the NBA, which makes a real difference to us.
The concern and patience of our friends at Whitley Bay Baptist Church, whose building we use. We disrupt and they simply smile. Bless you all.


Pray for
 Our women's ministry and for the global ministry of the International Women's Association, whose prayer focus next March will be the Philippines.
Our Minister, Virgilio, who was ordained earlier this year; our new Treasurer and the Finance Team; our Leaders, who are all volunteers.
Us, as we learn to be a church – and we still have a lot of learning to do!

Minister: Rev Virgilio Pansacala
Website: thefilipinointernationalchurch.org.uk (and FB)

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for the week from Sunday 30 October - Stocksfield BC



1. Thankfulness that God has brought to us a range of ages, with thriving youth work and children's work.


2. Thankfulness that God has been faithful in providing for us as a church, in terms of leaders (including a new minister and new youth worker), in terms of financial provision (enabling a refurbishment programme) and in terms of live connections with the community (through different ministries). 


3. Thankfulness for His amazing provision which enabled the church to carry out extensive work on the building, new toilets and a refurbished Hall in 2014.  We seek guidance on the next steps for further improvements and for the necessary funding!  Malachi 3 v 10.


4. Thankfulness for good relations with surrounding churches and growing partnerships (e.g. CAP, Job Club).




1. Pray that we will experience more of the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in and through our lives individually and as a church as we gather to worship. Pray for those in our fellowship who have been on a short course discerning what spiritual gifts God is seeking to develop in them and how they might be worked out in their lives. Prayer too for those who were unable to be part of the course that God will reveal the gifts he wants to develop in them. 


2. Pray that we will become more rounded disciples, knowing who we are in Christ, what we are each called to, with growing sensitivity to what God is saying and doing in our lives. Pray for those who are taking part in IGNITE, a longer discipleship course helping Christians to understand their identity in Christ and God's specific calling on their life as disciples.


3. Pray that we will grow in confidence missionally, making more connections with the communities we live, work and play in. Pray that we be more effective in sharing the love of Jesus in word and deed.


4. Pray for our children's work and youth work, that it will continue to thrive and grow.

Minister: Rev Pete Jorysz
Website: www.stocksfieldbaptistchurch.net  (and on FB)

Sunday, 2 October 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 23rd October - South Hylton IMC (Sunderland)

Praise for:

  • The 150+ children from two different schools who attended the "Bible Comes Alive" presentation in the church last week.
  • Some new attenders at our Sunday services.
  • The faithful preaching of the Word, both in our Sunday worship and weekday meetings.

Prayer for:

  • The Children's Holiday Bible Club this week, as it follows on from last week's event. Pray that many children might be encouraged to attend.
  • All attending worship, that they might go deeper with the Lord.
  • Help with the work among children and young people.Some older church members with serious health problems.
Minster: Mrs A.I. Chisholm
Website: southhytonimchurch.org.uk

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 16th October - Morpeth BC

Please give thanks for:
Our New Pastor-in-Training John Cooper who started on September 24th;
Improved relationship with school where we meet through the new caretaker, Annette;
Foundation built through our Ministry group over the past 2 years, and our move back to having elders and deacons

Please pray:
For closer relationship with Abbeyfields school where we meet;
For opportunities to reach out in the local area of Kirkhill in Morpeth;
For us to have more families join the church and to be able to better serve our children and young people.

Website: morpethbaptist.org (and on Facebook)

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 9th October - Beacon Lough BC (Gateshead)

Give thanks for

The new Girls Brigade Group which is now meeting every Friday evening and is already full.

Good relationships with other churches in Gateshead

The hard work of all our leaders and helpers who keep everything going week by week.


Pray for

Every person who comes into the church every week that they would want to discover more about Jesus.

Our new Memory Lane Café which is starting this month.

Clarity on how we might engage with the community around the church.

Plans for more joint services with local churches.

Pastor: Rev Bob Adams

Website: blbc.org.uk (and on Facebook and YouTube)

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

NBA Relay Prayers for week from 2nd October - Hamsterley BC

Our prayer needs centre around our declining numbers, with only 2 members included in 4 regular attenders, of whom two are around 80 – and there are health issues. It is difficult to see how we can carry on much longer.


Use of the building as a House of Prayer has not been as much as we had hoped, but it would encourage us if more use was made by visiting churches for Away Days and the like.


Our Pastor, Rev Trevor Rowe, is very active in the local school, but most pupil families live well away from the village. We work with the local Anglican and Methodist churches, who are also experiencing low numbers; we have recently started a joint monthly evening Bible Study. A joint Sunday afternoon "messy" church has also been tried, and will be repeated.


We pray that the Lord will guide us as to the future. Please pray with us.

Pastor: Rev Trevor Rowe.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

NBA Relay Prayers for week from 25th September - Headland BC (Hartlepool)

We give thanks to God for
* the small number of new people who have recently joined us
* the loving support we are receiving from the Association in the continued absence of a minister
* Teesside YFC and Bethany McNeeley in particular, who has given three years to the youth of our church.....and for Shay Zenk, recently arrived from USA, to continue their support and grow the work

We pray 
* that our new friends will feel welcome and will want to "dig deeper"
* for a new initiative in praying for those who live close to the church building...that they will respond positively and want to engage with us
* for courage and understanding as some of us step out into detached youth work, alongside people from other Headland churches, and that the church based children's and youth work will flourish in spirit and number

Website: headlandbaptistchurch.co.uk (and on FB)

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 18th September - Darlington Baptist Tabernacle

Please give thanks for:

  • The development of a monthly Lunch Club (in conjunction with Age UK)
  • Positive moves towards a merger with Grange Road Baptist Church
  • All those who have graciously assisted us in taking services in recent months

Please pray for:
  • Wisdom in dealing with the practical and legal outworking of the merger process
  • A real sense of unity of purpose as we look to amalgamate
  • Continued links with the community which will grow God's kingdom
Website: www.darlingtonbaptist.com

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for Sunday 11 September - Preston Grange Community Church (North Shields)

Please give thanks for:
·         one baptism and two new church members in the last few months
·         increasing numbers attending our weekly lunch club and for the relationships being built
·         for the love and care we experience within our fellowship

Please pray for:
·         opportunities to reach out to young adults in our area with the good news of Jesus
·         members of our fellowship coping with bereavement and illness within their families
·         our harvest supper at the end of September and the chance to extend hospitality to others in the community

Website: www.preston-grangecc.org.uk (and on Facebook)

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

NBA Relay Prayers for 4th September - Norton BC (Stockton-on-Tees)

Praise for:

  • the opportunity to purchase land from the Council on which to build a church;
  • an ever growing toddler/baby ministry and an active 'Young at Heart' group for senior folk;
  • all those who faithfully serve in the church to enable all our ministries to thrive.


Please pray for:

  • the Council to finalise the land sale particulars and for us to raise the necessary finance for the project;
  • growth in the 20-40's age group range particularly;
  • the many people we are in relationship with through our midweek ministries to come to faith.


Please also pray that we may know the clear guidance of the Lord as we embark on this major building project, whilst continuing and developing our ministries in the community.

Minister: Rev Ian S Fulcher

Website: www.nortonbaptistchurch.org.uk

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

NBA Relay Prayers for week from 28th August - Glendale Crossing Places (Wooler)

"The Greatest Show on Earth", the Rio Olympics, has, as always, given us some fantastic insights into what human beings are capable of. And they symbolise some of the tasks facing Crossing Places, a small but significant rural missional initiative in beautiful Glendale.  This is an area which is struggling economically, socially and spiritually, but has a strong sense of community in which relationships matter greatly.


So, please pray for us as we seek to fulfil our three aims of sowing the gospel (humanity), forming community (discipleship) and serving the Kingdom of God (in the local community).

Community Minister: Rev Bill Eugster
Website: www.glendalecrossingplaces.org

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

NBA Relay Prayers for week from 21st August - Winton United LEP (Cumbria)

Give thanks for:

The recent marriage of one of the oldest members of our fellowship.

The speedy recovery of our Baptist lay minister, Donald, following his recent hip replacement.

The growing willingness of more members of the fellowship to take a more active role within the church.


Pray for:

Our superintendent Methodist minister, Phil, as he steps down from the role this month.

The plans to renovate and remodel our chapel building, with a view to using it more for outreach and to benefit the local community.

Several members of our fellowship who are currently dealing with illness and dementia in family members.

Superintendent Minister: Rev Phil Dew (Methodist)

Baptist Lay Minister: Mr Donald Marston

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

NBA Prayers for 14th August - Baptist Union of Lithuania

The Baptist Union of Lithuania congregations prayer requests:


Ylakiai congregation

So many need prayer, but among our concerns:

1. "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few". We ask the Lord to call more workers.

2. We thank God for a few awake souls, who are preparing for baptism. For this matter we ask God's leading.

3. We pray for a small group who are approaching and questioning, only visitors at the moment, but who seem to have stopped halfway.

4. We have considerable financial-household concern. It is necessary to repair the church's building's roof, which has served us since 1931. We should do the repairs next year. Certainly, it will not be easy with finances for a small congregation, but we pray God to help find a solution.

5. On 7th August we celebrated 111 years of ministry. Give thanks to God for that witness.

6. For pastor Albertas Latužis (he has cancer) and his surgery later this month.


Visaginas congregation

1. Little boy Slavik, son of our brother from the church, has has got ill with diabetes. He is only 1 year old. Illness proved to be inborn, but it was exposed only now. His parents Večeslav and Liudmila are together with the boy stayed in hospital in Kaunas. They will be trained to do insulin injections and care for the child. We ask for prayer for Slavik's health, and that God would give strength, patience and comfort for the parents.

2. For our pastor Vladimir Stasenko; he has leukemia.


Vilnius congregation

1. For the school in our congregation's building and its leaders and teachers. The school needs more pupils. Pray for increased number and for the wisdom to teach in a Christian way.

2. For the children's day centre settled in our building.

3. For pastor Irmantas Pinkoraitis (he has cancer – Non-Hodgkin lymphona, stage 4); also peace for him and his family.


The Baptist Union of Lithuania

For unity of the Union and for it's growth.



And thank God that there are believers who appreciate the ministry of prayer.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

NBA Prayers for 7th August - Tryon Evergreen Baptist Association (Texas)

Give thanks for the mission partnership which we have enjoyed with TEBA in Texas over the past few years, especially for the mission teams who have visited NBA churches and boosted our own mission and ministry.

Please pray:

1   For the future of this relationship, as things have gone somewhat quiet over the past couple of years. For wisdom on both our parts as to whether it is worth pursuing this relationship

2   For Roger Yancey, Executive Director of TEBA, as he brings vision and resources to the Association.

3   For the USA at this time of political change with a forthcoming Presidential election.

Website: www.teba.org

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

NBA Relay Prayers for the Week from 31st July - South Bank BC (Middlesbrough)

Give thanks for:

A number of recent conversions and baptisms

More and more people becoming involved in the life of the church

A number of new links with people in our community - particularly through a busy food bank


Please pray for:

Our Lunch Box scheme - 50 local schoolchildren coming 3 times a week throughout August for an hour of activities and games and receiving a packed lunch

Wisdom - big decisions need to be made with regards to our building, our children's and youth work, and our leadership structure

Minister: Rev Jon Edwards
Website: www.southbankbaptist.org (and on Facebook)

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

NBA Prayers for 24th July - Easington Lane IMC

Pray for:


A number of our members who are suffering from ill health and are unable to attend.


Our outreach to the local community and for the groups which a number of our fellowship attend and hold positions of office in those organisations.


We have held a meeting, with a free meal and an after-dinner address, for our members and a non-church friend invited by each member. Pray that we may see some of these people seeking further interest in attending services and otherwise involving themselves with us.


Pray for Future events reaching out to the community


Our August Holiday Club, with an Olympics theme, for local kids


Following a recent Quiz Night, in September we are planning a number of events (including a Vintage Afternoon Tea) to encourage local people to join us on an ongoing basis

Ministers: Syd Grey, Mary Grey. Jan Merton
Website: https://easingtonlaneimchurch.com

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 17th July - West View BC, Hartlepool

Give Thanks:

For provision for the refurbishment work which has enabled our church building to be fit for purpose, and the ability to continue phase 2, which is well on the way to completion

For the loving fellowship at West View and all those connected with our church

For the privilege of over 60 years of mission on the West View Estate



That we may strengthen and build up our links in the local community

For 'Holiday at Home', 1st to 5th August

For 60th Anniversary - Our Story - reaching out to the community 6th to 11th September

For growth in youth and children's work

For the elderly and infirm of our fellowship

Minister: Rev Tim Hyde
Website: www.wvbc.org.uk

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for 10th July - Thornaby BC

We can give thanks:

  • We give thanks for new faces coming to Church.
  • Food Bank - shows God at work - the provision of food, the volunteers - we give thanks for all these things.

We ask for prayer:

  • Pray for God to change lives at the Food Bank.
  • We need a person who can relate to youngsters and bring them together.
  • We need a way forward and give thanks for present opportunities and a way to develop them.
  • We want to grow - spiritually, as well as numerically - and for this purpose we have been given opportunity to work with a retired minister who will be the Mission Pastor from September.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

NBA Relay Prayers for week from 3rd July - Blackhill BC (Consett)

Give thanks for:


  • Our children who come midweek to Trailblazers
  • Our Teenagers who come to the youth Café
  • The families who come along to Messy Church

Pray for:


  • Our Prayer Walk on Monday 4th July, starting from church at 7pm and lasting about 1.5.hours.
  • Holiday At Home for those older folk who are unable to get away. It will run on three Wednesdays: 27th July, 10th August and 24th August.
  • The problem we are facing with our buildings…..dry rot! That we will be able to rectify the problem quickly.
Pastor: Rev Gary Collier
Website: www.blackhillbaptist.org.uk

NBA Relay Prayers for the week from 26th June - Wallsend BC

Please pray for:


Church members, however they voted, as they come to terms with the EU vote decision

The forthcoming wedding of Julie and Michael in July

Repairs being done to the church in preparation for the wedding

Youth Matters summer outing and children's safety over the hols

Increased numbers in our Junior Church

Minister: Rev Sarah Harmsworth
Website: www.wallsendbaptistchurch.webeden.co.uk

NBA Prayer Relay for Week from 19th June - Stockton Baptist Tabernacle

Prayer requests:

Give thanks for the continued momentum the gospel seems to have among those seeking asylum in the UK and based in Stockton. Please pray for protection, especially on those who make a public testimony about leaving Islam and becoming Christians - we haven't had any trouble yet, but some (not all) Muslims will think our new friends should be killed.

Please pray also that we would find new ways of reaching Stockton's long-term residents with the good news of Jesus; as a town centre church we struggle to find a community we can engage with.

Give thanks for the nine years our assistant minister David Taylor-Black has served here... this summer he and his wife Sharon and their 4 children are moving to Gloucestershire where he will become the Senior Minister of Gorsley Baptist Church. Pray for a good move, for a great start to their ministry there, and for the Tabernacle as we work out what do next as a result.

Senior Pastor: Rev Andrew Waugh
Website: www.thetab.co.uk

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 12th June - Berwick BC

Please join us, in your prayers, in this week of prayer for our local church:

On Tuesday night, at our prayer meeting, we will be praying for different areas of our community where people within our church live (e.g. Tweedmouth, Spittal, Berwick town centre), that the Lord will pour out His Spirit and bring a deep conviction of sin upon our community, and that people will turn to the Lord and receive salvation.


During the week we shall be opening up our church building on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 10am and 12noon for folks to gather to call in and pray for our schools, local councillors, Mayor and other officials.  Also, we will be praying for the growing unity between the churches within Berwick area and the establishment of church outreach through the whole Body of Christ within Berwick.


Our main burden of prayer over this week will be for revival within our town and region, that hearts, lives and communities will be touched by the fire of God and transformed.

Pastor: Rev John Hodgkikns
Website: www.berwickbaptistchurch.com

Thursday, 2 June 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 5th June - Westoe Road BC (South Shields)

Please pray for and daily through our plans for the week from 5th June:

Sunday: Our Church Fellowship Lunch and the launch of our Church Bible Study on Philippians

Monday: Deacons Meeting, including a time for focused prayer on the life of the Church

Tuesday: The first of the Church Bible Study on Philippians, a meal together followed by Bible Study

Thursday: Messy Church

Friday: An introduction to 'Belong, Believe and Baptism' for those new to the Christian faith.


Please pray for the Deacons and those that are involved in organising these events and Pray for those that come along so that they may grow and come to know Christ more as their own personal Saviour.

Pastor in Training: Julie Price
Website: www.wrbchurch.co.uk

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 29th May - Hebburn IM Church (Tyne & Wear)

Give thanks for:

  • the many blessings of support, encouragement help and financial provision
  • an active fellowship that seeks to engage with local people where they are
  • the good engagement with drug and alcohol group using the church
Pray for:
  • the daily coffee morning which engages the community
  • guidance and compassion as we engage with the drug and alcohol group
  • people to take on responsibilities

Minister: Wilf Kelly

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

NBA Prayer Relay for week from 22nd May - Lakeside BC (Sunderland)

Please pray for

(1) - The Church Family as we recover from two recent bereavements

(2) - The presentation of the Gospel in the pastoral setting of the two recent funerals

(3) - Rev Graham Prest's involvement this weekend – and give thanks for the Church Family Meal yesterday (21 May)

(4) - Our Pastor Ian's weekly visits to the local primary school

(5) - Change of venue (from one Tower to another Tower) for monthly coffee morning in high rise Towers

(6) - The Springboard Consultation recommendations as we seek to discern the Lord's direction for us in the coming months

(7) - Day of Prayer (with healing component) on Tuesday 24 May

(8) - Church Anniversary (2nd & 3rd July) with Rev Paul Newman's involvement and possible Ceilidh on Saturday evening (to be confirmed)


Please give thanks for

(1) – For the love in the Church Family and our Pastor Ian's ministry among us

(2) - The growing numbers at the weekly Tuesday evening Bible Study, fortnightly Wednesday Craft Club and monthly Church Coffee morning

(3) - The very encouraging Easter Baptismal Service

Pastor: Rev Ian Wren
Website: www.lakesidebaptistchurch.co.uk